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=begin comment
Fastly API
Via the Fastly API you can perform any of the operations that are possible within the management console, including creating services, domains, and backends, configuring rules or uploading your own application code, as well as account operations such as user administration and billing reports. The API is organized into collections of endpoints that allow manipulation of objects related to Fastly services and accounts. For the most accurate and up-to-date API reference content, visit our [Developer Hub](
The version of the API Spec document: 1.0.0
=end comment
# NOTE: This class is auto generated.
# Do not edit the class manually.
use strict;
use utf8;
use Log::Any qw($log);
use Carp;
use constant VERSION => '9.01';
=head1 Name
WebService::Fastly::Configuration - holds the configuration for all WebService::Fastly Modules
=head1 new(%parameters)
=over 4
=item http_timeout: (optional)
Integer. timeout for HTTP requests in seconds
default: 180
=item http_user_agent: (optional)
String. custom UserAgent header
default: fastly-perl/9.01
=item api_key: (optional)
Hashref. Keyed on the name of each key (there can be multiple tokens).
api_key => {
secretKey => 'aaaabbbbccccdddd',
anotherKey => '1111222233334444',
=item api_key_prefix: (optional)
Hashref. Keyed on the name of each key (there can be multiple tokens). Note not all api keys require a prefix.
api_key_prefix => {
secretKey => 'string',
anotherKey => 'same or some other string',
=item api_key_in: (optional)
=item username: (optional)
String. The username for basic auth.
=item password: (optional)
String. The password for basic auth.
=item access_token: (optional)
String. The OAuth access token.
=item base_url: (optional)
String. The base URL of the API
sub new {
my ($self, %p) = (shift,@_);
# class/static variables
$p{http_timeout} //= 180;
$p{http_user_agent} //= 'fastly-perl/9.01';
# authentication setting
$p{api_key} //= {};
$p{api_key_prefix} //= {};
$p{api_key_in} //= {};
# username and password for HTTP basic authentication
$p{username} //= '';
$p{password} //= '';
# access token for OAuth
$p{access_token} //= '';
# base_url
$p{base_url} //= '';
# The last observed value of http header Fastly-RateLimit-Remaining
$p{rate_limit_remaining} //= 1000;
# The last observed value of http header Fastly-RateLimit-Reset
$p{rate_limit_remaining} //= undef;
return bless \%p => $self;
sub get_tokens {
my $self = shift;
my $tokens = {};
$tokens->{username} = $self->{username} if $self->{username};
$tokens->{password} = $self->{password} if $self->{password};
$tokens->{access_token} = $self->{access_token} if $self->{access_token};
foreach my $token_name (keys %{ $self->{api_key} }) {
$tokens->{$token_name}->{token} = $self->{api_key}{$token_name};
$tokens->{$token_name}->{prefix} = $self->{api_key_prefix}{$token_name};
$tokens->{$token_name}->{in} = $self->{api_key_in}{$token_name};
return $tokens;
sub clear_tokens {
my $self = shift;
my %tokens = %{$self->get_tokens}; # copy
$self->{username} = '';
$self->{password} = '';
$self->{access_token} = '';
$self->{api_key} = {};
$self->{api_key_prefix} = {};
$self->{api_key_in} = {};
return \%tokens;
sub accept_tokens {
my ($self, $tokens) = @_;
foreach my $known_name (qw(username password access_token)) {
next unless $tokens->{$known_name};
$self->{$known_name} = delete $tokens->{$known_name};
foreach my $token_name (keys %$tokens) {
$self->{api_key}{$token_name} = $tokens->{$token_name}{token};
if ($tokens->{$token_name}{prefix}) {
$self->{api_key_prefix}{$token_name} = $tokens->{$token_name}{prefix};
my $in = $tokens->{$token_name}->{in} || 'head';
croak "Tokens can only go in 'head' or 'query' (not in '$in')" unless $in =~ /^(?:head|query)$/;
$self->{api_key_in}{$token_name} = $in;