Net::API::REST::Status - Apache2 Status Codes


say $Net::API::REST::Status::CODES->{429};
# returns Apache constant Apache2::Const::HTTP_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS

say $Net::API::REST::Status::HTTP_CODES->{fr_FR}->{429} # Trop de requête
# In Japanese: リクエスト過大で拒否した
say $Net::API::REST::Status::HTTP_CODES->{ja_JP}->{429}

But maybe more simply:

my $status = Net::API::REST::Status->new;
say $status->status_message( 429 => 'ja_JP' );
# Or without the language code parameter, it will default to en_GB
say $status->status_message( 429 );

# Is success
say $status->is_info( 102 ); # true
say $status->is_success( 200 ); # true
say $status->is_redirect( 302 ); # true
say $status->is_error( 404 ); # true
say $status->is_client_error( 403 ); # true
say $status->is_server_error( 501 ); # true




This module allows the access of Apache2 http constant using their numeric value, and also allows to get the localised version of the http status for a given code for currently supported languages: fr_FR (French), en_GB (British English) and ja_JP (Japanese)

It also provides some functions to check if a given code is an information, success, redirect, error, client error or server error code.



Creates an instance of Net::API::REST::Status and returns the object.


Given a 2 characters language code (not case sensitive) and this will return its iso 639 5 characters equivalent for supported languages.

For example:

Net::API::REST::Status->convert_short_lang_to_long( 'zh' );
# returns: zh_TW


Returns true if the 3-digits code provided is between 400 and 500


Returns true if the 3-digits code provided is between 400 and 600


Returns true if the 3-digits code provided is between 100 and 200


Returns true if the 3-digits code provided is between 300 and 400


Returns true if the 3-digits code provided is between 500 and 600


Returns true if the 3-digits code provided is between 200 and 300


Provided with a 3-digits http code and an optional language code such as en_GB and this will return the status message in its localised form.

This is useful to provide response to error in the user preferred language. "reply" in Net::API::REST uses it to set a json response with the http error code along with a localised status message.

If no language code is provided, this will default to en_GB.

See "supported_languages" for the supported languages.


This will return a sorted array reference of support languages for status codes.

The following language codes are currently supported: de_DE (German), en_GB (British English), fr_FR (French), ja_JP (Japanese), ko_KR (Korean), ru_RU (Russian) and zh_TW (Traditional Chinese as spoken in Taiwan).

Feel free to contribute those codes in other languages.


Apache distribution and file httpd-2.x.x/include/httpd.h

IANA HTTP codes list