
WebService::Fastly::Configuration - holds the configuration for all WebService::Fastly Modules


http_timeout: (optional)

Integer. timeout for HTTP requests in seconds

default: 180

http_user_agent: (optional)

String. custom UserAgent header

default: fastly-perl/9.01

api_key: (optional)

Hashref. Keyed on the name of each key (there can be multiple tokens).

api_key => {
    secretKey => 'aaaabbbbccccdddd',
    anotherKey => '1111222233334444',
api_key_prefix: (optional)

Hashref. Keyed on the name of each key (there can be multiple tokens). Note not all api keys require a prefix.

api_key_prefix => {
    secretKey => 'string',
    anotherKey => 'same or some other string',
api_key_in: (optional)
username: (optional)

String. The username for basic auth.

password: (optional)

String. The password for basic auth.

access_token: (optional)

String. The OAuth access token.

base_url: (optional)

String. The base URL of the API
