POE::Component::Generic - A POE component that provides non-blocking access to a blocking object.
use POE::Component::Generic;
my $telnet = POE::Component::Generic->spawn(
# required; main object is of this class
package => 'Net::Telnet',
# optional; Options passed to Net::Telnet->new()
object_options => [ ],
# optional; You can use $poco->session_id() instead
alias => 'telnet',
# optional; 1 to turn on debugging
debug => 1,
# optional; 1 to see the child's STDERR
verbose => 1,
# optional; Options passed to the internal session
options => { trace => 1 },
# optional; describe package signatures
packages => {
'Net::Telnet' => {
# Methods that require coderefs, and keep them after they
# return.
# The first arg is converted to a coderef
postbacks => { option_callback=>0 }
'Other::Package' => {
# only these methods are exposed
methods => [ qw( one two ) ],
# Methods that require coderefs, but don't keep them
# after they return
callbacks => [ qw( two ) ]
# Start your POE session, then...
$telnet->open( { event => 'result' }, "");
# result state
sub result {
my ($kernel, $ref, $result) = @_[KERNEL, ARG0, ARG1];
if( $ref->{error} ) {
die join(' ', @{ $ref->{error} ) . "\n";
print "connected: $result\n";
# Setup a postback
$telnet->option_callback( {}, "option_back" );
# option_back state
sub option_back {
my( $obj, $option, $is_remote,
$is_enabled, $was_enabled, $buf_position) = @_[ARG0..$#_];
# See L<Net::Telnet> for a discussion of the above.
# NOTE: Callbacks and postbacks can't currently receive objects.
# Use a callback
# Pretend that $other was created as a proxy to an Other::Package object
$other->two( {}, sub { warn "I was called..." } );
my $code = $session->postback( "my_state" );
$other->two( {}, $code );
POE::Component::Generic is a POE component that provides a non-blocking wrapper around any object. It works by forking a child process with POE::Wheel::Run and creating the object in the child process. Method calls are then serialised and sent via STDIN to the child to be handled. Return values are posted back to your session via STDOUT. This means that all method arguments and return values must survive serialisation. If you need to pass coderefs, use "callbacks", "postbacks" or "factories".
Method calls are wrapped in eval
in the child process so that errors may be propagated back to your session. See "OUTPUT".
Output to STDERR in the child, that is from your object, is shown only if debug
or verbose
is set.
STDOUT in the child, that is from your object, is redirected to STDERR and will be shown in the same circomstances.
my $obj = POE::Component::Generic->new( $package );
my $obj = POE::Component::Generic->new( %arguments );
Create the POE::Component::Generic component.
Takes either a single scalar, which is assumed to be a package name, or a hash of arguments, of which all but package
are optional.
- alias
Session alias to register with the kernel. Also used as the child processes' name. See "STATUS" below. Default is none.
- alt_fork
Set to
if you want to run another perl instance. That is, the child process willexec
a new instance ofperl
to do the work.@INC
is preserved. If present,$ENV{HARNESS_PERL_SWITCHES}
is preserved.Using
might help save memory; while the child process will only containPOE::Component::Generic
and your object, it will not be able to share as many memory pages with other processes.Care must be taken that the all necessary modules are loaded in the new perl instance. Make sure that your main
loads all modules that it might interact with.Default is false.
- callbacks
List of methods that have callbacks in their parameter list.
A callback is a coderef that the object will only use during that method call. After the method returns, the callback will be invalidated. If you need to pass a coderef that must last longer then one method, use "postbacks".
When one of the methods in
is called, any coderefs in the parameters are converted into a message to the child process to propagate the call back to the parent.IMPORTANT: The callback is called from inside POE::Component::Generic. This means that the current session is NOT your session. If you need to be inside your session, use
.Defaults to empty.
- child_package
Set the package that the child process worker object. Sometimes advanced interaction with objects will require more smarts in the child process. You may control child process behaviour by setting this to an subclass of POE::Component::Generic::Child. For more details, consult the source!
- debug
Set to
to see component debug information, such as anything output to STDERR by your code. Default tofalse
. - factories
List of methods that are object factories. An object factory is one that returns a different object. For example,
's $dbh->prepare returns a statement handle object, so it is an object factory.The first value of the return argument is assumed to be the object. It is kept in the child process. Your return event will receive a proxy object that will allow you to use the "yield", "call" and "psuedo-method" calls, as documented below.
See POE::Component::Generic::Object for details.
You should configure package signatures for the proxy objects that factories return with "packages".
- methods
An array ref containing methods that you want the component to expose. If not specified, all the methods of
and its super-classes are exposed.Note that methods that begin with
or don't end with a lower case letter (a-z
) are excluded, as well as methods that end incarp
. - options
A hashref of POE::Session options that are passed to the component's session creator.
- object_options
An optional array ref of options that will be passed to the main object constructor.
- package
Package used to create the main object.
Object creation happens in the child process. The package is loaded, if it isn't already, then a constructor is called with
as the parameters. The constructor is a package method namednew
, searching in that order. - packages
Set the package signature for packages that might be used. This allows you to configure the "callbacks", "postbacks" and "methods" for objects that are returned by factory methods.
Must be a hashref, keys are package names, values are either a scalar, which will case the package will be scanned for methods, a arrayref, which is taken as a list of "methods", or a hashref, which gives you full control. The hashref may contain the keys "methods", "callbacks" and "postbacks", which work as described above and below.
It is also possible to specify the package signature for the main object with "packages".
POE::Component::Generic->spawn( package => 'Honk', methods => [ qw(off on fast slow) ], postbacks => { slow=>1, fast=>[1,2] } ); # Could also be written as POE::Component::Generic->spawn( package =>'Honk', packages => { Honk => { methods=>[ qw(off on fast slow) ], postbacks=>{ slow=>1, fast=>[1,2] } } } );
- postbacks
List of methods that have a coderef in there parameters. These coderefs will remain valid after the method returns.
must be a hashref, keys are method names, values are lists of the offsets of argument that will be converted into postbacks. These offsets maybe be a number, or an array of numeric offsets. Remember that argument offsets are numbered from 0.postbacks
may also be an array of method names. In this case, the argument offset for each listed method is assumed to be 0.Examples:
[ qw( new_cert new_connect ) ] { new_cert=>0, new_connect=>0 } # equivalent to previous { double_set=>[0,3] }
When calling a method that has a postback, you specify an event name in the current session, or a hashref containing
keys. Ifsession
is missing, the current session is used. Yes, this means you may create postbacks that go to other sessions.Examples:
"some_back" { event=>"some_back" } { event=>"some_back", session=>"my-session" }
You can use "state" in POE::Kernel to create postbacks states out of closures.
Your postback will have the arguments that the object calls it with. Contrary to response events, ARG0 isn't the OUTPUT data hashref. At least, not for now.
- verbose
Component tells you more about what is happening in the child process. The child's PID is reported to STDERR. All text sent to STDERR in the child process is report. Any abnormal error conditions or exits are also reported. All this reported via warn.
Shut the component down, doing all the magic so that POE may exit. The child process will exit, causing DESTROY
to be called on your object. The child process will of course wait if the object is in a blocking method.
Note that this is also a POE event, which means you can not call a method named 'shutdown' on your object.
Shuting down if there are response pending (see "OUTPUT" below) is undefined.
Note that "shutdown" will not cause the kernel to exit if you have other components or sessions keeping POE from doing so.
Takes no arguments, returns the POE::Session ID of the component. Useful if you don't want to use aliases.
There are 4 ways of calling methods on the object.
All methods need a data hashref that will be handed back to the return event. This data hash is discussed in the "INPUT" section.
Post events to the object. First argument is the event to post, second is the data hashref, following arguments are sent as arguments in the resultant post.
$poe_kernel->post( $alias => 'method',
open => { event => 'result' }, "localhost" );
This method provides an alternative object based means of asynchronisly calling methods on the object. First argument is the method to call, second is the data hashref (described in "INPUT"), following arguments are sent as arguments to the resultant post.
$generic->yield( open => { event => 'result' }, "localhost" );
This method provides an alternative object based means of synchronisly calling methods on the object. First argument is the event to call, second is the data hashref (described in "INPUT"), following arguments are following arguments are sent as arguments to the resultant call.
$generic->call( open => { event => 'result' }, "localhost" );
Call returns a request ID which may be matched with the response. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
All methods of the object can also be called directly, but the first argument must be the data hashref as noted in the "INPUT" section.
$generic->open( { event => 'opened' }, "localhost" );
Each method call requires a data hashref as it's first argument.
The data hashref may have the following keys.
- data
Opaque data element that will be present in the "OUTPUT" hash. While it is possible that other hash members will also work for now, only this one is reserved for your use.
- event
Event in your session that you want the results of the method to go to.
is needed for all requests that you want a response to. You may send responses to other sessions withsession
.No response is sent if
is missing. - obj
Don't call the method on the main object, but rather on this object. Value is the ID of an object returned by a factory method. Doesn't work for "psuedo-method" calls.
- session
Session that you want the response event to be sent to. Defaults to current session. Abuse with caution.
- wantarray
Should the method be called in array context (1), scalar context (0) or void context (undef)? Defaults to void context, unless you specify a response "event", in which case it defaults to scalar context.
Note that at some point in the future this data hashref is going to be a full object for better encapsulation.
You may specify a response event for each method call. ARG0
of this event handler contains the data hashref. ARG1..$#_
are the returned values, if any.
- data
Opaque value that was set in "INPUT".
- error
In the event of an error occurring this will be defined. It is a scalar which contains the text of the error, which is normally
. - method
Name of the method this is the output of. That is, if you call the method "foo",
is set to "foo" in the response event. - result
This is an arrayref containing the data returned from the function you called.
Method calls in scalar context have the return value at result->[0]. That is, they look like:
$response->{result}[0] = $object->method(...);
Method calls in array context populate as much of the array as needed. That is, they look like:
$response->{result} = [ $object->method(...) ];
These methods will help you writing components based on POE::Component::Generic.
Argument processing
Callbacks and postbacks expect the arguments are in order. This is a pain for your users and isn't really the POE-way. Instead, your method may accept a hash, and then convert it into the argument list.
For a given event FOO, there are 2 possible arguments:
- FOOEvent
The argument is a POE event, either a simple string (event in the current session) or a hashref ({event=>$event, session=>$session}).
- FOOSub
The argument is a subref.
You may use the following 2 methods to help convert the arguments into the appropriate type for a given situaion. They return undef() if the argument isn't present. This so you may use the following idiom and it will Just Work:
sub method {
my( $self, %args ) = @_;
my @args;
foreach my $ev ( qw(Stdin Stdout Close) ) {
push @args, $self->__postback_argument( $ev, \%args );
$self->true_method( @args );
my $coderef = $self->__callback_argument( $event, \%args );
Converts argument into a coderef appropriate for "callbacks".
Returns $args{ "${event}Sub" }
if present.
If present, converts $args{ "${event}Event" }
to a coderef and returns that.
Returns undef()
Converts argument into a POE event call appropriate for "postbacks".
Returns $args{ "${event}Event" }
if present.
If present, converts $args{ "${event}Sub" }
to a state of the current session and returns a call to that. NOT YET IMPLEMENTED.
Returns undef()
For your comfort and conveinence, the child process update $O
to tell you what it is doing. On many systems, $O
is available via /proc/$PID/cmdline
Philip Gwyn <>
Based on work by David Davis <>
Please rate this module.
Probably. Report them here:
BinGOs for POE::Component::Win32::Service that helped xantus get started.
David Davis for POE::Component::Net::Telnet on which this is originally based.
Copyright 2006 by Philip Gwyn;
Copyright 2005 by David Davis and Teknikill Software.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.