Abilities::Features - Extends Abilities with plan management for subscription-based web services.


version 0.2


package Customer;

use Moose;
with 'Abilities::Features';

# ... define required methods ...

# somewhere else in your code:

# get a customer object that consumed the Abilities::Features role
my $customer = MyApp->get_customer('some_company');
# check if the customer has a certain feature
if ($customer->has_feature('ssl_encryption')) {
} else {


This Moose role extends the ability-based authorization system defined by the Abilities module with customer and plan management for subscription-based web services. This includes paid services, where customers subscribe to a plan from a list of available plans, each plan with a different set of features. Examples of such a service are GitHub (a Git revision control hosting service, where customers purchase a plan that provides them with different amounts of storage, SSH support, etc.) and MailChimp (email marketing service where customers purchase plans that provide them with different amounts of monthly emails to send and other features).

The Abilities role defined three entities: users, roles and actions. This role defines three more entities: customers, plans and features. Customers are organizations, companies or individuals that subscribe to your web service. They can subscribe to any number of plans, and thus be provided with the features of these plans. The users from the Abilities module will now be children of the customers. They still go on being members of roles and performing actions they are granted with, but now possibly only within the scope of their parent customer, and to the limits defined in the customer's plan. Plans can inherit features from other plans, allowing for defining plans faster and easier.

Customer and plan objects are meant to consume the Abilities::Features role. Entities is a reference implementation of both the Abilities and Abilities::Features roles. It is meant to be used as-is by web applications, or just as an example of how a user management and authorization system that consumes these roles might look like. Entities::Customer and Entities::Plan are customer and plan classes that consume this role.

More information about how these roles work can be found in the Entities documentation.


Customer and plan classes that consume this role are required to provide the following methods:


This method returns a list of all plans that a customer has subscribed to, or that a plan inherits from. The list should have references to the plan objects, not just their names.


This method returns a list of all features that a customer has explicitely been given, or that a plan has. The list should have references to the feature objects, not just their names.


Classes that consume this role will have the following methods provided to them:

has_feature( $feature_name | @feature_names )

Returns a true value if the customer/plan has the provided feature or features associated with it (either via plans or explicitly). If more than one features are passed, a true value will be returned only if the customer/plan has ALL of these features.

in_plan( $plan_name | @plan_names )

Receives the name of plan (or names of plans), and returns a true value if the user/customer is a direct member of the provided plan(s). Only direct association is checked, so the user/customer must be specifically assigned to that plan, and not to a plan that inherits from that plan (see inherits_from_plan()). If more than one plans are passed, a true value will be returned only if the user is a member of ALL of these plans.

inherits_from_plan( $role_name | @role_names )

Returns a true value if the customer/plan inherits the features of the provided plan(s). If more than one plans are passed, a true value will be returned only if the customer/plan inherits from ALL of these plans.


Returns a list of all feature names that a customer/plan has, either due to direct association or due to inheritance.


These methods are only to be used internally.



Ido Perlmuter, <ido at ido50 dot net>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-abilities at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Abilities::Features

You can also look for information at:


Copyright 2010 Ido Perlmuter.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.