Fennec::Manual - Manual for Fennec.
Fennec provides a solid base that is highly extendable. It allows for the writing of custom nestable workflows (like RSPEC), Custom Asserts (like Test::Exception), Custom output handlers (Alternatives to TAP), Custom file types, and custom result passing (collectors). In Fennec all test files are objects. Fennec also solves the forking problem, thats it, forking just plain works.
Fennec is still under active development, many features are untested or even unimplemented. Please give it a try and report any bugs or suggestions.
This covers basic usage of Fennec if you just want to start writing tests.
- Quick Start
Fennec::Manual::Quickstart - Drop Fennec standalone tests into an existing suite.
- Fennec Based Test Suite
Fennec::Manual::TestSuite - How to create a Fennec based test suite.
- Command Line Tools
Fennec::Manual::CommandLine - Command line tools provided by Fennec.
- Vim tools
Fennec::Manual::Vim - Vim tools and rc files provided with the dist.
- Running Fennec
Fennec::Manual::Running - How to run individual Fennec test files, or even zeroing in on specific testsets.
Assertions are the actuals testers. ok(), is(), etc. are all assertions. A testset is comprised of 0 or more such assertions. Each assertion sends a result to the handler(s).
Each testset itself generates an additional result when completed. Testset results are true if the testset lived, false if it died. This allows the use of 'traditional' assertions which do nothing if successful, but die upon failure. Most Fennec assertions work like Test::Builder based tools, they do not die upon failure.
- Writing Assertion Libraries
Fennec::Manual::Assertions - Guide to writing custom assertion libraries
- Using Test::Builder Based Tools
Many Test::Builder tools will work as expected within Fennec, however some may require, or can be improved by wrapping them into Fennec.
Fennec::Manual::TBAssertions - Guide to wrapping Test::Builder based tools for use within fennec.
- Core Assertion Libraries
Many of these were named to reflect which Test::XXX module they mimic. All Core assertion libraries are imported by default.
Fennec::Assert::Core::Simple - ok(), use_ok, and similar assertions.
Fennec::Assert::Core::More - Assertions for comparing data and structures.
Fennec::Assert::Core::Exception - Assertions for testing exceptions.
Fennec::Assert::Core::Warn - Assertions for testing warnings.
Fennec::Assert::Core::Anonclass - Create anonymous objects based on specifications, created objetcs will have assertions as methods ($obj->is(), $obj->can_ok(), etc...)
- TBCore Assertion Libraries
If you prefer to use the well tested and commonly used Test::Builder based tools instead of the Fennec implementations then Fennec::Assert::TBCore is here to serve you.
Fennec::Assert::TBCore::Simple - Test::Simple
Fennec::Assert::TBCore::More - Test::More
Workflows are ways to seperate, group, and structure tests. A good example of a test workflow would be Ruby's RSPEC. Fennec has an implementation of the SPEC workflow in addition to others.
- Writing Custom Workflows
- Core workflows
Fennec::Workflow::Module - Workflow that lets you define testsets and setup/teardown as methods on your test object.
Fennec::Workflow::SPEC - Implementation of the SPEC test workflow
Fennec::Workflow::Case - A workflow that lets you run testsets under multiple cases.
A Result handler is a single object in the root process to which all results are passed as they are collected. The handler is responsible for doing something useful with them. The default handler is the TAP handler which provides TAP output. Multiple handlers can be used at a time, and they can do anything they want with the results.
- Writing Custom Handlers
- Core Handlers
Fennec::Handler::TAP - Produces TAP output for result objects.
Fennec has test parallelization, this means forking into multiple processes. Collectors are responsible for funneling all results to the parent process where they are then sent to handlers. A collector needs to implement 2 things, a writer method that takes results as input, and a cull method which collects the results.
- Writing Custom Collectors
- Core Collectors
Fennec::Collectors::Files - The default, writes results as files in _results, then in the parent process these files are read.
Fennec::Collectors::Interceptor - Used by Fennec::Assert::Interceptor in order to capture results instead of sending them to the handlers, this is not a true collector, but a perfectly valid use of the framework.
When Fennec was first conceptualized there was mention of TestML, as well I decided it would be useful to be able to customise how test files are found/loaded. This led me to make loading test files a pluggable system. Using custom file loaders you can potentially use any type of test files you would like.
*There is not currently a TestML plugin, sorry.
- Writing Custom File Types
- Core File Loaders
Fennec::FileLoader::Module - The default, looks for .pm files in t/ and loads them as standard perl modules.
Fennec::FileLoader::Standalone - Used in standalone tests.
- Mission
Fennec::Manual::Mission - Why does Fennec exist?
Chad Granum
Copyright (C) 2010 Chad Granum
Fennec is free software; Standard perl licence.
Fennec is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the license for more details.