Lab::Bus::VICP - VICP bus
This is the bus class for the VICP connection used for GPIB communication
my $GPIB = new Lab::Bus::VICP(remote_host=>'myhost' );
or implicit through instrument and connection creation:
my $instrument = new Lab::Instrument::LeCroy640({
connection_type => 'VICP',
remote_addr => 'myhost',
Note: you don't need to explicitly handle bus objects. The Instruments will create them themselves, and existing bus will be automagically reused.
my $bus = new Lab::Bus::VICP(
remote_addr => $ipaddr
Return blessed $self, with @_ accessible through $self->config().
===== TBD below ===
$GPIB->connection_new({ gpib_address => $paddr });
Creates a new connection ("instrument handle") for this bus. The argument is a hash, whose contents depend on the bus type. For GPIB at least 'gpib_address' is needed.
The handle is usually stored in an instrument object and given to connection_read, connection_write etc. to identify and handle the calling instrument:
$InstrumentHandle = $GPIB->connection_new({ gpib_address => 13 });
$result = $GPIB->connection_read($self->InstrumentHandle(), { options });
See Lab::Instrument::Read()
TODO: this is probably not correct anymore
$GPIB->connection_write( $InstrumentHandle, { Cmd => $Command } );
Sends $Command to the instrument specified by the handle.
$GPIB->connection_read( $InstrumentHandle, { Cmd => $Command, ReadLength => $readlength, Brutal => 0/1 } );
Sends $Command to the instrument specified by the handle. Reads back a maximum of $readlength bytes. If a timeout or an error occurs, Lab::Exception::GPIBError or Lab::Exception::GPIBTimeout are thrown, respectively. The Timeout object carries the data received up to the timeout event, accessible through $Exception->Data().
Setting Brutal
to a true value will result in timeouts being ignored, and the gathered data returned without error.
$GPIB->timeout( $connection_handle, $timeout );
Sets the timeout in seconds for GPIB operations on the device/connection specified by $connection_handle.
Provides unified access to the fields in initial @_ to all the child classes. E.g.
Without arguments, returns a reference to the complete $self->config aka @_ of the constructor.
$config = $bus->config();
$GPIB_PAddress = $bus->config()->{'gpib_address'};
Few. Also, not a lot to be done here.
and many more...
Copyright 2004-2006 Daniel Schröer <>,
2009-2010 Daniel Schröer, Andreas K. Hüttel (L<>) and David Kalok,
2010 Matthias Völker <>
2011 Florian Olbrich, Andreas K. Hüttel
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.