promessaging::MRS - promessaging MRS SOAP client module


use promessaging::MRS;

$mrs_object = promessaging::MRS->new();
$result = $mrs_object->MSISDNResolve($userid,

$servererror = $mrs_object->getError();

MRS class methods

The following methods are provided by the promessaging::MRS class:


$mrs_object = promessaging::MRS->new();

Creates and returns a new MRS-object. Returns 0 if an error occured.

  $result = $mrs_object->MSISDNResolve($userid,

  $result = $mrs_object->MSISDNResolve($userid,

Performs a SOAP-request.

Parameter description: - $userid: promessaging user-id (required) - $password: promessaging password (required) - $serviceprofile: promessaging service-profile (required) - $msisdn: GSM number (required) - $retries: number of retries if request fails (optional, default is zero) - $interval_timeout: seconds between retries if the error is a timeout on server-side (optional, default is zero) - $interval_na: seconds between retries if the service is not available (optional, default is 300)

MSISDNResolve returns: - a hash if the SOAP-request was successful: $return->{"response"} if subscriber is available or $return->{"faultcode"} and $return->{"faultstring"} if the server returned a fault - a number less than zero if a transport/server-error occured.


$errstr = $mrs_object->getError();

Returns a string which describes the transport/server-error.


$xml = $mrs_object->get_xml_request();

Returns the XML which was sent to the SOAP-server.


$xml = $mrs_object->get_xml_response();

Returns the XML which was received by the SOAP-server.

DESCRIPTION provides the capibility to resolve the MCC (Mobile Country Code) and MNC (Mobile Network Code) for a given MSISDN (Mobile Station International ISDN Number, see E.164) of a mobile subscriber. Based upon information the service also delivers detailed data about the name of the home operator, country, timezone and other data.

Also additional information about the on/offline status of the mobile subscriber and its current location (on country basis) can be retrieved depending on the provisioned service profile.


The service (MSISDN Resolver Service) is built as a client/server achitecture based on the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), the client exchanges with the server XML-encapsulated data transfered via HTTP.

The MRS client submits a request to the server and in return receives the needed information or a exception if a failure or error occurs.

The MRS server will process the query and try to lookup the subscriber via its direct SS7 access to MNOs (Mobile Network Operator) worldwide. If the subscriber does exist the MRS server will send the data back to the client or an exception if the subscriber is unknown or not reachable for other reasons.


ERROR CODE (integer) | Description (returned string) |
Long description
21 | Missing parameter ID |

Missing promessaging userid

22 | Missing parameter PW |

Missing promessaging password

23 | Missing parameter MSISDN Missing |

Missing MSISDN (international format)

24 | Missing parameter SP |

Missing Service Profile

31 | Invalid parameter MSISDN [parameter value] |

Wrong value in parameter MSISDN

41 | Not allowed to use this service |

The requesting promessaging account is not allowed to use this service

42 | Unknown user |

Unknown promessaging user

43 | Invalid user |

Invalid promessaging user

44 | Invalid password |

Invalid promessaging password

45 | Not allowed to use this service profile |

The requesting promessaging account is not allowed to use this service profile

51 | Unknown subscriber |

The requested MSISDN does not exist

52 | Absent subscriber |

The requested MSISDN is absent

90 | Error while processing job |

An unspecified/generic error occured, End2End administrators will be informed

91 | Timeout while processing job |

Timeout on HLR lookup

92 | SS7 network error |

Teleservice not provisioned

93 | SS7 network error |

Call bared

94 | SS7 network error |


95 | SS7 network error |

Facility not supported

96 | SS7 network error |

System failure

97 | SS7 network error |

Data missing

98 | SS7 network error |

Unexpected data value

99 | Service not available |

The MRS service is not available at the moment


The module is property of End2End Denmark (E2E). Copyright End2End Denmark. All rights reserved.


Support & Information for general/technical enquiries or search by Peter Friedrich

POD by Christian Malter

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 294:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'