

Contains information related to the item in the context of a seller's eBay Store. Applicable for auction format, Basic Fixed Price, and Store Inventory format items listed by eBay Stores sellers.



eBay::API::XML::DataType::StorefrontType inherits from the eBay::API::XML::BaseDataType class



Applicable for eBay Store sellers only. Numeric ID for a second custom category that the seller created in their eBay Store. eBay Stores sellers can create up to 300 custom categories for their stores. (One additional Store category cannot be customized and retains the value of "Other"). <br> If you specify an invalid value, the values are the same for both the primary and secondary store categories, or if the seondary store category is specified but the primary is left blank (or other), the system resets the value to 0 (None). In short, the primary store category must be set to something meaningful and different from the second store category in order to set the secondary store category to a value other than 0. In GetSearchResults and GetProducts, this field currently returns 0. As a workaround, use GetItem or related calls to get the ID.

Calls: AddItem
RequiredInput: No

# Argument: 'xs:long'


Calls: GetSellerList
Returned: Conditionally
Details: DetailLevel: ItemReturnDescription, ReturnAll
         GranularityLevel: Coarse, Medium, Fine

Calls: GetBidderList
Returned: Conditionally

Calls: GetItem
Returned: Conditionally
Details: DetailLevel: none, ItemReturnDescription, ItemReturnAttributes, ReturnAll

Calls: GetSearchResults
Returned: Conditionally
Details: DetailLevel: ItemReturnAttributes, ItemReturnCategories, none, ReturnAll
         GranularityLevel: Coarse

# Returns: 'xs:long'


Numeric ID for a custom category that the seller created in their eBay Store, if any. eBay Stores sellers can create up to three levels of custom categories for their stores. Items can only be listed in store categories that have no child categories (subcategories). If you attempt to list an item in a category that has subcategories, the call response contains a warning, and the item is listed in the Other store category. In GetSearchResults and GetProducts, this field currently returns 0. As a workaround, use GetItem or related calls to get the ID.

Calls: AddItem
RequiredInput: No

# Argument: 'xs:long'


Calls: GetSellerList
Returned: Conditionally
Details: DetailLevel: ItemReturnDescription, ReturnAll
         GranularityLevel: Coarse, Medium, Fine

Calls: GetBidderList
Returned: Conditionally

Calls: GetItem
Returned: Conditionally
Details: DetailLevel: none, ItemReturnDescription, ItemReturnAttributes, ReturnAll

Calls: GetSearchResults
Returned: Conditionally
Details: DetailLevel: ItemReturnAttributes, ItemReturnCategories, none, ReturnAll
         GranularityLevel: Coarse

# Returns: 'xs:long'


The name of the seller's eBay Store. GetProducts returns an empty value for all items at the time of this writing.

MaxLength: 200

# Argument: 'xs:string'


Calls: GetSearchResults
Returned: Conditionally
Details: DetailLevel: ItemReturnAttributes, ItemReturnCategories, none, ReturnAll
         GranularityLevel: Coarse

Calls: GetProducts
Returned: Conditionally

# Returns: 'xs:string'


The URL of the seller's eBay Store page. GetProducts only returned a default URL at the time of this writing.

# Argument: 'xs:anyURI'


Calls: GetSellerList
Returned: Conditionally
Details: DetailLevel: ItemReturnDescription, ReturnAll
         GranularityLevel: Coarse, Medium, Fine

Calls: GetBidderList
Returned: Conditionally

Calls: GetItem
Returned: Conditionally
Details: DetailLevel: none, ItemReturnDescription, ItemReturnAttributes, ReturnAll

Calls: GetSearchResults
Returned: Conditionally
Details: DetailLevel: ItemReturnAttributes, ItemReturnCategories, none, ReturnAll
         GranularityLevel: Coarse

# Returns: 'xs:anyURI'