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Aspect::Pointcut::Wantarray - A pointcut for the run-time wantarray context


use Aspect;
# High-level creation
my $pointcut1 = wantlist | wantscalar | wantvoid;
# Manual creation
my $pointcut2 = Padre::Pointcut::Or->new(
Padre::Pointcut::Wantarray->new( 1 ), # List
Padre::Pointcut::Wantarray->new( 0 ), # Scalar
Padre::Pointcut::Wantarray->new( undef ), # Void


The Aspect::Pointcut::Wantarray pointcut allows the creation of aspects that only trap calls made in a particular calling context (list, scalar or void).


Adam Kennedy <>


Copyright 2001 by Marcel Grünauer

Some parts copyright 2009 - 2011 Adam Kennedy.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.