ItemTypeFilterCodeType - Type declaration to be used by other schema. This code identifies the ItemTypeFilters (e.g., for GetSearchResults requests) used to filter items returned by the type of listing.
(in) Only retrieve listings eligible for competitive bidding at auction. That is, only retrieve listings for which ListingType is Chinese, Dutch, or Live (regardless of the BuyItNowEnabled value). If a listing has a ListingType of any of the following, it is not retrieved: StoresFixedPrice, FixedPriceItem, and AdType.
(in) Only retrieves listings that can be purchased at a fixed price. That is, only retrieves listings for which ListingType is StoresFixedPrice or FixedPriceItem. Whether StoresFixedPrice items are retrieved depends on the site default. If StoresFixedPrice items are retrieved, they are returned after the other retrieved items. Also retrieves Chinese and Dutch auction listings for which BuyItNowEnabled is true. Does not retrieve listings for which ListingType is AdType or Live, and does not retrieve auction listings for which BuyItNowEnabled is false.
(in) It is recommended that you use AllItemTypes instead of AllItems. Return all listing types (the default for GetSearchResults). Whether StoresFixedPrice items are retrieved depends on the site default.
(in) Only retrieve listings for which ListingType is StoresFixedPrice.
(in) Exclude listings that have ListingType set to StoresFixedPrice. Exclude listings that have ListingType set to AdType or Live. Exclude auction listings in which BuyItNowEnabled is false.
(in) Exclude listings that have ListingType set to StoresFixedPrice.
(in) Retrieve listings whether or not ListingType is set to StoresFixedPrice; include auction items.
(in) Retrieves fixed-price items. Whether StoresFixedPrice items are retrieved does not depend on the site default. The StoresFixedPrice items are retrieved after the basic fixed price items. Items are retrieved whether or not ListingType is set to StoresFixedPrice. Does not retrieve items for which ListingType is AdType or Live. Does not retrieve auction items for which BuyItNowEnabled is false.
(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(in) Only retrieve Classified Ad format listings.