DBIx::Class::Relationship - Inter-table relationships


## Creating relationships
MyDB::Schema::Actor->has_many('actorroles' => 'MyDB::Schema::ActorRole',
MyDB::Schema::Role->has_many('actorroles' => 'MyDB::Schema::ActorRole',
MyDB::Schema::ActorRole->belongs_to('role' => 'MyDB::Schema::Role');
MyDB::Schema::ActorRole->belongs_to('actor' => 'MyDB::Schema::Actor');

MyDB::Schema::Role->many_to_many('actors' => 'actorroles', 'actor');
MyDB::Schema::Actor->many_to_many('roles' => 'actorroles', 'role');

## Using relationships
$schema->resultset('Role')->search_related('actors', { Name => 'Fred' });
$schema->resultset('ActorRole')->add_to_roles({ Name => 'Sherlock Holmes'});

See DBIx::Class::Manual::Cookbook for more.


This class provides methods to set up relationships between the tables in your database model. Relationships are the most useful and powerful technique that DBIx::Class provides. To create efficient database queries, create relationships between any and all tables that have something in common, for example if you have a table Authors:

 ID  | Name | Age
  1  | Fred | 30
  2  | Joe  | 32

and a table Books:

 ID  | Author | Name
  1  |      1 | Rulers of the universe
  2  |      1 | Rulers of the galaxy

Then without relationships, the method of getting all books by Fred goes like this:

my $fred = $schema->resultset('Author')->find({ Name => 'Fred' });
my $fredsbooks = $schema->resultset('Book')->search({ Author => $fred->ID });

With a has_many relationship called "books" on Author (see below for details), we can do this instead:

my $fredsbooks = $schema->resultset('Author')->find({ Name => 'Fred' })->books;

Each relationship sets up an accessor method on the "Row" in DBIx::Class::Manual::Glossary objects that represent the items of your table. From "ResultSet" in DBIx::Class::Manual::Glossary objects, the relationships can be searched using the "search_related" method. In list context, each returns a list of Row objects for the related class, in scalar context, a new ResultSet representing the joined tables is returned. Thus, the calls can be chained to produce complex queries. Since the database is not actually queried until you attempt to retrieve the data for an actual item, no time is wasted producing them.

my $cheapfredbooks = $schema->resultset('Author')->find({
  Name => 'Fred',
})->books->search_related('prices', {
  Price => { '<=' => '5.00' },

will produce a query something like:

SELECT * FROM Author me
LEFT JOIN Books books ON =
LEFT JOIN Prices prices ON =
WHERE prices.Price <= 5.00

all without needing multiple fetches.

Only the helper methods for setting up standard relationship types are documented here. For the basic, lower-level methods, and a description of all the useful *_related methods that you get for free, see DBIx::Class::Relationship::Base.


All helper methods are called similar to the following template:

__PACKAGE__->$method_name('relname', 'Foreign::Class', $cond, $attrs);

Both $cond and $attrs are optional. Pass undef for $cond if you want to use the default value for it, but still want to set $attrs.

See DBIx::Class::Relationship::Base for documentation on the attrubutes that are allowed in the $attrs argument.


Arguments: $accessor_name, $related_class, $fk_column|\%cond|\@cond?, \%attr?

Creates a relationship where the calling class stores the foreign class's primary key in one (or more) of its columns. This relationship defaults to using $accessor_name as the column in this class to resolve the join against the primary key from $related_class, unless $fk_column specifies the foreign key column in this class or cond specifies a reference to a join condition hash.


This argument is the name of the method you can call on a DBIx::Class::Row object to retrieve the instance of the foreign class matching this relationship. This is often called the relation(ship) name.

Use this accessor_name in "join" in DBIx::Class::ResultSet or "prefetch" in DBIx::Class::ResultSet to join to the foreign table indicated by this relationship.

This is the class name of the table referenced by the foreign key in this class.


The column name on this class that contains the foreign key.



A hashref where the keys are foreign.$column_on_related_table and the values are self.$foreign_key_column. This is useful for relations that are across multiple columns.

# in a Book class (where Author has many Books)
  author => 

# OR (same result)
  author =>
  { 'foreign.author_id' => 'self.author_id' } 

# OR (similar result but uglier accessor name)
  author_id =>

# Usage
my $author_obj = $book->author; # get author object
$book->author( $new_author_obj ); # set author object
$book->author_id(); # get the plain id

# To retrieve the plain id if you used the ugly version:

If the relationship is optional -- i.e. the column containing the foreign key can be NULL -- then the belongs_to relationship does the right thing. Thus, in the example above $obj->author would return undef. However in this case you would probably want to set the join_type attribute so that a LEFT JOIN is done, which makes complex resultsets involving join or prefetch operations work correctly. The modified declaration is shown below:

# in a Book class (where Author has_many Books)
  author => 
  { join_type => 'left' }

Cascading deletes are off by default on a belongs_to relationship. To turn them on, pass cascade_delete => 1 in the $attr hashref.

NOTE: If you are used to Class::DBI relationships, this is the equivalent of has_a.

See DBIx::Class::Relationship::Base for documentation on relationship methods and valid relationship attributes.


Arguments: $accessor_name, $related_class, $foreign_key_column|\%cond|\@cond?, \%attr?

Creates a one-to-many relationship, where the corresponding elements of the foreign class store the calling class's primary key in one (or more) of its columns. This relationship defaults to using $accessor_name as the foreign key in $related_class to resolve the join, unless $foreign_key_column specifies the foreign key column in $related_class or cond specifies a reference to a join condition hash.


This argument is the name of the method you can call on a DBIx::Class::Row object to retrieve a resultset of the related class restricted to the ones related to the row object. In list context it returns the row objects. This is often called the relation(ship) name.

Use this accessor_name in "join" in DBIx::Class::ResultSet or "prefetch" in DBIx::Class::ResultSet to join to the foreign table indicated by this relationship.

This is the class name of the table which contains a foreign key column containing PK values of this class.


The column name on the related class that contains the foreign key.



A hashref where the keys are foreign.$foreign_key_column and the values are self.$matching_column. This is useful for relations that are across multiple columns.


An arrayref containing an SQL::Abstract-like condition. For example a link table where two columns link back to the same table. This is an OR condition.

My::Schema::Item->has_many('rels', 'My::Schema::Relationships',
                           [ { 'foreign.LItemID' => 'self.ID' },
                             { 'foreign.RItemID' => 'self.ID'} ]);
# in an Author class (where Author has_many Books)
  books => 

# OR (same result, assuming related_class is storing our PK)
  books => 

# OR (same result)
  books => 
  { 'foreign.author_id' => '' },

# Usage
# resultset of Books belonging to author 
my $booklist = $author->books;

# resultset of Books belonging to author, restricted by author name
my $booklist = $author->books({
  name => { LIKE => '%macaroni%' },
  { prefetch => [qw/book/],

# array of Book objects belonging to author
my @book_objs = $author->books;

# force resultset even in list context
my $books_rs = $author->books;
( $books_rs ) = $obj->books_rs;

# create a new book for this author, the relation fields are auto-filled
$author->create_related('books', \%col_data);
# alternative method for the above

Three methods are created when you create a has_many relationship. The first method is the expected accessor method, $accessor_name(). The second is almost exactly the same as the accessor method but "_rs" is added to the end of the method name. This method works just like the normal accessor, except that it always returns a resultset, even in list context. The third method, named add_to_$relname, will also be added to your Row items; this allows you to insert new related items, using the same mechanism as in "create_related" in DBIx::Class::Relationship::Base.

If you delete an object in a class with a has_many relationship, all the related objects will be deleted as well. To turn this behaviour off, pass cascade_delete => 0 in the attr hashref. However, any database-level cascade or restrict will take precedence over a DBIx-Class-based cascading delete.

If you copy an object in a class with a has_many relationship, all the related objects will be copied as well. To turn this behaviour off, pass cascade_copy => 0 in the $attr hashref. The behaviour defaults to cascade_copy => 1.

See DBIx::Class::Relationship::Base for documentation on relationship methods and valid relationship attributes.


Arguments: $accessor_name, $related_class, $foreign_key_column|\%cond|\@cond?, \%attr?

Creates an optional one-to-one relationship with a class. This relationship defaults to using $accessor_name as the foreign key in $related_class to resolve the join, unless $foreign_key_column specifies the foreign key column in $related_class or cond specifies a reference to a join condition hash.


This argument is the name of the method you can call on a DBIx::Class::Row object to retrieve the instance of the foreign class matching this relationship. This is often called the relation(ship) name.

Use this accessor_name in "join" in DBIx::Class::ResultSet or "prefetch" in DBIx::Class::ResultSet to join to the foreign table indicated by this relationship.

This is the class name of the table which contains a foreign key column containing PK values of this class.


The column name on the related class that contains the foreign key.



A hashref where the keys are foreign.$column_on_related_table and the values are self.$foreign_key_column. This is useful for relations that are across multiple columns.

# Author may have an entry in the pseudonym table
  pseudonym =>

# OR (same result, assuming the related_class stores our PK)
  pseudonym =>

# OR (same result)
  pseudonym =>
  { 'foreign.author_id' => '' },

# Usage
my $pname = $author->pseudonym; # to get the Pseudonym object

If you update or delete an object in a class with a might_have relationship, the related object will be updated or deleted as well. To turn off this behavior, add cascade_delete => 0 to the $attr hashref. Any database-level update or delete constraints will override this behavior.

See DBIx::Class::Relationship::Base for documentation on relationship methods and valid relationship attributes.


Arguments: $accessor_name, $related_class, $foreign_key_column|\%cond|\@cond?, \%attr?

Creates a one-to-one relationship with a class. This relationship defaults to using $accessor_name as the foreign key in $related_class to resolve the join, unless $foreign_key_column specifies the foreign key column in $related_class or cond specifies a reference to a join condition hash.


This argument is the name of the method you can call on a DBIx::Class::Row object to retrieve the instance of the foreign class matching this relationship. This is often called the relation(ship) name.

Use this accessor_name in "join" in DBIx::Class::ResultSet or "prefetch" in DBIx::Class::ResultSet to join to the foreign table indicated by this relationship.

This is the class name of the table which contains a foreign key column containing PK values of this class.


The column name on the related class that contains the foreign key.



A hashref where the keys are foreign.$column_on_related_table and the values are self.$foreign_key_column. This is useful for relations that are across multiple columns.

# Every book has exactly one ISBN
  isbn => 

# OR (same result, assuming related_class stores our PK)
  isbn => 

# OR (same result)
  isbn => 
  { 'foreign.book_id' => '' },

# Usage
my $isbn_obj = $book->isbn; # to get the ISBN object

Creates a one-to-one relationship with another class. This is just like might_have, except the implication is that the other object is always present. The only difference between has_one and might_have is that has_one uses an (ordinary) inner join, whereas might_have defaults to a left join.

The has_one relationship should be used when a row in the table has exactly one related row in another table. If the related row might not exist in the foreign table, use the "might_have" in DBIx::Class::Relationship relationship.

In the above example, each Book in the database is associated with exactly one ISBN object.

See DBIx::Class::Relationship::Base for documentation on relationship methods and valid relationship attributes.


many_to_many is not strictly a relationship in its own right. Instead, it is a bridge between two resultsets which provide the same kind of convenience accessors as true relationships provide. Although the accessor will return a resultset or collection of objects just like has_many does, you cannot call related_resultset and similar methods which operate on true relationships.


This argument is the name of the method you can call on a DBIx::Class::Row object to retrieve the rows matching this relationship.

On a many_to_many, unlike other relationships, this cannot be used in "search" in DBIx::Class::ResultSet to join tables. Use the relations bridged across instead.

This is the accessor_name from the has_many relationship we are bridging from.


This is the accessor_name of the belongs_to relationship in the link table that we are bridging across (which gives us the table we are bridging to).

To create a many_to_many relationship from Actor to Role:

My::DBIC::Schema::Actor->has_many( actor_roles =>
                                   'actor' );
My::DBIC::Schema::ActorRoles->belongs_to( role =>
                                          'My::DBIC::Schema::Role' );
My::DBIC::Schema::ActorRoles->belongs_to( actor =>
                                          'My::DBIC::Schema::Actor' );

My::DBIC::Schema::Actor->many_to_many( roles => 'actor_roles',
                                       'role' );

And, for the reverse relationship, from Role to Actor:

My::DBIC::Schema::Role->has_many( actor_roles =>
                                  'role' );

My::DBIC::Schema::Role->many_to_many( actors => 'actor_roles', 'actor' );

To add a role for your actor, and fill in the year of the role in the actor_roles table:

$actor->add_to_roles($role, { year => 1995 });

In the above example, ActorRoles is the link table class, and Role is the foreign class. The $link_rel_name parameter is the name of the accessor for the has_many relationship from this table to the link table, and the $foreign_rel_name parameter is the accessor for the belongs_to relationship from the link table to the foreign table.

To use many_to_many, existing relationships from the original table to the link table, and from the link table to the end table must already exist, these relation names are then used in the many_to_many call.

In the above example, the Actor class will have 3 many_to_many accessor methods set: roles, add_to_roles, set_roles, and similarly named accessors will be created for the Role class for the actors many_to_many relationship.

See DBIx::Class::Relationship::Base for documentation on relationship methods and valid relationship attributes.


see DBIx::Class


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