USB::Descriptor::Device - USB Device Descriptor
An object representation of a USB device descriptor.
= USB::Descriptor::Device->new(
'My First Device'
->configurations( [ USB::Descriptor::Configuration->new() ] );
USB::Descriptor::Device represents a USB device descriptor. After creating and configuring an instanace of USB::Descriptor::Device, arrayification (or $device->bytes
) yeilds an array of all of the values that comprise the fields of a USB Device Descriptor structure given the configured settings. The resulting array can then be used to generate the structures (in Assembly or C or...) necessary for building the firmware of the described device.
After adding one or more USB::Descriptor::Configuration objects to an instance of USB::Descriptor::Device, it can be used to generate USB Configuration Descriptors. Arrayifying each child descriptor in the configurations array yields the appropriate descriptor bytes, including interfaces and endpoints.
Strings specificed for the device descriptor (manufacturer, product or serial number) as well as the strings for child descriptors (configuration, interface, etc) will be automatically indexed by USB::Descriptor::Device and the proper indexes embedded in the appropriate descriptors during arrayification.
After arrayifying the USB::Descriptor::Device and all child USB::Descriptor::Configurations, the generated set of strings can be retrieved (in index order) by calling the 'strings' method.
- $device = USB::Descriptor::Device->new(vendorID=>$vendorID, ...);
Constructs and returns a new USB::Descriptor::Device object using the passed options. Each option key is the name of an accessor method.
- $device->bytes (or @{$device} )
Returns an array of bytes containing all of the fields in the device descriptor fields, but not including configuration descriptors.
- $device->class
Get/Set the device class code (bDeviceClass).
- $device->configurations
Get/Set the array of USB::Descriptor::Configuration objects.
- $device->manufacturer
Get/Set the device's manufacturer string. A string descriptor index (iManufacturer) will be automatically assigned during arrayification.
- $device->max_packet_size
Get/Set the maximum packet size for endpoint 0 (bMaxPacketSize). Valid values are 8, 16, 32, 64. Defaults to 8.
- $device->product
Get/Set the device's product string. A string descriptor index (iProduct) will be automatically assigned during arrayification.
- $device->productID
Get/Set the device's Product ID (idProduct).
- $device->protocol
Get/Set the device's protocol (bDeviceProtocol).
- $device->serial_number
Get/Set the device's serial number string. A string descriptor index (iSerialNumber) will be automatically assigned during arrayification.
- $device->subclass
Get/Set the device's SubClass (bDeviceSubClass).
- $device->usb_version
Get/Set the supported USB version (bcdUSB). The version is specified as a dotted string. eg. '1.2.3'. Defaults to '2.0.0'.
- $device->vendorID
Get/Set the device's Vendor ID (idVendor).
- $device->version
Get/Set the device's version number (bcdDevice). The version is specified as a dotted string. eg. '1.2.3'.
Brandon Fosdick, <bfoz at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-usb-descriptor-device at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc USB::Descriptor::Device
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Copyright 2011 Brandon Fosdick.
This program is released under the terms of the BSD License.