Changes for version 0.09

  • Dropped the requirement for Test::Mock::LWP
  • Added a requirement for Test::Able
  • Added a requirement for Test::Able::Runner
  • Major change to the testing framework to make it easier to work with
  • DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK!!! Added online tests to check certain aspects of the API against a live PicasaWeb account. Set TEST_NET_GOOGLE_PICASAWEB_ONLINE=1 and TEST_NGP_USER and TEST_NGP_PWD to a username/password to run these tests. This will login to the given account and list some albums and photos.
  • Added the size attribute to Net::Google::PicasaWeb::Media to get the file size of the photo from the API, when presented.
  • Expanded POD to note base class inheritance and more attributes inherited from base classes to make it easier to browser without having to navigate multiple manual pages. (Thanks Terrence Brannon)
  • Added geo-coding support to Net::Google::PicasaWeb::Album and Net::Google::PicasaWeb::Photo. This adds latitude and longitude attributes to these objects, when available. (Thanks Benjamin Thomas)


master command for the Picasa Web scripts
fetch albums and photos from Google Picasa Web
list albums, photos, tags, or comments from Google Picasa Web


use Google's Picasa Web API
represents a single Picasa Web photo album
represents a single Picasa Web comment
base class for feed entries
hold information about a photo or video
represents a single Picasa Web photo or video
base class for media feed entries


in lib/Net/Google/PicasaWeb/
in lib/Net/Google/PicasaWeb/
in lib/Net/Google/