PICA::Schema::Error - Information about a PICA Schema validation
Instances PICA::Schema::Error provide information about violation of an Avram Schema. This package should not be used directly but by using PICA::Schema.
- tag
Tag of the invalid field.
- occurrence
Occurrence of the invalid field (if it has an occurrence).
- required
Set if the field was required but missing.
- repeated
Set if the non-repeatable field was repeated.
- deprecated
Set if the field is valid but deprecated.
- subfields
Set to a hash reference that maps invalid subfield codes to subfield errrors.
- message
human-readable error message, deriveable from the rest of the error.
Subfields errors are given as hash references with this keys:
- code
Subfield code of the invalid subfield.
- required
Set if the subfield was required but missing.
- repeated
Set if the non-repeatable subfield was repeated.
- order
Set to the expected order value if subfield occurred in wrong order.
- value
The malformed subfield value if it did not match a pattern or positions.
- pattern
Pattern which the subfield value did not match.
- position
The position if value did not match positions or codes.
- message
human-readable error message, deriveable from the rest of the error.
Returns the human readable error message. This is also returned when the error instance is used in string context.