Bio::Graphics::Glyph::extending_arrow -- The "extending arrow" glyph


See L<Bio::Graphics::Panel> and L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph>.


This glyph was designed to show a segment that goes beyond the panel. Dashed line indicates the end goes beyond the panel and arrow indicates the direction.

Also see the anchored_arrw and arrow glyphs.


The following options are standard among all Glyphs. See Bio::Graphics::Glyph for a full explanation.

Option      Description                      Default
------      -----------                      -------

-fgcolor      Foreground color	       black

-outlinecolor	Synonym for -fgcolor

-bgcolor      Background color               turquoise

-fillcolor    Synonym for -bgcolor

-linewidth    Line width                     1

-height       Height of glyph		       10

-font         Glyph font		       gdSmallFont

-connector    Connector type                 0 (false)

              Connector color                black

-label        Whether to draw a label	       0 (false)

-description  Whether to draw a description  0 (false)

In addition to the generic options, this glyph recognizes:

Option Name         Description                 Default
-----------         -----------                 -------

dashline_length     length of drawn dash line   20


Please report them.


Bio::Graphics::Panel, Bio::Graphics::Glyph, Bio::Graphics::Glyph::arrow, Bio::Graphics::Glyph::cds, Bio::Graphics::Glyph::crossbox, Bio::Graphics::Glyph::diamond, Bio::Graphics::Glyph::dna, Bio::Graphics::Glyph::dot, Bio::Graphics::Glyph::ellipse, Bio::Graphics::Glyph::extending_arrow, Bio::Graphics::Glyph::generic, Bio::Graphics::Glyph::graded_segments, Bio::Graphics::Glyph::heterogeneous_segments, Bio::Graphics::Glyph::line, Bio::Graphics::Glyph::pinsertion, Bio::Graphics::Glyph::primers, Bio::Graphics::Glyph::rndrect, Bio::Graphics::Glyph::segments, Bio::Graphics::Glyph::ruler_arrow, Bio::Graphics::Glyph::toomany, Bio::Graphics::Glyph::transcript, Bio::Graphics::Glyph::transcript2, Bio::Graphics::Glyph::translation, Bio::Graphics::Glyph::triangle, Bio::DB::GFF, Bio::SeqI, Bio::SeqFeatureI, Bio::Das, GD


Shengqiang Shu

Copyright (c) 2001 Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See DISCLAIMER.txt for disclaimers of warranty.