Net::Google::PicasaWeb - use Google's Picasa Web API


version 0.09


use Net::Google::PicasaWeb;

my $service = Net::Google::PicasaWeb->new;

# Login via one of these
$service->login('', 'north23AZ');

# Working with albums (see Net::Google::PicasaWeb::Album)
my @albums = $service->list_albums( user_id => 'jondoe');
$album->title('Quick Trip To Italy');

# Listing photos (see Net::Google::PicasaWeb::MediaEntry)
my @photos      = $album->list_media_entries; 
my @recent      = $album->list_media_entries( max_results => 10 );
my @puppies     = $album->list_media_entries( q => 'puppies' );
my @all_puppies = $service->list_media_entries( q => 'puppies' );

# Updating/Deleting photos (or video)
$photo->title('Plz to love RealCat');

# Listing tags
my @user_tags  = $service->list_tags( user_id => 'jondoe' );
my @album_tags = $album->list_tags;
my @photo_tags = $photo->list_tags;

# Listing comments (see Net::Google::PicasaWeb::Comment)
my @recent         = $service->list_comments( user_id => 'jondoe', max_results => 10 );
my @photo_comments = $photo->list_comments;


This module uses Moose to handle attributes and such. These attributes are readable, writable, and may be passed to the constructor unless otherwise noted.


This is an Net::Google::AuthSub object used to handle authentication. The default is an instance set to use a service of "lh2" and a source of "Net::Google::PicasaWeb-VERSION".


This is an LWP::UserAgent object used to handle web communication.



my $service = Net::Google::PicasaWeb->new(%params);

See the "ATTRIBUTES" section for a list of possible parameters.


my $success = $service->login($username, $password, %options);

This is a shortcut for performing:

$service->authenticator->login($username, $password, %options);

It has some additional error handling. This method will return a true value on success or die on error.

See Net::Google::AuthSub.


my @albums = $service->list_albums(%params);

This will list a set of albums available from Picasa Web Albums. If no %params are set, then this will list the albums belonging to the authenticated user. If the user is not authenticated, this will probably not return anything. Further control is gained by specifying one or more of the following parameters:


This is the user ID to request a list of albums from. The defaults to "default", which lists those belonging to the current authenticated user.

This method also takes the "STANDARD LIST OPTIONS".


my $album = $service->get_album(
    user_id  => 'hanenkamp',
    album_id => '5143195220258642177',

This will fetch a single album from the Picasa Web Albums using the given user_id and album_id. If user_id is omitted, then "default" will be used instead.

This method returns undef if no such album exists.


Returns a list of tags that have been used by the logged user or the user named in the user_id parameter.

This method accepts this parameters:


The ID of the user to find tags for. Defaults to the current user.

This method also takes all the "STANDARD LIST OPTIONS".


Returns comments on photos for the current account or the account given by the user_id parameter.

It accepts the following parameters:


This is the ID of the user to search for comments within. The comments returned will be commons on photos owned by this user. The default is to search the comments of the authenticated user.

This method also accepts the "STANDARD LIST OPTIONS".


my $comment = $service->get_comment(
    user_id    => $user_id,
    album_id   => $album_id,
    photo_id   => $photo_id,
    comment_id => $comment_id,

Retrieves a single comment from Picasa Web via the given user_id, album_id, photo_id, and comment_id. If user_id is not given, "default" will be used.

Returns undef if no matching comment is found.




Returns photos and videos based on the query options given. If a user_id option is set, the photos returned will be those related to the named user ID. Without a user ID, the photos will be pulled from the general community feed.

It accepts the following parameters:


If given, the photos will be limited to those owned by this user. If it is set to "default", then the authenticated user will be used. If no user_id is set, then the community feed will be used rather than a specific user. This option may not be combined with featured.

This can be set to a true value to fetch the current featured photos on PicasaWeb. This option is not compatible with user_id.

This method also accepts the "STANDARD LIST OPTIONS".

The "list_photos" and "list_videos" methods are synonyms for "list_media_entries".




my $media_entry = $service->get_media_entry(
    user_id  => $user_id,
    album_id => $album_id,
    photo_id => $photo_id,

Returns a specific photo or video entry when given a user_id, album_id, and photo_id. If user_id is not given, "default" will be used.

If no such photo or video can be found, undef will be returned.


These helper methods are used to do some of the work.


my $response = $service->request($method, $path, $query, $content);

This handles the details of making a request to the Google Picasa Web API.


my $entry = $service->get_entry($class, $path, %params);

This is used by the get_* methods to pull and initialize a single object from Picasa Web.


my @entries = $service->list_entries($class, $path, %params);

This is used by the list_* methods to pull and initialize lists of objects from feeds.


Several of the listing methods return entries that can be modified by setting the following options.


This is the to limit the returned results to.


This option is only used when listing albums and photos or videos.

By passing a single scalar or an array reference of scalars, you may select the size or sizes of thumbnails attached to the items returned. Please see the|parameters documentation for a description of valid values.


This option is only used when listing albums and photos or videos.

This is a single scalar selecting the size of the main image to return with the items found. Please see the|parameters documentation for a description of valid values.


This option is only used when listing albums and photos or videos.

This is a tag name to use to filter the items returned.


This is a full-text query string to filter the items returned.


This is the maximum number of results to be returned.


This is the 1-based index of the first result to be returned.


This option is only used when listing albums and photos or videos.

This is the bounding box of geo coordinates to search for items within. The coordinates are given as an array reference of exactly 4 values given in the following order: west, south, east, north.


This option is only used when listing albums and photos or videos.

This may be set to the name of a geo location to search for items within. For example, "London".


Andrew Sterling Hanenkamp, <hanenkamp at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-net-google-photos at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Net::Google::PicasaWeb

You can also look for information at:


Thanks to:

  • Robert May for responding to email messages quickly and transfering ownership of the Net::Google::PicasaWeb namespace and providing some sample code to examine.

  • Simon Wistow for Net::Google::AuthSub, which took care of all the authentication details.


Copyright 2008 Andrew Sterling Hanenkamp

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

1 POD Error

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