DBIx::EAV::Entity - Represents an instance of a type of entity.
This class can be used by itself or as base class for your entity objects.
Returns true if a database id is present. Really implemented as:
sub in_storage {
my $self = shift;
exists $self->raw->{id} && defined $self->raw->{id};
Returns the entity database id or undef
if entity is not in storage.
# new_entity() doesn't call save(). $cd1 has no id in this case
my $cd1 = $eav->resultset('CD')->new_entity({ title => 'CD1' });
$cd1->id; # undef
$cd1->id; # <database id>
$cd1->id; # undef
Returns a attribute value or related entities.
- Arguments: $name, $value \%values
- Arguments: \%values
- Return Value: $self
Set a new value for the attribute or relationship $name
. Returns $self
to allow method chaining. Even though subsequent calls to "get" will return the new value you have just "set", changes are not saved in the database until you call "save". Use "update" if you wan't to set and save in one call.
$cd->set('title' => 'New title');
$cd->get('title'); # New title
$cd->save; # or $cd->discard_changes
# set multiple values
title => 'New Title',
year => 2016
When setting the value for a relationship, this method replaces the existing set of related entities by the new one (relationship bindings are deleted, not the related entities themselves). Valid values for relationships are existing entities or hashref suitable for inserting the related entity, or a arrayref of those (for *_many relationships). Passing an entity instance which is not of the correct type for the relationship or not "in_storage" is a fatal error.
# set (and replace) the cd tracks
$cd->set('tracks', [
{ title => 'Track1', duration => ... },
{ title => 'Track2', duration => ... },
{ title => 'Track3', duration => ... },
# set its tags
my @tags = $eav->resultset('Tag')->find( name => [qw/ Foo Bar Baz /]);
$cd->set('tags', \@tags);
You can obviously set attribute and relationships at the same time:
title => 'New Title',
year => 2016,
tracks => \@tracks
Se also "add_related" if you want to add (instead of replace) related entities.
Save all changes to the database.
# modify
$entity->set( ... );
First thing save
does is insert the entity (in the entities table) if its not already "in_storage". Then it saves the non-static attributes: attributes values (in the values tables) are inserted, updated or deleted, whether the value is new (undef -> value), existing (value -> value), or undef (value -> undef).
Then relationship bindings are inserted/deleted according with each relationship type and rules. Related entities in the form of hashref is inserted before the bindings takes place.
Last but not least, modifications to static attributes are saved on the entities table.
- Arguments: $name, $value \%values
- Arguments: \%values
- Return Value: $self
A shortcut for set()
and save()
# set and save in one call
title => 'New CD Title',
year => 2016
Fetches the attributes values from database "value tables" and stores in entity's "raw" data structure. If this method is called without arguments all attributes will be loaded.
NOTE: In the current version of DBIx::EAV this method is called internally by "next" in DBIx::EAV::Cursor, which makes all attributes to be loaded everytime. Its planned for a future version to make the attributes get lazy-loaded, which will make this method relevant.
Available only for has_many and many_to_many relationships, this method binds entities via the $rel_name
relationship. $related_data
must be a entity instance (of the proper type for the relationship) or a hashref of data to be inserted (again, suitable for the related type), or a arrayref of those. Passing Entity objects which are not "in_storage" results in a fatal error.
# add tracks to a cd
$cd->add_related('tracks', [
{ title => 'Track1', duration => ... },
{ title => 'Track2', duration => ... },
{ title => 'Track3', duration => ... },
# also accepts existing entities
my @tracks = $eav->resultset('Track')->populate( ... );
$cd->add_related('tracks', \@tracks);
Unbinds $related_entities
from the relationship $rel_name
. Note that it doesn't delete the related entities.
my @tags = $eav->resultset('Tag')->find( name => [qw/ Foo Bar Baz /]);
$article->remove_related('tags', \@tags);
Reverts all modified attributes to the its original value. Note that the internal memory of modified attributes is reset after a call to "save".
- Arguments: none
- Return Value: $result
Throws an exception if the object is not in the database according to "in_storage".
The object is still perfectly usable, but "in_storage" will now return 0 and the object will be reinserted (same attrs, new id) if you call "save".
If you delete an object in a class with a has_many
or has_one
relationship, an attempt is made to delete all the related objects as well. To turn this behaviour off, pass cascade_delete => 0
in the $attr
hashref of the relationship, see "Relationships" in DBIx::EAV.
Since a entity is represented by data not only in the entities table, but also in value tables and relationship links table, those related rows must be deleted before the main row.
First a DELETE
is executed for the relationship links table where this entity is the right-side entity, unbinding from "parent" relationships. Then a DELETE
query is executed for each value table, unless this entity has no attributes of that data type.
Those extra DELETE
operations are unneccessary if you are using database-level ON DELETE CASCADE
See also "delete" in DBIx::EAV::ResulutSet.
Copyright (C) Carlos Fernando Avila Gratz.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Carlos Fernando Avila Gratz <>