Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 27 Learn more

Changes for version 3.920 - 2024-11-05

  • First rough version of AttoCube motion controller driver
  • AMI_430 magnet supply: add check of attribute persistent_mode
  • Add a dummy L::M module that errors out, for 3.920 => 3.990
  • Minor documentation fixes


Back end packages (hardware drivers) for Lab::Measurement
Lab::Measurement developer tutorial
Lab::Measurement for DUMMIES - Example 1
Lab::Measurement for DUMMIES - Example 2 - Nested Sweeps
Installation guide for Lab::Measurement
API documentation manual for Lab::Measurement
Some notes and speculations on future L::M development
Lab::Measurement tutorial


Temporary blocker module, errors out when used
Convenient loaders and constructors for Lab::Moose::Instrument, Lab::Moose::Sweep, Lab::Moose::DataFolder and Lab::Moose::DataFile
Export custom catfile which avoids backslashes
Role for connections
Debug connection, printing / reading on terminal
Connection with Http requests
Connection back end to the Oxford Instruments IsoBus
Connection back end to the LinuxGpib library and kernel drivers
Mock connection, supplying instrument responses from a log file
Transfer IEEE 488.2 / SCPI messages over TCP
Connection backend to USB Test & Measurement (USBTMC) bus
Connection back end to National Instruments' VISA library.
GPIB frontend to National Instruments' VISA library.
USB-TMC frontend to National Instruments' VISA library.
VXI-11 frontend to National Instruments' VISA library.
compatiblity alias for VISA::GPIB
Connection backend to VXI-11 (Lan/TCP)
Connection with URL requests
Connection back end to Zurich Instrument's LabOne measurement control API
Verbose countdown/delay with pretty printing of remaining time
Base class for data file types
Text based data file ('Gnuplot style')
Text based data file ('Gnuplot style'), auto-compressed
YAML Metadata file
Read a gnuplot-style 2D data file
Create a data directory with meta data
Base class for instrument drivers
ABB TRMC2 temperature controller
Andeen-Hagerling AH2700A ultra-precision capacitance bridge
American Magnetics magnet power supply
Role for automatic adjustment of measurement ranges.
Agilent 33120A 15MHz arbitrary waveform generator
Agilent 33210A Arbitrary Waveform Generator, also as voltage source
Agilent 34410A digital multimeter.
Agilent 34460A TrueVolt series digital multimeter.
Bluefors temperature control
Device caching functionality in Moose::Instrument drivers
Role for common commands declared mandatory by IEEE 488.2
Cryomagnetics 4G superconducting magnet power supply
Display with y vs x traces Role for Lab::Moose::Instrument
Dummy YokogawaGS200 source for use with 'Debug' connection
HP 33120A 15 MHz Arbitrary Waveform Generator, also as voltage source
HP 34410A digital multimeter.
HP 34420A nanovolt meter.
HP 3458A digital multimeter
HP 83732A Series Synthesized Signal Generator
HP8596E Spectrum Analyzer
HP E4400B Series Spectrum Analyzer
Keithley 2000 digital multimeter
Keithley 2400 voltage/current sourcemeter.
Keithley 2450 voltage/current sourcemeter.
Keysight 33500/33600 series Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator (work in progress)
Keysight 34470A digital multimeter.
Agilent/Keysight B2901A voltage/current sourcemeter.
Keysight DSOS604A infiniium S-Series Oscilloscope.
Keysight E3633E voltage/current source.
Keysight N9310A Signal Generator
Lakeshore Model 340 Temperature Controller
Lakeshore Model 340 Temperature Controller for Helium3 operation
Lakeshore Model 350 Temperature Controller
Lakeshore Model 372 Temperature Controller
Role for linear step sweeps used by voltage/current sources.
Role for Lab::Moose::Instrument connection logging.
Role for handling Oxfords Instruments pseudo-SCPI commands
Oxford Instruments ILM Intelligent Helium Level Meter
Oxford Instruments IPS Intelligent Power Supply
Example subclass with predefined field limits of a Oxford Instruments IPS
Oxford Instruments ITC503 Intelligent Temperature Control
Oxford Instruments Mercury magnet power supply
Oxford Instruments Triton gas handling system control
ProStep4 step motor
Rohde & Schwarz FSV Signal and Spectrum Analyzer
Rohde & Schwarz RTB 2000 oscilloscope (work in progress)
Rohde & Schwarz SMB Signal Generator
Rohde & Schwarz ZNL Vector Network Analyzer
Rohde & Schwarz ZVA Vector Network Analyzer
Rohde & Schwarz ZVM Vector Network Analyzer
Rigol DG5000 series Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator
Rigol DSA815 Spectrum Analyzer
Role for the SCPI DISPlay:WINDow subsystem
Role for SCPI FORMat subsystem.
Role for the SCPI INITiate subsystem used by Rohde&Schwarz
Role for SCPI INSTrument subsystem.
Role for the SCPI OUTPut:STATe subsystem
Role for the SCPI SENSe:AVERage subsystem
Role for the SCPI SENSe:BANDwidth subsystem
Role for the SCPI SENSe:FREQuency subsystem
Role for the SCPI SENSe:FUNCtion subsystem
Role for the SCPI SENSe:FUNCtion subsystem with support for concurrent sense
Role for the HP/Agilent/Keysight SCPI SENSe:$function:IMPedance subsystem
Role for the SCPI SENSe:$function:NPLC subsystem
Role for the HP/Agilent/Keysight SCPI SENSe:$function:NULL subsystem
Role for the SCPI SENSe:POWer subsystem
Role for the SCPI SENSe:$function:Protection subsystem
Role for the SCPI SENSe:$function:RANGe subsystem.
Role for the SCPI SENSe:SWEep subsystem
Role for the SCPI SOURce:FUNCtion subsystem
Role for the SCPI SOURce:(CURRent|VOLTage):Level commands
Role for the SCPI SOURce:POWer subsystem
Role for the SCPI SOURce:RANGe subsystem.
Role for SCPI UNIT subsystem.
Role for handling SCPI/IEEE 488.2 block data
Stanford Research SR830 Lock-In Amplifier
Model 7265 Lock-In Amplifier
Role of Generic Spectrum Analyzer for Lab::Moose::Instrument
Synctek MCL1-540 Lock-in Amplifier
Tektronix TBS 1000C series Oscilloscope.
Role for network analyzer sweeps
Yokogawa7651 voltage/current source.
YokogawaGS200 voltage/current source.
Zurich Instruments HDAWG Arbitrary Waveform Generator
Zurich Instruments HF2LI Lock-in Amplifier
Zurich Instruments MFIA Impedance Analyzer.
Zurich Instruments MFLI Lock-in Amplifier
Base class for Zurich Instruments device drivers
Frontend to PDL::Graphics::Gnuplot
Sensor stabilizer subroutine
Base class for high level sweeps
Base class for continuous sweeps (time, temperature, magnetic field)
Continuous sweep of magnetic field
Continuous sweep of voltage
Store parameters of datafile and its plots.
Base class for step/list sweeps
Step/list sweep of magnetic field
Repeat something (e.g. some sweep) N times
Step/list sweep of temperature