Mojo::Snoo - Mojo wrapper for the Reddit API


Mojo::Snoo is a Perl wrapper for the Reddit API which relies heavily on the Mojo modules. Mojo::Collection was the initial inspiration for going the Mojo route. Skip to synopsis to see how Mojo::Snoo can be great for one-liners, quick scripts, and full-blown applications!


use Mojo::Snoo;

# OAuth ONLY. Reddit is deprecating cookie auth soon.
my $snoo = Mojo::Snoo->new(
    username      => 'foobar',
    password      => 'very_secret',
    client_id     => 'oauth_client_id',
    client_secret => 'very_secret_oauth',

# upvote each post in /r/Perl (casing does not matter)
    sub { $_->upvote }

# Don't want to login? That's fine.
# You can stick to methods which don't require login.
# Omitting auth details is nice for one-liners:

# print names of moderators from /r/Perl
Mojo::Snoo->new->subreddit('Perl')->mods->each( sub { say $_->name } );

# or do the same via Mojo::Snoo::Subreddit
Mojo::Snoo::Subreddit->new('Perl')->mods->each( sub { say $_->name } );

# print title and author of each post (or "thing") from /r/Perl
# returns 25 "hot" posts by default
Mojo::Snoo::Subreddit->new('Perl')->things->each( sub { say $_->title, ' posted by ', $_->author } );

# get only self posts
@selfies = Mojo::Snoo::Subreddit->new('Perl')->things->grep( sub { $_->is_self } );

# get the top 3 controversial posts ("things") on /r/AskReddit
@things = Mojo::Snoo::Subreddit->new('Perl')->things_contro_all(3);

# print past week's top video URLs from /r/videos
Mojo::Snoo::Subreddit->new('Perl')->things_top_week->each( sub { say $_->url } );

# print the /r/Perl subreddit description
say Mojo::Snoo->new->subreddit('Perl')->about->description;

# even fetch a subreddit's header image!
say Mojo::Snoo->new->subreddit('Perl')->about->header_img;



Returns a Mojo::Snoo::Multireddit object.


Returns a Mojo::Snoo::Subreddit object.

Returns a Mojo::Snoo::Link object.


Returns a Mojo::Snoo::Comment object.


Returns a Mojo::Snoo::User object.


Snoo is reddit's alien mascot. Not to be confused with snu-snu.

Reddit's licensing changes prohibit the word "reddit" from being used in the name of reddit API clients.


Please see the official Reddit API documentation for more details regarding the usage of endpoints. For a better idea of how OAuth works, see the Quick Start and the full documentation. There is also a lot of useful information of the redditdev subreddit.

SEE ALSO ojo::Snoo


The (two-clause) FreeBSD License. See LICENSE for details.