The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
Author image Chad Granum

All Releases by Chad Granum

River gauge Release Uploaded
River stage zero No dependents App-Dispatch-0.007 Tool to have #! dispatch to the best executable for the job. 30 Jan 2014 21:39:58 UTC
River stage zero No dependents App-Inspect-0.002 Command line tool for inspecting installed modules 27 Jan 2016 15:29:36 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Atomic-Pipe-0.022 Send atomic messages from multiple writers across a POSIX pipe. 10 Apr 2024 20:26:27 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Block-NJH-0.002 Prevent your tests from running on NJH's broken smokers. 08 Mar 2020 22:49:10 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Block-NamedVar-0.009 Named variables for grep and map, for with multiple named list elements. 01 Nov 2015 06:55:57 UTC
River stage two • 9 direct dependents • 18 total dependents Child-0.013 Object oriented simple interface to fork() 22 Jun 2016 15:23:05 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Child-Socket-0.003 Socket based IPC plugin for Child 03 Dec 2013 05:58:44 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Consumer-NonBlock-0.002 Send data between processes without blocking. 02 Jul 2024 22:54:34 UTC
River stage zero No dependents DBIx-QuickDB-0.000035 Quickly start a db server. 10 Jul 2024 15:28:15 UTC
River stage zero No dependents DSL-HTML-0.006 Declarative DSL(domain specific language) for writing HTML 15 Oct 2013 20:53:55 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Declare-CLI-0.009 Declarative command line interface builder. 07 Oct 2015 04:00:08 UTC
River stage two • 7 direct dependents • 12 total dependents Devel-Declare-Parser-0.021 Higher level interface to Devel-Declare 23 Oct 2023 04:49:29 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 5 total dependents Devel-Declare-Parser-Fennec-0.005 The parser for Fennec syntax. 23 Mar 2013 16:06:22 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Devel-Memalyzer-0.001 Base framework for analyzing program memory usage 26 Mar 2010 21:21:53 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Export-Declare-0.002 Declarative Exporting, successor of Exporter-Declare. 27 Jan 2016 15:25:32 UTC
River stage two • 12 direct dependents • 52 total dependents Exporter-Declare-0.114 Exporting done right 23 Jun 2015 21:02:20 UTC
River stage one • 4 direct dependents • 7 total dependents Exporter-Declare-Magic-0.107 Enhance Exporter::Declare with some fancy magic. 23 Mar 2013 16:04:55 UTC
River stage one • 9 direct dependents • 9 total dependents Fennec-2.018 A testers toolbox, and best friend 08 Jun 2018 15:02:53 UTC
River stage one • 3 direct dependents • 4 total dependents Fennec-Declare-1.002 Declarative interface for Fennec. 08 Dec 2013 05:26:05 UTC
River stage two • 4 direct dependents • 54 total dependents Fennec-Lite-0.004 Minimalist Fennec, the commonly used bits. 16 Sep 2010 22:26:44 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Fuckin-Lazy-0.000002 Lazy way to produce test structures (Or a very bad idea) 28 Jul 2014 23:28:17 UTC
River stage zero No dependents H-0.001 Method wrappers for hash construction. 15 Mar 2018 06:06:50 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Import-Box-0.001 Box up imports into an object or unified function. 20 Oct 2016 16:16:25 UTC
River stage two • 7 direct dependents • 74 total dependents Importer-0.026 Alternative but compatible interface to modules that export symbols. 16 Aug 2020 21:26:25 UTC
River stage two • 1 direct dependent • 18 total dependents Long-Jump-0.000003 Mechanism for returning to a specific point from a deeply nested stack. 15 Jun 2024 14:50:45 UTC
River stage two • 2 direct dependents • 53 total dependents Meta-Builder-0.004 Tools for creating Meta objects to track custom metrics. 06 Nov 2018 03:45:39 UTC
River stage two • 20 direct dependents • 48 total dependents Mock-Quick-1.111 Quickly mock objects and classes, even temporarily replace them, 26 May 2016 14:24:36 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Module-EnforceLoad-0.000002 Make sure your modules load their deps in preload environments. 22 Jun 2016 20:53:40 UTC
River stage zero No dependents MooseX-AutoImmute-0.001 Use Moose with make_immutable called for you. 30 Aug 2010 01:48:28 UTC
River stage zero No dependents MooseX-LeakCheck-0.003 Check for leaky attributes 03 Jan 2012 01:20:01 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Object-HashBase-0.015 Build hash based classes. 30 Aug 2024 00:57:25 UTC
River stage two • 2 direct dependents • 10 total dependents Parallel-Runner-0.014 An object to manage running things in parallel processes. 25 Apr 2024 15:11:41 UTC
River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 4 total dependents Sub-Info-0.002 Tool for inspecting subroutines. 24 Dec 2016 04:17:00 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Symbol-Move-0.000002 Move or rename symbols at compile time. 30 Dec 2015 23:21:28 UTC
River stage zero No dependents T-0.001 Encapsulate testing tools instead of cluttering your namespace. 20 Oct 2016 16:58:12 UTC
River stage four • 6 direct dependents • 6577 total dependents Term-Table-0.022 Format a header and rows into a table 06 Aug 2024 18:41:36 UTC
River stage four • 2124 direct dependents • 9403 total dependents Test-Exception-0.43 Test exception-based code 29 Dec 2015 19:55:14 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Test-FixtureBuilder-0.001 Quickly define fixture data for unit tests 13 Jan 2014 15:17:01 UTC
River stage four • 63 direct dependents • 1548 total dependents Test-SharedFork-0.35 fork test 21 Dec 2015 23:28:52 UTC
River stage five • 23312 direct dependents • 33275 total dependents Test-Simple-1.302204 Basic utilities for writing tests. 15 Sep 2024 16:22:01 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Test-Stream-1.302027 **DEPRECATED** See Test2-Suite instead 05 Feb 2016 23:42:10 UTC
River stage two • 12 direct dependents • 17 total dependents Test2-Harness-1.000155 A new and improved test harness with better Test2 integration. 03 Oct 2023 15:58:08 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Test2-Harness-UI-0.000144 Web interface for viewing and inspecting yath test logs 10 Oct 2023 19:52:49 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Test2-Plugin-Cover-0.000027 Fast and Minimal file coverage info. 04 Nov 2021 21:18:33 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Test2-Plugin-DBIProfile-0.002006 Plugin to enable and display DBI profiling. 18 May 2021 22:13:37 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Test2-Plugin-IOEvents-0.001001 Turn STDOUT and STDERR into Test2 events. 26 Feb 2020 22:56:33 UTC
River stage two • 1 direct dependent • 18 total dependents Test2-Plugin-MemUsage-0.002003 Collect and display memory usage information. 26 Feb 2020 16:09:51 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Test2-Plugin-SourceDiag-0.000005 Output the lines of code that resulted in a failure. 16 Dec 2020 04:00:05 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Test2-Plugin-SpecDeclare-0.000003 Syntax keywords for Test2::Tools::Spec. 31 May 2016 14:13:16 UTC
River stage two • 1 direct dependent • 18 total dependents Test2-Plugin-UUID-0.002009 Use REAL UUIDs in Test2 13 Aug 2024 15:36:14 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Test2-Tools-EventDumper-0.000013 *DEPRECATED* Tool for dumping Test2::Event structures. 26 Jul 2021 19:09:33 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Trace-Mask-0.000008 Standard for masking frames in stack traces. 16 Jun 2016 14:37:41 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Vim-Helper-0.001 Extended tools to assist working with perl in vim. 05 Nov 2012 02:32:30 UTC
River stage two • 1 direct dependent • 18 total dependents goto-file-0.005 Stop parsing the current file and move on to a different one. 24 Oct 2017 15:33:30 UTC
River stage zero No dependents optional-0.001 Pragma to optionally load a module (or pick from a list of modules) and provide a constant and some tools for taking action depending on if it loaded or not. 14 May 2024 21:33:17 UTC
Favorites Author Date
B-Hooks-Parser ETHER 05 Feb 2016 17:57:00 UTC
Block-NamedVar EXODIST 01 Nov 2015 07:00:04 UTC
DBD-BlackHole KARUPA 18 Jun 2019 20:24:58 UTC
DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-Serializer MRUIZ 26 Jan 2018 17:57:33 UTC
Importer EXODIST 28 Jan 2016 18:58:25 UTC
Linux-FD LEONT 18 Oct 2015 21:46:22 UTC
M MSTROUT 26 Oct 2017 21:03:18 UTC
Mock-Quick EXODIST 04 Dec 2015 20:19:40 UTC
OrePAN2 OALDERS 26 Nov 2014 22:50:49 UTC
Parallel-Runner EXODIST 05 Dec 2013 17:29:36 UTC
Return-MultiLevel MAUKE 11 Apr 2016 14:29:19 UTC
Sub-Op VPIT 01 Nov 2015 06:37:38 UTC
Test2-MojoX ELCAMLOST 27 Feb 2020 04:58:04 UTC
Test2-Tools-Condition AKIYM 27 Feb 2020 04:51:51 UTC
Trace-Mask EXODIST 01 Nov 2015 07:00:23 UTC
Try-Tiny DOY 18 Oct 2015 22:01:33 UTC
Win32-Console-ANSI JLMOREL 29 Apr 2016 20:12:27 UTC
indirect VPIT 01 Nov 2015 06:27:57 UTC