Oak::Visual - Superclass for all visual web components
This class implements all the necessary methods for a visual component.
All the visual components must have the following properties:
- parent
The name of the object which this component will be shown inside.
- top
The order from top to bottom in which this component will be shown.
- left
The order from left to right in which this component will be shown.
- hasError
This component found an error in the last checkSyntax.
- receive_cgi(CGIOBJ)
This method is called to restore the state of the page when the client submits. This function will not do anything but setting the components properties
- check_syntax
This method should throw an exception when the syntax of one of the input fields is wrong. The text of the exception will be shown.
- valid_html_attributes
This function returns an array with all the properties that can be used as a valid html attribute for this component
- core_attributes
Return the %coreattr elements as defined by W3C.
- i18n_attributes
Return the %i18n elements as defined by W3C.
- events_attributes
Return the %events elements as defined by W3C.
- cellhalgin_attributes
Return the %cellhalign elements as defined by W3C.
- cellvalgin_attributes
Return the %cellvalign elements as defined by W3C.
- print_html_attributes
Automatically print all the valid html attributes
- show
Show the component (print it to output), and launch (if necessary) an ev_onShow event. Hint: Oak::Web::Visual already launchs the ev_onShow, so, when you implement a visual component, try to call SUPER.
use base qw(Oak::Web::Visual);
Copyright (c) 2001 Daniel Ruoso <> All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.