sman-update - Perl tool to index man pages (part of sman package)


% sman-update --conf=/my/dir/sman.conf --verbose

or just

% sman-update


sman-update: [--help] [--config=s] [--rman=s] [--zcat=s] [--col=s]
             [--(no)verbose] [--(no)warn] [--(no)debug] [--index=s]

Builds index for sman.
 --config=/file/sman.conf     config file to read
 --man='/path/to/man -opt'    path to prog like 'man'
 --zcat='/path/to/zcat -f'    path to prog like 'zcat -f'
 --col='/path/to/col -b'      path to prog like 'col -b'
 --rman='/path/to/rman -opt'  path to prog like 'rman -f XML'
 --verbose/--noverbose        verbosity, default off
 --warn   /--nowarn           warnings from children, default off
 --debug  /--nodebug          debug output, default off
 --clearcache                 clear the cache of converted pages 
 --testfile                   just one file, for testing
 --dryrun  (or -n)            don't write anything to the index.
 --help: this text. For more info, see 'perldoc sman-update'


Sman-update creates the index for Sman, the Searcher for Man pages. By default the index is stored in /var/lib/sman.

Sman-update should be run periodically to keep your sman index in sync with your system's man pages.

Both sman and sman-update search for the first configuration file named sman.conf in /etc, /usr/local/etc/, $HOME, and the directory with sman. If no sman.conf file is found, (or specified through sman or sman-update's -conf option), then the default configuration in /usr/local/etc/sman-defaults.conf will be used.

In all cases command line options take precedence over directives read from configuration files.


For increased security, sman-update can be run as a non-priveleged user. The only thing that needs to be done to allow this to happen is to chown the directory /var/lib/sman and it's contents to the appropriate user.


Josh Rabinowitz <joshr>


sman, sman-update, sman.conf