Bubblegum::Object::Code - Common Methods for Operating on Code References


version 0.45


use Bubblegum;

my $code = sub { shift + 1 };
say $code->call(2); # 3


Code methods work on code references. It is not necessary to use this module as it is loaded automatically by the Bubblegum class.



my $code = sub { (shift // 0) + 1 };
$code->call; # 1
$code->call(0); # 1
$code->call(1); # 2
$code->call(2); # 3

The call method executes and returns the result of the subject.


my $code = sub { [@_] };
$code = $code->curry(1,2,3);
$code->(4,5,6); # [1,2,3,4,5,6]

The curry method returns a code reference which executes the subject passing it the arguments and any additional parameters when executed.


my $code = sub { [@_] };
$code = $code->rcurry(1,2,3);
$code->(4,5,6); # [4,5,6,1,2,3]

The rcurry method returns a code reference which executes the subject passing it the any additional parameters and any arguments when executed.


my $code = sub { [@_] };
$code = $code->compose($code, 1,2,3);
$code->(4,5,6); # [[1,2,3,4,5,6]]

# this can be confusing, here's what's really happening:
my $listing = sub {[@_]}; # produces an arrayref of args
$listing->($listing->(@args)); # produces a listing within a listing
[[@args]] # the result

The compose method creates a code reference which executes the first argument (another code reference) using the result from executing the subject as it's argument, and returns a code reference which executes the created code reference passing it the remaining arguments when executed.


my $code = sub { $_[0] % 2 };
$code = $code->disjoin(sub { -1 });
$code->(0); # -1
$code->(1); #  1
$code->(2); # -1
$code->(3); #  1
$code->(4); # -1

The disjoin method creates a code reference which execute the subject and the argument in a logical OR operation having the subject as the lvalue and the argument as the rvalue.


my $code = sub { $_[0] % 2 };
$code = $code->conjoin(sub { 1 });
$code->(0); # 0
$code->(1); # 1
$code->(2); # 0
$code->(3); # 1
$code->(4); # 0

The conjoin method creates a code reference which execute the subject and the argument in a logical AND operation having the subject as the lvalue and the argument as the rvalue.



The next method is an alias to the call method. The naming is especially useful (i.e. helps with readability) when used with closure-based iterators.


my $code = sub {(1234, @_)};
$code->print; # 12345
$code->print(6789); # 123456789

The print method prints the return value of the code reference to STDOUT, and returns true if successful.


my $code = sub {(1234, @_)};
$code->print; # 12345\n
$code->print(6789); # 123456789\n

The say method prints the return value of the code reference with a newline appended to STDOUT, and returns true if successful.



my $code = sub { "foobar" };
my $result = $code->to_array; # [sub { "foobar" }]

The to_array method coerces a number to an array value. This method returns an array reference using the subject as the first element.


my $code = sub { "foobar" };
my $result = $code->to_a; # [sub { "foobar" }]

The to_a method coerces a number to an array value. This method returns an array reference using the subject as the first element.


my $code = sub { "foobar" };
my $result = $code->to_code; # sub { "foobar" }

The to_code method coerces a number to a code value. The code reference, when executed, will return the subject.


my $code = sub { "foobar" };
my $result = $code->to_c; # sub { "foobar" }

The to_c method coerces a number to a code value. The code reference, when executed, will return the subject.


my $code = sub { "foobar" };
my $result = $code->to_hash; # die 'code to hash coercion n/a'

The to_hash method coerces a number to a hash value. This method will die as uncoercible.


my $code = sub { "foobar" };
my $result = $code->to_h; # die 'code to hash coercion n/a'

The to_h method coerces a number to a hash value. This method will die as uncoercible.


my $code = sub { "foobar" };
my $result = $code->to_number; # die 'code to number coercion n/a'

The to_number method coerces a number to a number value. This method will die as uncoercible.


my $code = sub { "foobar" };
my $result = $code->to_n; # die 'code to number coercion n/a'

The to_n method coerces a number to a number value. This method will die as uncoercible.


my $code = sub { "foobar" };
my $result = $code->to_string; # die 'code to string coercion n/a'

The to_string method coerces a number to a string value. This method will die as uncoercible.


my $code = sub { "foobar" };
my $result = $code->to_s; # die 'code to string coercion n/a'

The to_s method coerces a number to a string value. This method will die as uncoercible.


my $code = sub { "foobar" };
my $result = $code->to_undef; # undef

The to_undef method coerces a number to an undef value. This method merely returns an undef value.


my $code = sub { "foobar" };
my $result = $code->to_u; # undef

The to_u method coerces a number to an undef value. This method merely returns an undef value.



Al Newkirk <>


This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Al Newkirk.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.