Games::Risk::AI - base class for all ais


version 3.101590


[don't use this class directly]


This module is the base class for all artificial intelligence. It implements also a POE session representing an AI player. This POE session will retain the Games::Risk::AI::* object as heap.



  • my $ai = Games::Risk::AI::$AItype->new( \%params )

    Create a new AI of type $AItype. Note that you should not instantiate a Games::Risk::AI object directly: instantiate an AI subclass instead. All subclasses accept the following parameters:

    • player: the Game::Risk::Player associated to the AI. (mandatory)

    Note that the AI will automatically get a name, and update the player object.

  • my $id = Games::Risk::AI->spawn( $ai )

    This method will create a POE session responsible for the artificial intelligence $ai. It will return the poe id of the session newly created. The session will also react to the ai's player name (poe alias).

Object methods

An AI object will typically implements the following methods:

  • my ($action, [$from, $country]) = $ai->attack()

    Return the attack plan, which can be either attack or attack_end to stop this step of the ai's turn. If attack is returned, then it should also supply $from and $country parameters to know the attack parameters.

  • my $nb = $ai->attack_move($src, $dst, $min)

    Return the number of armies to move from $src to $dst after a successful attack (minimum $nb to match the number of attack dices).

  • my $str = $ai->description()

    Return a short description of the ai and how it works.

  • my $str = $ai->difficulty()

    Return a difficulty level for the ai.

  • my @cards = $ai->exchange_cards()

    Check if ai can trade some @cards for armies.

  • my @moves = $ai->move_armies()

    Return a list of [ $src, $dst, $nb ] tuples (two Games::Risk::Country and an integer), each defining a move of $nb armies from $dst to $src.

  • my @where = $ai->place_armies($nb, [$continent])

    Return a list of [ $country, $nb ] tuples (a Games::Risk::Country and an integer) defining where to place $nb armies. If $continent (a Games::Risk::Continent) is defined, all the returned $countries should be within this continent.

Note that some of those methods may be inherited from the base class, when it provide sane defaults.




Jerome Quelin


This software is Copyright (c) 2008 by Jerome Quelin.

This is free software, licensed under:

The GNU General Public License, Version 3, June 2007