Installation guide for Lab::Measurement
Tutorial on using the Lab::Measurement package stack
Developer tutorial.
Generate a list of all plots defined in all metafiles of the current directory
Plot data with GnuPlot
bus base class
interactive debug bus
Oxford Instruments IsoBus bus
LinuxGPIB bus
RS232/RS485 MODBUS RTU protocol bus
RS232 or Virtual Comm port bus
IP socket as bus
USBtmc bus
VICP bus
National Instruments VISA bus
connection base class
debug connection
base class for GPIB connections
IsoBus connection class which uses Lab::Bus::IsoBus as a backend.
connection class which uses LinuxGPIB (libgpib0) as a backend.
connection class for Lab::Bus::MODBUS_RS232
base class for RS232 connections
connection class which uses a so-called TCPraw connection
trace communication with instruments. This module is designed to provide a simple, compact record of messages sent to and received from an instrument, suitable for later analysis. The trace file has one line per message. Examples:
connection class which uses /dev/usbtmc as backend
connection class which uses VICP ethernet protocol backend. The communication is primarily GPIB/IEEE-488 syntax.
VISA-type connection class which uses Lab::Bus::VISA and thus NI VISA (Lab::VISA) as a backend.
GPIB-type connection class which uses Lab::Bus::VISA and thus NI VISA (Lab::VISA) as a backend.
RS232-type connection class which uses Lab::Bus::VISA and thus NI VISA (Lab::VISA) as a backend.
Analyze data from 'Trace' files
Meta data for datasets
Plot data with Gnuplot
Handle and store XML and perl data structures with precise declaration.
exception handling classes
instrument base class
HP/Agilent/Keysight 34410A or 34411A digital multimeter
HP/Agilent 34420A or 34421A digital multimeter
Cryogenic SMS120 superconducting magnet supply
Dummy voltage source
control HP33120A 15MHz function/arbitrary waveform generator.
HP/Agilent 34401A digital multimeter
HP/Agilent 34420A digital multimeter
Agilent 3458A Multimeter
HP 83732A Series Synthesized Signal Generator
Oxford Instruments IPS Magnet Power Supply
Oxford Instruments ITC Intelligent Temperature Control
Keithley 2000 digital multimeter
Keithley 2400 digital multimeter
Lakeshore 33x Temperature controller
Lakeshore 340 Temperature controller
MG369xB Series Signal Generator
base class for magnet power supply instruments
Generic digital multimeter interface
Oxford Instruments ILM Intelligent Level Meter
Oxford Instruments IPS series superconducting magnet supply
Oxford Instruments ITC503 Intelligent Temperature Control
Oxford Instruments Mercury Cryocontrol
Oxford Instruments Triton DR Control
42mm stepper motor with integrated controller/driver
Rohde & Schwarz SMB100A Signal Generator
Stanford Research SR830 Lock-In Amplifier
Aux Inputs of the Stanford Research SR830 Lock-In Amplifier.
Aux Outputs of the Stanford Research SR830 Lock-In Amplifier.
base class for voltage source instruments
Spectrum Analyzer with SCPI command set
Temperature Control Interface for our Oxford Dilution Fridge
Control Tektronix TDS2024B digital oscilloscope, via USBtmc.
ABB TRMC2 temperature controller
base class for temperature control instruments
Electronic process controller TLKA41/42/43 (SIKA GmbH)
Agilent U2000 series USB Power Sensor
Control LeCroy WaveRunner 640 digital oscilloscope, via ethernet VICP protocol (maybe USBTMC also)
Yokogawa 7651 DC source
Yokogawa GS200 DC source
Log, describe and plot data on the fly
convenient loaders and constructors for Lab::Moose::Instrument, Lab::Moose::DataFolder and Lab::Moose::DataFile.
Role for connections.
Connection backend to the LinuxGpib library and kernel drivers.
Transfer IEEE 488.2 / SCPI messages over TCP socket.
Base class for data file types.
Text based data file.
2D data file with live plotting support.
YAML Metadata file.
Create a data directory with meta data.
Base class for instrument drivers.
Role for device cache functionality in Moose::Instrument drivers.
Role for common commands declared mandatory by IEEE 488.2.
Rohde & Schwarz FSV Signal and Spectrum Analyzer
Rohde & Schwarz SMB Signal Generator
Rohde & Schwarz ZVA Vector Network Analyzer
Rohde & Schwarz ZVM Vector Network Analyzer
Role for SCPI INITiate subsystem used by R&S.
Role for SCPI SENSe:AVERage subsystem.
Role for SCPI SENSe:BANDwidth subsystem.
Role for SCPI SENSe:FREQuency subsystem.
Role for SCPI SENSe:FUNCtion subsystem.
Role for SCPI SENSe:SWEep subsystem.
Role for SCPI SOURce:POWer subsystem.
Role for handling SCPI/IEEE 488.2 block data.
Stanford Research SR830 Lock-In Amplifier
Role for network analyzer sweeps.
Frontend to PDL::Graphics::Gnuplot.
Match SCPI headers and parameters against keywords.
Sweep add-on for matrix logging.
magnetic field sweep
stepper motor sweep
simple repeater
base class for Sweeps
temperature sweep
simple time controlled repeater
voltage sweep
Plot data with Gnuplot
in lib/Lab/Connection/DEBUG/
in lib/Lab/Connection/DEBUG/
in lib/Lab/Connection/LinuxGPIB/
in lib/Lab/Connection/LinuxGPIB/
in lib/Lab/Connection/
in lib/Lab/Connection/
in lib/Lab/Connection/
in lib/Lab/Connection/
in lib/Lab/Connection/Socket/
in lib/Lab/Connection/USBtmc/
in lib/Lab/Connection/VICP/
in lib/Lab/Connection/VISA_GPIB/
in lib/Lab/Connection/VISA_GPIB/
in lib/Lab/Data/
in lib/Lab/Exception/
in lib/Lab/
in lib/Lab/Generic/
in lib/Lab/
in lib/Lab/Instrument/
in lib/Lab/Instrument/
in lib/Lab/Instrument/
in lib/Lab/Instrument/
in lib/Lab/Instrument/
in lib/Lab/Instrument/TemperatureDiode/
in lib/Lab/Instrument/
in lib/Lab/Measurement/
in lib/Lab/Moose/Connection/
in lib/Lab/Moose/Connection/
in lib/Lab/Moose/DataFile/
in lib/Lab/Moose/Instrument/
in lib/Lab/Moose/Instrument/SCPI/Calculate/
in lib/Lab/Moose/Instrument/SCPI/
in lib/Lab/Moose/Instrument/SCPI/
in lib/Lab/Moose/Instrument/SCPI/Trace/Data/
in lib/Lab/
in lib/Lab/MultiChannelInstrument/
in lib/Lab/XPRESS/Data/
in lib/Lab/XPRESS/Data/
in lib/Lab/XPRESS/Data/
in lib/Lab/XPRESS/Data/
in lib/Lab/XPRESS/Sweep/
in lib/Lab/XPRESS/Sweep/
in lib/Lab/XPRESS/Xpression/
in lib/Lab/XPRESS/
in lib/Lab/XPRESS/Xpression/
in lib/Lab/XPRESS/Xpression/
- examples/DAQ/AnalysisSummary
- examples/DAQ/DAQ_2024B
- examples/DAQ/DAQ_WR640
- examples/DAQ/DAQ_fileSummary
- examples/DAQ/Plot_2024B
- examples/DAQ/Plot_WR640
- examples/DAQ/TDplot_WR640
- examples/DAQ/fm_mod_pkdet.dat
- examples/DAQ/
- examples/DAQ/
- examples/DAQ/
- examples/DerivedClasses/
- examples/DerivedClasses/
- examples/DerivedClasses/
- examples/DerivedClasses/
- examples/FrequencySweep/
- examples/Oscilloscope/GetCSV_2024B
- examples/Oscilloscope/GetConfig_2024B
- examples/Oscilloscope/Reset_2024B
- examples/Oscilloscope/ScreenCap_2024B
- examples/Oscilloscope/SetConfig_2024B
- examples/Oscilloscope/Unlock_2024B
- examples/QuantumDot/
- examples/Simple/
- examples/Simple/
- examples/Simple/
- examples/Simple/
- examples/Simple/
- examples/Simple/
- examples/Simple/
- examples/Simple/
- examples/Simple/
- examples/Simple/
- examples/Simple/
- examples/VoltageSource/
- examples/VoltageSource/
- examples/XPRESS/
- examples/XPRESS/
- examples/XPRESS/
- examples/XPRESS/
- examples/XPRESS/
- examples/XPRESS/
- examples/XPRESS/