DateTimeX::Format - Moose Roles for building next generation DateTime formats


package DateTimeX::Format::Bleh;
with 'DateTimeX::Format';

sub parse_datetime {
	my ( $time, $env, @args ) = @_;
	# expr;

my $dt = DateTimeX::Format::Bleh->new({
	locale     => $locale
	, timezone => $timezone
	, debug    => 0|1
	, defaults => 0|1

$dt->timezone( $timezone );
$dt->locale( $locale );

$dt->parse_datetime( $time, {locale=>$locale_for_call} );

my $env = {
	timezone  => $timezone_for_call
	, locale  => $locale_for_call
$dt->parse_datetime( $time, $env, @additional_arguments );
$dt->parse_datetime( $time, {timezone=>$timezone_for_call} )

## if your module requires a pattern, or has variable time-input formats
## see the Moose::Role DateTimeX::Format::CustomPattern
package DateTimeX::Format::Strptime;
with 'DateTimeX::Format::CustomPattern';
with 'DateTimeX::Format';


This Moose::Role simply provides an environment at instantation which can be overriden in the call to parse_data by supplying a hash.

All of the DateTime based methods, locale and timezone, coerce in accordence to what the docs of MooseX::Types::DateTime say -- the coercions apply to both runtime calls and constructors.

In addition this module provides two other accessors to assist in the development of modules in the DateTimeX::Format namespace, these are debug, and defaults.


All of these slots correspond to your object environment: they can be supplied in the constructor, or through accessors.

  • locale

    Can be overridden in the call to ->parse_datetime.

    See the docs at MooseX::Types::DateTime for informations about the coercions.

  • timezone

    Can be overridden in the call to ->parse_datetime.

    See the docs at MooseX::Types::DateTime for informations about the coercions.

  • debug( 1 | 0* )

    Set to one to get debugging information

  • defaults( 1* | 0 )

    Set to 0 to force data to be sent to the module


new_datetime( $hashRef )

Takes a hashRef of the name value pairs to hand off to DateTime->new


Evan Carroll, <me at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-datetimex-format at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc DateTimeX::Format

You can also look for information at:


Dave Rolsky -- provided a some assistance with how DateTime works


Copyright 2009 Evan Carroll, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.