OpenInteract2::ActionResolver - Small classes and chain of responsibility to resolve URLs to action objects


# Get all the available resolver objects
my @resolvers = OpenInteract2::ActionResolver->get_all_resolvers();

# Send OI2::Request object from which we get the URL using the
# default resolvers...
my $action = OpenInteract2::ActionResolver->get_action( $request );

# ...or specify the URL and resolvers yourself
my $action = OpenInteract2::ActionResolver->get_action( $request, $url, @resolvers );


An action resolver takes a URL and tries to create an OpenInteract2::Action from it. If the resolver cannot do so it does nothing and the next one is called.

Resolvers are found at runtime as long as they're under the 'OpenInteract2::ActionResolver' namespace. You can also add them manually using normal Class::Factory directives:

            myresolver => 'MyApplication::Resolver::FooResolver' );



Returns a list of resolver objects -- order is important!

get_action( $request, [ $url ], [ @resolvers ] )

Match up $url to the corresponding action. If not given we ask $request for its url_relative() property, and if @resolvers aren't given we use the result from our get_all_resolvers() class method. Each of the OpenInteract2::ActionResolver objects in @resolvers will get called and asked if it can resolve $url.

This will either return an OpenInteract2::Action object or throw an exception.

new( $type )

Creates a new resolver -- no parameters are passed in besides the $type that each resolver uses to register itself.


get_order() - subclass may implement

Return a number between 1 and 10 indicating when the resolver should be run. If you do not implement this the default is '5', which will probably be fine for most implementations.

resolve( $request, $url ) - subclass must implement

Tries to find data in $url to create an action. The $url will not contain any deployment context information. (Note that $url may have come from $request or may have been specified by the original caller, so don't go peeking around in $request for it unless you know what you're doing.)

If that particular resolver does not know what to do with the URL it should return nothing to indicate that the next resolver down the line should get executed.

If you're thinking of implementing an this class to create a side-effect (like looking for a 'my_language' request parameter and using that for the language assigned), don't. There's a better way. Just create an observer in the OpenInteract2::Observer::Controller namespace and we'll pick it up automatically from OpenInteract2::Setup::InitializeControllers. The observation you're looking for is 'action assigned'.

So to do the above you'd create:

package OpenInteract2::Observer::Controller::Language;

use strict;
use OpenInteract2::Context   qw( CTX );

sub update {
    my ( $class, $controller, $observation, $action ) = @_;
    return unless ( $observation eq 'action assigned' );
    my $request = CTX->request;
    my $lang = $request->param( 'my_language' );
    if ( $lang ) {
        $request->find_languages( $lang, $request->language );





Copyright (c) 2005 Chris Winters. All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Chris Winters <>