Plack::Middleware::OAuth - Plack middleware for OAuth1, OAuth2 and builtin provider configs.
This module is still in **BETA** , DO NOT USE THIS FOR PRODUCTION!
Plack::Middleware::OAuth supports OAuth1 and OAuth2, and provides builtin config for providers like Twitter, Github, Google, Facebook. The only one thing you need to mount your OAuth service is to setup your consumer_key
, consumer_secret
(for OAuth1) or client_id
, client_secret
, scope
(for OAuth2).
This middleware also generates authorize url (mount_path/provider_id) and auththorize callback url (mount_path/provider_id/callback). If the authorize path matches, then user will be redirected to OAuth provider to authorize your application.
For example, if you mount Plack::Middleware::OAuth on /oauth, then you can access to authorize, Plack::Middleware::OAuth will redirect you to Twitter, after authorized, then Twitter will redirect you to your callback url
For more details, please check the example psgi in eg/ directory.
use Plack::Builder;
builder {
mount '/oauth' => builder {
enable 'OAuth',
on_success => sub {
my ($self,$token) = @_;
my $env = $self->env;
my $config = $self->config; # provider config
return $self->render( '..html content..' );
return $self->redirect( .... URL ... );
return [ 200 , [ 'Content-type' => 'text/html' ] , 'Signin!' ];
on_error => sub { ... },
providers => 'providers.yml', # also works
providers => {
# capital case implies Plack::Middleware::OAuth::Twitter
'Twitter' =>
consumer_key => ...
consumer_secret => ...
# captical case implies Plack::Middleware::OAuth::Facebook
'Facebook' =>
client_id => ...
client_secret => ...
scope => 'email,read_stream',
'Github' =>
client_id => ...
client_secret => ...
scope => 'user,public_repo'
'Google' => {
client_id => '',
client_secret => '',
scope => ''
'custom_provider' => {
version => 1,
The callback/redirect URL is set to {SCHEMA}://{HTTP_HOST}/{prefix}/{provider}/callback by default.
OAuth URL and Callback URL
For a defined key in providers hashref, and you mounted OAuth middleware at /oauth, the generated URLs will be like:
authorize path: /oauth/custom_provider
authorize callback path: /oauth/custom_provider/callback
The provider id (key) will be converted into lower-case.
For example, Github's URLs will be like:
You can also specify custom callback URL in a provider config.
Specify Success Callback
When access token is got, success handler will be called:
enable 'OAuth',
providers => { .... },
on_success => sub {
my ($self,$token) = @_;
# $self: Plack::Middleware::OAuth::Handler (isa Plack::Request) object
return $self->render( .... );
return $self->redirect( .... );
return $self->to_yaml( .... );
return $self->to_json( .... );
# or just return a raw arrayref
return [ 200 , [ 'Content-type' => 'text/html' ] , 'Signin!' ];
Without specifying on_success
, OAuth middleware will use YAML to dump the response data to page.
To use access token to get user information, the following example demonstracte how to get corresponding user information:
on_success => sub {
my ($self,$token) = @_;
if( $token->is_provider('Twitter') ) {
my $config = $self->config;
# return $self->to_yaml( $config );
# get twitter user infomation with (api)
my $twitter = Net::Twitter->new(
traits => [qw/OAuth API::REST/],
consumer_key => $config->{consumer_key},
consumer_secret => $config->{consumer_secret},
access_token => $token->access_token,
access_token_secret => $token->access_token_secret,
return $self->to_yaml( {
account_settings => $twitter->account_settings,
account_totals => $twitter->account_totals,
show_user => $twitter->show_user( $token->params->{extra_params}->{screen_name} )
} );
User Info Query Interface
To query user info from OAuth provider, you can use Plack::Middleware::OAuth::UserInfo to help you.
my $userinfo = Plack::Middleware::OAuth::UserInfo->new(
token => $token ,
config => $provider_config
my $info_hash = $userinfo->ask( 'Twitter' ); # load Plack::Middleware::OAuth::UserInfo::Twitter
In you oauth success handler, it would be like:
on_success => sub {
my ($self,$token) = @_;
my $userinfo = Plack::Middleware::OAuth::UserInfo->new(
token => $token ,
config => $self->config
my $info_hash = $userinfo->ask( 'Twitter' ); # load Plack::Middleware::OAuth::UserInfo::Twitter
return $self->to_yaml( $info_hash );
Error Handler
An error handler should return a response data, it should be an array reference, for be finalized from Plack::Response:
enable 'OAuth',
providers => { .... },
on_error => sub {
my ($self,$token) = @_;
$self->render( 'Error' ) unless $token;
# $self: Plack::Middleware::OAuth::Handler (isa Plack::Request) object
OAuth1 AccessToken Callback Data Structure
Twitter uses OAuth 1.0a, and the access token callback returns data like this:
access_token: {{string}}
access_token_secret: {{string}}
screen_name: {{screen name}}
user_id: {{user id}}
provider: Twitter
version: 1
OAuth2 AccessToken Callback Data Structure
Github uses OAuth 2.0, and the access token callback returns data like this:
code: {{string}}
access_token: {{string}}
token_type: bearer
provider: Github
version: 2
Google returns:
access_token: {{string}}
code: {{string}}
expires_in: 3600
refresh_token: {{string}}
token_type: Bearer
provider: Google
version: 2
You can get OAuth1 or OAuth2 access token from Session,
my $session = Plack::Session->new( $env );
$session->get( 'oauth.twitter.access_token' );
$session->get( 'oauth.twitter.access_token_secret' );
$session->get( 'oauth2.facebook.access_token' );
$session->get( 'oauth2.custom_provider' );
Supported Providers
See Also
OAuth Workflow
OAuth 2.0 Protocal Draft
Github - Create A New Client
Twitter - Using OAuth 1.0a
Twitter - Moving from Basic Auth to OAuth
Single-user OAuth with Examples
Twitter - Create A New App
Facebook OAuth
Facebook - Create A New App
Facebook - Permissions
Facebook - How to handle expired access_token
Google OAuth
Google OAuth Scope:
2 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 422:
'=item' outside of any '=over'
- Around line 448:
'=item' outside of any '=over'