HTML::FormHandler - form handler written in Moose
HTML::FormHandler allows you to define HTML form fields and validators, and will automatically update or create rows in a database, although it can also be used for non-database forms.
One of its goals is to keep the controller interface as simple as possible, and to minimize the duplication of code.
An example of a Catalyst controller that uses an HTML::FormHandler form to update a 'Book' record:
package MyApp::Controller::Book;
use Moose;
extends 'Catalyst::Controller';
use MyApp::Form::Book;
has 'edit_form' => ( isa => 'MyApp::Form::Book', is => 'rw',
lazy => 1, default => sub { MyApp::Form::Book->new } );
sub book_base : Chained PathPart('book') CaptureArgs(0)
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
# setup
sub item : Chained('book_base') PathPart('') CaptureArgs(1)
my ( $self, $c, $book_id ) = @_;
$c->stash( book => $c->model('DB::Book')->find($book_id) );
sub edit : Chained('item') PathPart('edit') Args(0)
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
$c->stash( form => $self->edit_form, template => 'book/' );
return unless $self->edit_form->process( item => $c->stash->{book},
params => $c->req->parameters );
$c->res->redirect( $c->uri_for('list') );
The example above has the forms as a persistent part of the application. If you prefer, it also works fine to create the form on each request:
my $form = MyApp::Form->new;
my $validated = $form->update( item => $book, params => $params );
or, for a non-database form:
my $form = MyApp::Form->new;
my $validated = $form->validate( $params );
An example of a form class:
package MyApp::Form::User;
use HTML::FormHandler::Moose;
extends 'HTML::FormHandler::Model::DBIC';
has '+item_class' => ( default => 'User' );
has_field 'name' => ( type => 'Text' );
has_field 'age' => ( type => 'PosInteger' );
has_field 'birthdate' => ( type => 'DateTime' );
has_field 'hobbies' => ( type => 'Multiple' );
has_field 'address' => ( type => 'Text' );
has_field 'city' => ( type => 'Text' );
has_field 'state' => ( type => 'Select' );
has_field 'email' => ( type => 'Email' );
has '+dependency' => ( default => sub {
[ ['address', 'city', 'state'], ]
sub validate_age {
my ( $self, $field ) = @_;
$field->add_error('Sorry, you must be 18')
if $field->value < 18;
no HTML::FormHandler::Moose;
A dynamic form may be created in a controller using the field_list attribute to set fields:
my $form = HTML::FormHandler->new(
item => $user,
field_list => {
fields => {
first_name => 'Text',
last_name => 'Text'
HTML::FormHandler differs from other form frameworks in that each form is a Perl object. This allows concentrating form definition and validation in one place, and permits easy customization.
HTML::FormHandler does not provide a complex HTML generating facility, but a simple, sample rendering role is provided by HTML::FormHandler::Render::Simple, which will output HTML formatted strings for a field or a form. There are also sample Template Toolkit widget files in the example, documented at HTML::FormHandler::Manual::Templates.
The typical application for FormHandler would be in a Catalyst, DBIx::Class, Template Toolkit web application, but use is not limited to that.
The HTML::FormHandler module is documented here. For more extensive documentation on use and a tutorial, see the manual at HTML::FormHandler::Manual.
This is not actually a Moose attribute. It is just sugar to allow the declarative specification of fields. It will not create accessors for the fields. The 'type' is not a Moose type, but an HTML::FormHandler::Field type. To use this sugar, you must do
use HTML::FormHandler::Moose;
instead of use Moose;
. Don't forget no HTML::FormHandler::Moose;
at the end of the package. Use the syntax:
has_field 'title' => ( type => 'Text', required => 1 );
has_field 'authors' => ( type => 'Select' );
instead of:
has '+field_list' => ( default => sub { {
fields => {
title => {
type => 'Text',
required => 1,
authors => 'Select',
sub field_list {
return {
fields => {
title => {
type => 'Text',
required => 1,
authors => 'Select',
Fields specified in a field_list will overwrite fields specified with 'has_field'. After processing, fields live in the 'fields' array, and can be accessed with the field method: $form->field('title')
A hashref of field definitions.
The possible keys in the field_list hashref are:
Example of a field_list hashref:
my $field_list => {
fields => [
field_one => {
type => 'Text',
required => 1
field_two => 'Text,
For the "auto" field_list keys, provide a list of field names. The field types will be determined by calling 'guess_field_type' in the model.
auto_required => ['name', 'age', 'sex', 'birthdate'],
auto_optional => ['hobbies', 'address', 'city', 'state'],
The form's name. Useful for multiple forms. It's also used to construct the default 'id' for fields. The default is "form" + a one to three digit random number.
In your form:
has '+name' => ( default => 'userform' );
If an 'init_object' is supplied on form creation, it will be used instead of the 'item' to pre-populate the values in the form.
This can be useful when populating a form from default values stored in a similar but different object than the one the form is creating.
See 'init_from_object' method
Flag to indicate that validation has been run.
Flag that indicates if form has been validated
Flag to print out additional diagnostic information
"Readonly" is not used by F::P.
Use to set the name space used to locate fields that start with a "+", as: "+MetaText". Fields without a "+" are loaded from the "HTML::FormHandler::Field" name space. If 'field_name_space' is not set, then field types with a "+" must be the complete package name.
Total number of errors
Flag indicating whether the db record in the item already existed (was updated) or was created
Place to store user data
Place to store application context
language_handle, build_language_handle
Holds a Local::Maketext language handle
The builder for this attribute gets the Locale::Maketext language handle from the environment variable $ENV{LANGUAGE_HANDLE}, or creates a default language handler using HTML::FormHandler::I18N
Used for numbering fields. Used by set_order method in Useful in templates.
Flag to indicate that the form name is used as a prefix for fields in an HTML form. Useful for multiple forms on the same HTML page. The prefix is stripped off of the fields before creating the internal field name, and added back in when returning a parameter hash from the 'fif' method. For example, the field name in the HTML form could be "book.borrower", and the field name in the FormHandler form (and the database column) would be just "borrower".
Also see the Field attribute "prename", a convenience function which will return the form name + "." + field name
You don't need this attribute unless you have a compound field. Prefix is used for field names in compound fields. The collection of fields can be a complete form. An example might be a field that represents a DateTime object, but is made up of separate day, month, and year fields. Adds the 'name_prefix' plus a dot to the beginning of the field name.
The column in tables used for select list that marks an option 'active'
For storing 'post' or 'get'
Store the form 'action' on submission
Store form submit field info
Stores HTTP parameters. Also: set_param, get_param, _params, delete_param, from Moose 'Collection::Hash' metaclass.
The field definitions as built from the field_list. This is a MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Collection::Array, and provides clear_fields, add_field, remove_last_field, num_fields, has_fields, and set_field_at methods.
Arrayref of arrayrefs of fields. If one of a group of fields has a value, then all of the group are set to 'required'.
has '+dependency' => ( default => sub { [
['street', 'city', 'state', 'zip' ],] }
This value can be used to link a sub-form to the parent field.
If a form has a parent_field associated with it, errors in the field will be pushed onto the parent_field instead of the current field. This stores a weakened value.
New creates a new form object. The constructor takes name/value pairs:
item => $item,
init_object => { name => 'Your name here', username => 'choose' }
Or a single item (model row object) or item_id (row primary key) may be supplied:
MyForm->new( $id );
MyForm->new( $item );
If you will be processing a persistent form with 'process', no arguments are necessary. Do not pass in item, item_id, or schema if you use 'process', because they will be cleared.
The common attributes to be passed in to the constructor are:
item_class (often set in the form class)
Creating a form object:
my $form = = HTML::FormHandler::Model::DBIC->new(
item_id => $id,
item_class => 'User',
schema => $schema,
field_list => {
required => {
name => 'Text',
active => 'Boolean',
The 'item', 'item_id', and 'item_class' attributes are defined in HTML::FormHandler::Model, and 'schema' is defined in HTML::FormHandler::Model::DBIC.
FormHandler forms are handled in two steps: 1) create with 'new', 2) handle with 'process' or 'update'. FormHandler doesn't care whether most parameters are set on new or process or update, but a 'field_list' argument should be passed in on 'new'.
These are called when the form object is first created (by Moose).
A single argument is an "item" parameter if it's a reference, otherwise it's an "item_id".
First BUILD calls the build_form method, which reads the field_list and creates the fields object array.
Then 'init_from_object' is called to load each field's internal value from the 'init_object' or from the 'item', followed by 'load_options' to load values for select fields.
For persistent FormHandler instances, processes a form
my $validated = $form->process( item => $book,
params => $c->req->parameters );
my $validated = $form->process( item_id => $item_id,
schema => $schema, params => $c->req->parameters );
Calls 'clear' to clear previous values, calls 'update' to process the form. $self->dump_fields if $self->verbose; If you set attributes that are not cleared and you have a persistent form, you must either set that attribute on each request or clear it.
If your form is not persistent, you should call 'update' instead, because this method clears the schema, item and item_id.
This method can also be used for non-database forms:
$form->process( params => $params );
Calls clear_state, clear_model (in the model), and clears 'ctx'
This is the method to call to update the form if your form is not persistent. Pass in item or item_id/schema and parameters.
my $form = MyApp::Form::Book->new;
$form->update( item => $item, schema => $schema );
Clears out state information in the form.
fields: value, input, fif, errors
Clears field value, input, errors
Dumps the fields of the form for debugging.
Populates the field 'value' attributes from $form->item by calling a form's custom init_value_$fieldname method, passing in the field and the item. If a custom init_value_ method doesn't exist, uses the generic 'init_value' routine from the model.
The value is stored in both the 'init_value' attribute, and the 'value' attribute.
fif (fill in form)
Returns a hash of values suitable for use with HTML::FillInForm or for filling in a form with $form->fif->{fieldname}
Calls fields and returns them in sorted order by their "order" value.
field NAME
Searches for and returns a field named "NAME". Dies on not found.
my $field = $form->field('first_name');
Pass a second true value to not die on errors.
my $field = $form->field('something', 1 );
Convenience function to return the value of the field. Returns undef if field not found.
Returns true (the field) if the field exists
This method is called by the 'update' method. It might be called by itself for a non-database form (although 'process' will also work).
my $validated = $form->validate( $params );
Validates the form from the HTTP request parameters. The parameters must be a hash ref with multiple values as array refs.
Returns false if validation fails.
Params may be passed in to validate, or else may be set earlier on new, or by using the params setter.
The method does the following:
1) sets required dependencies
2) trims params and saves in field 'input' attribute
3) calls the field's 'validate_field' routine which:
1) validates that required fields have a value
2) calls the field's 'validate' routine (the one that is provided
by custom field classes)
3) calls 'input_to_value' to move the data from the 'input' attribute
to the 'value' attribute if it hasn't happened already in 'validate'
4) calls the form's validate_$fieldname, if the method exists and
if there's a value in the field
5) calls cross_validate for validating fields that might be blank and
checking more complex dependencies. (If this field, then not that field...)
6) calls the model's validation method. By default, this only checks for
database uniqueness.
7) counts errors, sets 'ran_validation' and 'validated' flags
8) returns 'validated' flag
Munges the parameters when they are set. Currently just adds keys without the "html_prefix". Can be subclassed.
For debugging, dump the validated fields.
This method is useful for cross checking values after they have been saved as their final validated value, and for performing more complex dependency validation.
This method is called even if some fields did not validate.
Returns true if validate has been called and the form did not validate.
Checks the fields for errors and return true or false.
Returns list of fields with errors.
Returns the names of the fields with errors.
Returns a single array with all field errors
Generates a hidden html field with a unique ID which the model class can use to check for duplicate form postings.
METHODS used in internal processing
Most users won't need these methods.
This parses the form field_list and creates the individual field objects. It calls the make_field() method for each field. This is called by the BUILD method. Users don't need to call this.
$field = $form->make_field( $name, $type );
Maps the field type to a field class, creates a field object and and returns it.
The "$name" parameter is the field's name (e.g. first_name, age).
The second parameter is either a scalar which is the field's type string, or a hashref with a 'type' key containing the field's type.
For 'Select' or 'Multiple' fields (fields which have an 'options' method), call an "options_$field_name" method if it exists (is defined in your form), or else call the model's "lookup_options" to retrieve the list of options from the database.
An example of an 'options' routine in your form class:
sub options_fruit {
return (
1 => 'Apple',
2 => 'Grape',
3 => 'Cherry',
See HTML::FormHandler::Field::Select
Load the options array into a field. Pass in a field object, and, optionally, an options array.
Process the dependency lists
Gerda Shank,
Based on the original source code of Form::Processor by Bill Moseley
This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.