

Retrieves transaction information for the user for which the call is made (and not for any other user), where a transaction is the information about the sale of one or more items by one buyer from a single listing. (To retrieve transactions for another seller's listing, use GetItemTransactions.)



eBay::API::XML::Call::GetSellerTransactions::GetSellerTransactionsRequestType inherits from the eBay::API::XML::RequestDataType class



Whether to retrieve the order information. Default is false. Will not return the ContainingOrder information for an Express transaction that was part of an Express order.

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'xs:boolean'


# Returns: 'xs:boolean'


Indicates whether to include final value fees in the response. For most listing types, the fee is returned in Transaction.FinalValueFee. For Dutch auctions that end with bids (not Buy It Now purchases), the fee is returned in Item.SellingStatus.FinalValueFee. The Final Value Fee for FixedPriceItem, StoresFixedPrice, and Buy It Now Dutch listing types is returned on a transaction by transaction basis. For all other listing types, including Chinese and Dutch (no Buy It Now purchases), the Final Value Fee is returned when the listing status is Completed.

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'xs:boolean'


# Returns: 'xs:boolean'


Also see NumberOfDays which, if used, takes precedence over ModTimeFrom and ModTimeTo. If you prefer to use ModTimeFrom and ModTimeTo, you specify the time range within which retrieved transactions' statuses were modified. ModTimeFrom is the earlier (older) date and ModTimeTo is the later (more recent) date. If you specify this value, and do not specify the other end of the range, then the time range is 30 days. The time range between ModTimeFrom to ModTimeTo cannot be greater than 30 days.

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'xs:dateTime'


# Returns: 'xs:dateTime'


Also see NumberOfDays which, if used, takes precedence over ModTimeFrom and ModTimeTo. If you prefer to use ModTimeFrom and ModTimeTo, you specify the time range within which retrieved transactions' statuses were modified. ModTimeFrom is the earlier (older) date and ModTimeTo is the later (more recent) date. If you specify this value, and do not specify the other end of the range, then the time range is 30 days. The time range between ModTimeFrom to ModTimeTo cannot be greater than 30 days.

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'xs:dateTime'


# Returns: 'xs:dateTime'


NumberOfDays enables you to specify the number of days' worth of new and modified transactions that you want to retrieve. The call response contains the transactions whose status was modified within the specified number of days since the API call was made. NumberOfDays is often preferable to using the ModTimeFrom and ModTimeTo filters because you only need to specify one value. If you use NumberOfDays, then ModTimeFrom and ModTimeTo are ignored. For this field, one day is defined as 24 hours.

Max: 30

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'xs:int'


# Returns: 'xs:int'


Child elements control pagination of the output. Use its EntriesPerPage property to control the number of transactions to return per call and its PageNumber property to specify the page of data to return.

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'ns:PaginationType'


# Returns: 'ns:PaginationType'


Name of the eBay co-branded site upon which the transaction was made. This will serve as a filter for the transactions to get emitted in the response.

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'ns:TransactionPlatformCodeType'


# Returns: 'ns:TransactionPlatformCodeType'


Specifies a set of seller SKUs to use as a filter. Only items with the specified SKUs are returned. Do not specify this tag if you do not want to filter by SKU. Corresponds to the SKU property that is part of ItemType and that can be provided when, for example, you use the AddItem call.

RequiredInput: No
#    Argument: 'ns:SKUArrayType'


# Returns: 'ns:SKUArrayType'