PICA::Schema - Validate PICA based formats with Avram Schemas
$schema = PICA::Schema->new({ ... });
@errors = $schema->check($record);
A PICA Schema defines a set of PICA+ fields and subfields to validate PICA::Data records. Schemas are given as hash reference in Avram Schema language, for instance:
fields => {
'021A' => { }, # field without additional information
'003@' => { # field with additional constraints
label => 'Pica-Produktionsnummer',
repeatable => 0,
required => 1,
subfields => {
'0' => { repeatable => 0, required => 1 }
See PICA::Schema::Builder to automatically construct schemas from PICA sample records.
Schema information can be included in PICA XML with PICA::Writer::XML.
check( $record [, %options ] )
Check whether a given PICA::Data record confirms to the schema and return a list of PICA::Schema::Error. Possible options include:
- ignore_unknown_fields
Don't report fields not included in the schema.
- ignore_unknown_subfields
Don't report subfields not included in the schema.
- ignore_unknown
Don't report fields and subfields not included in the schema.
- allow_deprecated_fields
Don't report deprecated fields.
- allow_deprecated_subfields
Don't report deprecated subfields.
- allow_deprecated_codes
Don't report deprecated codes.
- allow_deprecated
Don't report deprecated fields, subfields, and codes.
- ignore_subfield_order
Don't report errors resulting on wrong subfield order.
- ignore_subfields
Don't check subfields at all.
check_field( $field [, %options ] )
Check whether a PICA field confirms to the schema. Use same options as method check
. Returns a PICA::Schema::Error on schema violation.
field_identifier( $field )
Return the field identifier of a given PICA field. The identifier consists of field tag and optional occurrence if the tag starts with 0
check_value( $value, $schedule [, %options ] )
Check a subfield value against a subfield schedule. On malformed values returns a subfield error without message
The current version does not properly validate required field on level 1 and 2.
Field types have neither been implemented yet.