Test::Stream::Workflow::Runner - Simple runner for workflows.


This is an experimental release! Test-Stream, and all its components are still in an experimental phase. This dist has been released to cpan in order to allow testers and early adopters the chance to write experimental new tools with it, or to add experimental support for it into old tools.

PLEASE DO NOT COMPLETELY CONVERT OLD TOOLS YET. This experimental release is very likely to see a lot of code churn. API's may break at any time. Test-Stream should NOT be depended on by any toolchain level tools until the experimental phase is over.


This is a basic class for running workflows. This class is intended to be subclasses for more fancy/feature rich workflows.



package My::Runner;
use strict;
use warnings;

use parent 'Test::Stream::Workflow::Runner';

sub instance {
    my $class = shift;
    return $class->new(@_);

sub subtest {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($unit) = @_;
    return $bool

sub verify_meta {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($unit) = @_;
    my $meta = $unit->meta || return;
    warn "the 'foo' meta attribute is not supported" if $meta->{foo};

sub run_task {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($task) = @_;


use Test::Stream qw/-V1 Spec/;

use My::Runner; # Sets the runner for the Spec plugin.





The import method checks the calling class to see if it has an Test::Stream::Workflow::Meta instance, if it does then it sets the runner. The runner that is set is the result of calling $class->instance(@instance_args). The instance_args are optional.

If there is no meta instance for the calling class then import is a no-op.

$bool = $class->subtests($unit)

This determines if the units should be run as subtest or flat. The base class always returns true for this. This is a hook that allows you to override the default behavior.

$runner = $class->instance()
$runner = $class->instance(@args)

This is a hook allowing you to construct an instance of your runner. The base class simply returns the class name as it does not need to be instansiated. If your runner needs to maintain state then this can return a blessed instance.


These are made to work on the class itself, but should also work just fine on a blessed instance if your subclass needs to be instantiated.


This method reads the $unit->meta hash and warns about any unrecognised keys. Your subclass should override this if it wants to add support for any meta-keys.

$runner->run(unit => $unit, args => $arg)
$runner->run(unit => $unit, args => $arg, no_final => $bool)

Tell the runner to run a unit with the specified args. The args are optional. The no_final arg is optional, it should be used on support units that should not produce final results (or be a subtest of their own).


The run() method composes a unit into a Test::Stream::Workflow::Task object. This object is then handed off to run_task() to be run. At its simplest this method should run $task->run(). The base class will simply run the task, unless the 'iso' (or 'isolate') meta attribute is set to true, in which case it delegates to fork_task() or thread_task depending on whats available. IF no method of isolatin the task is available it will skip the task.


This method will attempt to fork. In the parent process it will wait for the child to complete, then return. In the child process the task will be run, then the process will exit.

This is a way to run a task in isolation ensuring that no global state is modified for future tests. This implementation does not support any parallelism as the parent waits for the child to complete before it continues.

This method will throw an exception if the current system does not support forking. It will throw a different exception if it attempts to fork and cannot for any reason.


This method will attempt to spawn a thread. In the parent thread it will wait for the child to complete, then return. In the child thread the task will be run, then the thread will exit.

This is a way to run a task in isolation ensuring that no global state is modified for future tests. This implementation does not support any parallelism as the parent waits for the child to complete before it continues.

This method will throw an exception if the current system does not support threading.


The source code repository for Test::Stream can be found at


Chad Granum <>


Chad Granum <>


Copyright 2015 Chad Granum <>.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
