Net::API::Stripe::Connect::ExternalAccount::Bank - A Stripe Bank Account Object


my $bank = $stripe->bank_account({
    account_holder_name => 'Big Corp, Inc',
    account_holder_type => 'company',
    bank_name => 'Big Bank, Corp'
    country => 'us',
    currency => 'usd',
    customer => $customer_object,
    default_for_currency => $stripe->true,
    fingerprint => 'kshfkjhfkjsjdla',
    last4 => 1234,
    metadata => { transaction_id => 2222 },
    routing_number => 123,
    status => 'new',

See documentation in Net::API::Stripe for example to make api calls to Stripe to create those objects. For example:

my $stripe = Net::API::Stripe->new( conf_file => 'settings.json' ) | die( Net::API::Stripe->error );
my $stripe_bank = $stripe->bank_accounts( create =>
account => 'acct_fake123456789',
external_account =>
    object => 'bank_account',
    country => 'jp',
    currency => 'jpy',
    account_number => '012345678',
default_for_currency => $stripe->true,
metadata => { transaction_id => 123, customer_id => 456 },
}) || die( $stripe->error );




These External Accounts are transfer destinations on Account objects for Custom accounts ( They can be bank accounts or debit cards.

Bank accounts ( and debit cards ( can also be used as payment sources on regular charges, and are documented in the links above.


new( %ARG )

Creates a new Net::API::Stripe::Connect::ExternalAccount::Bank object. It may also take an hash like arguments, that also are method of the same name.


id string

Unique identifier for the object.

object string, value is "bank_account"

String representing the object’s type. Objects of the same type share the same value.

account string (expandable)

When expanded, this is a Net::API::Stripe::Connect::Account object.

account_holder_name string

The name of the person or business that owns the bank account.

account_holder_type string

The type of entity that holds the account. This can be either individual or company.

bank_name string

Name of the bank associated with the routing number (e.g., WELLS FARGO).

country string

Two-letter ISO code representing the country the bank account is located in.

currency currency

Three-letter ISO code for the currency paid out to the bank account.

customer string (expandable)

When expanded, this is a Net::API::Stripe::Customer object.

default_for_currency boolean

Whether this bank account is the default external account for its currency.

fingerprint string

Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check whether two bank accounts are the same.

last4 string
metadata hash

Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.

routing_number string

The routing transit number for the bank account.

status string

For bank accounts, possible values are new, validated, verified, verification_failed, or errored. A bank account that hasn’t had any activity or validation performed is new. If Stripe can determine that the bank account exists, its status will be validated. Note that there often isn’t enough information to know (e.g., for smaller credit unions), and the validation is not always run. If customer bank account verification has succeeded, the bank account status will be verified. If the verification failed for any reason, such as microdeposit failure, the status will be verification_failed. If a transfer sent to this bank account fails, we’ll set the status to errored and will not continue to send transfers until the bank details are updated.

For external accounts, possible values are new and errored. Validations aren’t run against external accounts because they’re only used for payouts. This means the other statuses don’t apply. If a transfer fails, the status is set to errored and transfers are stopped until account details are updated.


  "id": "ba_fake123456789",
  "object": "bank_account",
  "account": "acct_fake123456789",
  "account_holder_name": "Jane Austen",
  "account_holder_type": "individual",
  "bank_name": "STRIPE TEST BANK",
  "country": "US",
  "currency": "jpy",
  "fingerprint": "ksfkhfkjcchjkn",
  "last4": "6789",
  "metadata": {},
  "routing_number": "110000000",
  "status": "new"



Initial version



When being viewed by a platform, cards and bank accounts created on behalf of connected accounts will have a fingerprint that is universal across all connected accounts. For accounts that are not connect platforms, there will be no change.


Jacques Deguest <>


Stripe API documentation:,


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