Module::Generic::Number - Number Manipulation Object Class


my $n = Module::Generic::Number->new( 10 );
# or
my $n = Module::Generic::Number->new( 10, 
    thousand => ',',
    decimal => '.',
    precision => 2,
    # Currency symbol
    symbol => '€',
    # Display currency symbol before or after the number
    precede => 1,
# or, to get all the defaults based on language code
my $n = Module::Generic::Number->new( 10, 
    lang => 'fr_FR',
# this would set the decimal separator to ',', the thousand separator to ' ', and precede to 0 (false).
print( "Number is: $n\n" );
# prints: 10

$n ** 2 # 100
# and all other operators work

my $n_neg = Module::Generic::Number->new( -10 );
$n_neg->abs # 10
$n->atan # 1.47112767430373
$n->atan2(2) # 1.37340076694502
$n->cbrt # 2.15443469003188
$n->cbrt->ceil # 3
$n->clone # Cloning the number object
$n->cos # -0.839071529076452
$n->currency # €
$n->decimal # .
$n->exp # 22026.4657948067
$n->cbrt->floor # 2
$n *= 100;
$n->format # 1,000.00
$n->format( 0 ) # 1,000
$n->format_binary # 1111101000
my $n2 = $n->clone;
$n2 += 24
$n2->format_bytes # 1K
$n2->format_hex # 0x400
$n2->format_money # € 1,024.00
$n2->format_money( '$' ) # $1,024.00
$n2->format_negative # -1,024.00
$n2->format_picture( '(x)' ) # (1,024.00)
$n2->formatter( $new_Number_Format_object );
$n->from_binary( "1111101000" ) # 1000
$n->from_hex( "0x400" ) # 1000
my $n3 = $n->clone( 3.14159265358979323846 )->int # 3
# Uses POSIX::signbit
$n3->is_negative # 0
$n3->is_positive # 1
$n->log # 6.90775527898214
$n->log2 # 9.96578428466209
$n->log10 # 3
$n->max( 2000 ) # 2000
$n->min( 2000 ) # 1000
$n->mod( 3 ) # 1
my $fmt = $n->new_formatter({
    thousand => '.',
    decimal => ',',
    symbol => '€',
    precision => 2,
    precede => 0,
my $perm = Module::Generic::Number->new( '0700' );
$perm->oct # 448
printf( "%o\n", 448 ) # 700
$n->clone( 2 )->pow( 3 ) # 8
# Change position of the currency sign
$n->precede( 1 ) # Set it to precede the number
# Change precision
$n->precision( 0 )
# Based on 1000
$n->rand # For example, returns 77.775465338589
$n->rand->int # For example, would return a random integer 77
$n->clone( 3.14159265358979323846 )->round( 4 ) # 3.1416
$n->sin # 0.826879540532003
$n2->sqrt # 32
$n->symbol # €
$n->tan # 1.47032415570272
$n->thousand # ,
$n->unformat( "€ 1,024.00" ) # 1024


The purpos of this class/package is to provide a lightweight object-oriented approach to number manipulation.

This uses perl core functions and POSIX functions only. This module's methods act as a wrapper to them.

The object is overloaded, so it returns the embedded number when used as a string.

print( "I have $n friends\n" );

Would produce: I have 1000 friends

Because the object is overloaded, you can use the variable with any perl operators, such as:

$n /= 2 # 5
$n + 3 # 8
$n **= 2 # $n is now 64
# etc...

Module::Generic::Number also handles infinity and numbers that are not numbers, a.k.a. NaN. Ot uses 2 special classes: Module::Generic::Infinity and Module::Generic::Nan

While NaN is very straightforward, Inf or -Inf is a bit trickier, because although it is not a number, it is still possible to perform some operations. For example :

# Here the use of abs is meaningless, and just to test chaining

Would yield Inf object (Module::Generic::Infinity), but


Would yield a NaN object (Module::Generic::Nan) and of course


Would yield 10 as a Module::Generic::Number object, so the results possibly becomes an object of a different class based on the result.

Operators also works on the infinity object:

my $inf = Module::Generic::Infinity->ne( -Inf );
$inf *= -1 # Yields a new infinity object with value Inf

Those are just basic arithmetics wrapped in object to enable object oriented interface and chaining. It does not do anything special and rely on perl and POSIX for computation, depending on the function.



Provided with a number, some optional parameters and this returns a new object.

Possible optional parameters are:


Specifies the decimal separator. This can also be changed or retrieved with the method "decimal"


If provided with a language tag as specified in rfc5646, and this will the number format properties based on the locale dictionary. It uses "setlocale" in POSIX to achieve that, but without disturbing your own locale settings.

WIth the number format properties retrieved, it will populate the other parameters here, if not provided already. For example :

my $n = Module::Generic::Number->new( 1000, { lang => 'fr_FR' });
$n->format # 1.000,00 €

Would set the thousand separator to ., the decimal separator to ,, the currency symbol to and precede to false.

my $n = Module::Generic::Number->new( 1000, {
    lang => 'fr_FR',
    precede => 1,

Uses the standard default format properties, except for precede which we set to true

$n->format # € 1.000,00

If set to true, this will set the currency symbol before the number and when set to false, it will set it after the number

This can also be changed or retrieved with the method L</"precede">

Sets the decimal precision of the number. This can also be changed or retrieved with the method "precision"


Sets the currency symbol to be used upon formatting of the number as money with the method "format_money"

This can also be changed or retrieved with the method L</"symbol">

Sets the thousand separator to be used uppon formatting.

This can also be changed or retrieved with the method L</"thousand">


Return the absolute value of the number object. Same as "abs" in perlfunc


Returns the arcus tangent for the number object. See "atan" in POSIX

# Assuming $n is an object for 1000
# atan2( Y, X ). Y = 1000 here
$n->atan2( 20 ) # produces 1.55079899282175


Returns the arctangent of Y/X in the range -PI to PI. See "atan2" in perlfunc


Returns the object string as a string.

my $n = Module::Generic::Number->new( 1000 );
print( "I have $n books\n" );
# I have 1000 books
# But better like ths:
printf( "I have %s bools\n", $n->format( 0 ) );
# I have 1,000 books


Returns the cube root. See "cbrt" in POSIX


Returns the smallest integer value greater than or equal to the number object. See "ceil" in POSIX

# Assuming $n is an object for 3.14159265358979323846
$n->ceil # 4


Returns the character matching our number object. See "chr" in perlfunc

# Assuming $n is 74
$n->chr # J


Returns a clone of the current object, keeping its original formatting properties

It can take an optional number that will be used

my $n = Moduke::Generic::Number->new( 1000 );
# $n is no 1000 with thousand separator set to "","", etc
my $n2 = $n->clone( 2020 );
# Same properties as $n, but now the number is 2020 instead of 1000 and this is a new object


Returns the cosine of the number object. See "cos" in perlfunc


Sets or gets the currency symbol to be used for formatting the number object with "format_money"


Sets or gets the decimal separator to be used for formatting the number object


Returns the natural logarithm base to the power of the number object. See "exp" in perlfunc

# Assuming the number object is 2
$n->exp # 7.38905609893065


Returns the largest integer value less than or equal to the number object. See "floor" in POSIX

# Assuming $n is an object for 3.14159265358979323846
$n->ceil # 3


Provided with an optional precision and this format the number in a human readable way using thousand and decimal separators and floating number precision

$n->format # 1,000.00


# Assuming the number object is 1000
$n->format_binary # 1111101000


# Assuming the number object is 1,234,567
$n->format_bytes # 1.18M


# Assuming the number object is 1000
$n->format_hex # 0x3E8


Provided with an optional precision, this format the number object, using the inital format parameters specified during object instantiation.

# Assuming the number object is 1000
$n->format_money # € 1,000.00


Provided with a format which must includes the character x and this format the number object, assuming it is negative.

For example, suitable for accounting:

$n->format_negative( '(x)' ); # (1,000)


Format the string based on the patter provided

$n->format_picture( '##,###.##' ); # 1,000.00


Sets or gets the Number::Format object used for formatting.


Returns a number object based on a binary number.

my $n2 = $n->from_binary( "1111101000" ); # 1000


Returns a number object based on an hex number.

my $n2 = $n->from_hex( "0x400" ); # 1024


Returns the integer portion of the number object. See "int" in perlfunc for more details.

# Assuming $n is an object for 3.14159265358979323846
$n->int # 3


Rturns true if the number is finite, i.e. not infinity. See "isfinite" in POSIX


Returns true if the number is a floating decimal number. It uses "modf" in POSIX to find out.


Rturns true if the number is infinite. See "isinf" in POSIX


Returns true if the number is an integer. It uses "modf" in POSIX to find out.


Returns true if the number is not a number, i.e. NaN. See "isnan" in POSIX


Returns true if the number object is negative, false otherwise. See "signbit" in POSIX


Returns true if the argument is normal (that is, not a subnormal/denormal, and not an infinity, or a not-a-number). See "isnormal" in POSIX


Returns true if the number object is positive, false otherwise. See "signbit" in POSIX


Returns the number of digits this number object contains. The value returned is a Module::Generic::Number object


Returns the natural logarithm of the number object. See "log" in perlfunc for more details.

$n->log # 6.90775527898214


Logarithm base two of the number object. See "log2" in POSIX for more details.

$n->log2 # 9.96578428466209


Returns the 10-base logarithm of the number object. See "log10" in POSIX for more details.

$n->log10 # 3


Returns the highest number of either the number object, or the additional number provided as arguement. If the latter is undef, the number object is returned. See "fmax" in POSIX

$n->max( 2000 ) # 2000

Returns the lowest number of either the number object, or the additional number provided as arguement. If the latter is undef, the number object is returned. See "fmin" in POSIX

$n->min( 2000 ) # 2000


Returns the remainder for the number bject divided by another number provided as additional argument. See "fmod" in POSIX for more details.

# Assuming 1000
$n->mod(3) # 1


Given an optional hash of parameters similar to the oens provided to "new" and this return a new Number::Format object or undef with an "error" in Module::Generic set upon error


Provided an octal value, this returns the corresponding number as an object. See "oct" in perlfunc for more details.


Returns the number object to the power of the number provided as arguments. See "pow" in POSIX for more details.

# Assuming $n is an object representing 2
$n->pow( 3 ) # 8


Sets or gets the precede property of this object. This is used by Number::Format to determine if the currency symbol should be set before or after the number


Sets or gets the floating precision of the number.

# Assuming $n is an object for 3.14159265358979323846
$n->precision( 4 );
$n->format # 3.1416


Returns a random fractional number greater than or equal to 0 and less than the value of the number object. See "rand" in perlfunc for more information.


Provided with an optional precision, this will round the number object. Internally it uses "sprintf" in perldoc to achieve that.


Returns the sine of the number object. See "sine" in perlfunc for more details.


Return the positive square root of the number object. See "sqrt" in perlfunc for more details.


Set or gets the currency symbol to be used in "format_money"


Returns the tangent of the number object. See "tan" in POSIX for more details.


Set or gets the thousand separator used in formatting the number.


Provided with a string containing a number, and this returns a number as a Module::Generic::Number object.


Module::Generic::Scalar, Module::Generic::Array, Module::Generic::Boolean, Module::Generic::Hash, Module::Generic::Dynamic



Jacques Deguest <>


Copyright (c) 2000-2020 DEGUEST Pte. Ltd.

You can use, copy, modify and redistribute this package and associated files under the same terms as Perl itself.