exact::class - Simple class interface extension for exact


version 1.12


package Cat;
use exact -class;

# ...or if you want to use it directly (which will also use exact):
# use exact::class;

has name => 'Unnamed';
has ['age', 'weight'] => 4;

# ...and just for this inline example we need:
BEGIN { $INC{''} = 1 }

package AttackCat;
use exact 'Cat';

has attack => 4;
has thac0  => -3;

class_has hp => 42;

with 'Attack';

package main;
use exact;

my $cat = Cat->new( name => 'Hamlet' );
say $cat->age;
say $cat->age(3)->weight(5)->age;

my $demon = AttackCat->new( attack => 5, hp => 1138 );
say $demon->tap( sub { $_->thac0(-4) } )->hp;

$demon->attr( new_attribute => 1024 );
say $demon->new_attribute;

my $devil = AttackCat->with_roles('+Claw')->new;


exact::class is intended to be a simple class interface extension for exact. See the exact documentation for additional information about extensions. The intended use of exact::class is via the extension interface of exact.

use exact -class, -conf, -noutf8;

However, you can also use it directly, which will also use exact with default options:

use exact::class;

Doing either of these will setup your namespace with some methods to make it easier to use it as a class with a fluent OO interface. Fluent OO interfaces are a way to design object-oriented APIs around method chaining to create domain-specific languages, with the goal of making the readablity of the source code close to written prose.


Note that exact::class will place itself as a parent to package in which it's used. If you setup a subclass to your package, that subclass should not also use exact::class, or else you'll probably end up with an inheritance error.

"Highly Influenced" Interface

The interface and much of the code is "highly influenced" (i.e. plagiarized) from the excellent Mojo::Base and Role::Tiny. So much so that you can replace:

use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious';
use Role::Tiny::With;


use exact -class, 'Mojolicious';


Note that Class::Method::Modifiers is injected into the namespace to provide support for: before, around, and after.


exact::class implements the following functions:


Create attributes and associated accessors for hash-based objects.

has 'name';
has [ 'name1', 'name2', 'name3' ];
has name4 => undef;
has name5 => 'foo';
has name6 => sub {...};
has [ 'name7', 'name8', 'name9' ]    => 'foo';
has [ 'name10', 'name11', 'name12' ] => sub {...};
has name13 => \ sub {...};

Then whenever you have an object:

$object->name('Set This Name'); # returns $object
say $object->name               # returns 'Set This Name'

See also the "attr" section below.


Exactly the same as has except attributes are assigned to the class, not to the object. Thus, any time you change a class_has value, it changes across all objects of that class, both present and future instantiated.


with 'Some::Role1';
with qw( Some::Role1 Some::Role2 );

Composes a role into the current space via Role::Tiny::With.

If you have conflicts and want to resolve them in favor of Some::Role1, you can instead write:

with 'Some::Role1';
with 'Some::Role2';

You will almost certainly want to read the documentation for exact::role for writing roles.


exact::class implements the following methods:


my $object = SubClass->new;
my $object = SubClass->new( name => 'value' );
my $object = SubClass->new( { name => 'value' } );

A basic constructor for hash-based objects. You can pass it either a hash or a hash reference with attribute values.


SubClass->attr( [ 'name1', 'name2', 'name3' ] );
SubClass->attr( name => 'foo' );
SubClass->attr( name => sub {...} );
SubClass->attr( [ 'name1', 'name2', 'name3' ] => 'foo' );
SubClass->attr( [ 'name1', 'name2', 'name3' ] => sub {...} );
SubClass->attr( name => sub {...} );
SubClass->attr( name => undef );
SubClass->attr( [ 'name1', 'name2', 'name3' ] => sub {...} );
SubClass->attr( 'name13' => \ sub {...} );

Create attribute accessors for hash-based objects, an array reference can be used to create more than one at a time. Pass an optional second argument to set a default value, it should be a constant, a callback, or a reference to a callback.

The direct callback will be executed at accessor read time if there's no set value, and gets passed the current instance of the object as first argument. Accessors can be chained, that means they return their invocant when they are called with an argument.

Code References

Code references will be called on first access and passed a copy of the object. The return value of the code references will be saved in the attribute, replacing the reference.

package Cat;
use exact -class;
my $base = 41;
has name6 => sub { return ++$base };

package main;
my $cat = Cat->new;
say $cat->name6; # 42
say $cat->name6; # 42

If you instead need a code reference stored permanently in an attribute, then use a reference to a code reference:

package Cat;
use exact -class;
my $base = 41;
has name6 => \ sub { return ++$base };

package main;
my $cat = Cat->new;
say $cat->name6->(); # 42
say $cat->name6->(); # 43


$object = $object->tap( sub {...} );
$object = $object->tap('some_method');
$object = $object->tap( 'some_method', @args );

Tap into a method chain to perform operations on an object within the chain (also known as a K combinator or Kestrel). The object will be the first argument passed to the callback, and is also available as $_. The callback's return value will be ignored; instead, the object (the callback's first argument) will be the return value. In this way, arbitrary code can be used within (i.e., spliced or tapped into) a chained set of object method calls.

# longer version
$object = $object->tap( sub { $_->some_method(@args) } );

# inject side effects into a method chain
$object->foo('A')->tap( sub { say $_->foo } )->foo('B');


my $new_class = SubClass->with_roles('SubClass::Role::One');
my $new_class = SubClass->with_roles( '+One', '+Two' );
$object       = $object->with_roles( '+One', '+Two' );

Create a new class with one or more Role::Tiny roles. If called on a class returns the new class, or if called on an object reblesses the object into the new class. For roles following the naming scheme "MyClass::Role::RoleName" you can use the shorthand "+RoleName".

# create a new class with the role "SubClass::Role::Foo" and instantiate it
my $new_class = SubClass->with_roles('+Foo');
my $object    = $new_class->new;

You will almost certainly want to read the documentation for exact::role for writing roles.


You can look for additional information at:


Gryphon Shafer <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2019-2021 by Gryphon Shafer.

This is free software, licensed under:

The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)