Test::Roo::Role - Composable role for Test::Roo


version 0.001


A testing role:

# t/lib/
package MyTestRole;
use Test::Roo::Role; # loads Moo::Role and Test::More

requires 'class';

test 'object creation' => sub {
    my $self = shift;
    require_ok( $self->class );
    my $obj  = new_ok( $self->class );



This module defines test behaviors as a Moo::Role.


Importing Test::Roo::Role also loads Moo::Role (which gives you strictures with fatal warnings and other goodies) and Test::More.

If you have to call plan skip_all, do it in the main body of your code, not in a test or modifier.

Creating and requiring fixtures

You can create fixtures with normal Moo syntax. You can even make them lazy if you want and require the composing class to provide the builder:

has fixture => (
    is => 'lazy'

requires '_build_fixture';

Because this is a Moo::Role, you can require any method you like, not just builders.

See Moo::Role and Role::Tiny for everything you can do with roles.

Setup and teardown

You can add method modifiers around the setup and teardown methods and these will be run before and after all tests (respectively).

before  setup     => sub { ... };

after   teardown  => sub { ... };

The order that modifiers will be called will depend on the timing of role composition.

You can even call test functions in these, for example, to confirm that something has been set up or cleaned up.

Imported functions


test $label => sub { ... };

The test function adds a subtest. The code reference will be called with the test object as its only argument.

Tests are run in the order declared, so the order of tests from roles will depend on when they are composed relative to other test declarations.


David Golden <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2013 by David Golden.

This is free software, licensed under:

The Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004