SPVM::Regex - Regular Expressions
Regex class in SPVM has methods to perform pattern match and replacement using regular expressions.
Google RE2 is used as the regular expression engine.
use Re;
my $string = "Hello World"
my $match = Re->m($string, "^Hellow");
# ABC de ABC
my $string_ref = ["abc de abc"];
Re->s($string_ref, ["abc", "g"], "ABC");
use Regex;
# Pattern match
my $re = Regex->new("ab*c");
my $string = "zabcz";
my $match = $re->match("zabcz");
# Pattern match - UTF-8
my $re = Regex->new("あ+");
my $string = "いあああい";
my $match = $re->match($string);
# Pattern match - Character class and the nagation
my $re = Regex->new("[A-Z]+[^A-Z]+");
my $string = "ABCzab";
my $match = $re->match($string);
# Pattern match with captures
my $re = Regex->new("^(\w+) (\w+) (\w+)$");
my $string = "abc1 abc2 abc3";
my $match = $re->match($string);
if ($match) {
my $cap1 = $match->cap1;
my $cap2 = $match->cap2;
my $cpa3 = $match->cap3;
# Replace
my $re = Regex->new("abc");
my $string = "ppzabcz";
my $string_ref = [$string];
# "ppzABCz"
$re->replace($string_ref, "ABC");
# Replace with a callback and capture
my $re = Regex->new("a(bc)");
my $string = "ppzabcz";
my $string_ref = [$string];
# "ppzABbcCz"
$re->replace($string_ref, method : string ($re : Regex, $match : Regex::Match) {
return "AB" . $match->cap1 . "C";
# Replace global
my $re = Regex->new("abc");
my $string = "ppzabczabcz";
my $string_ref = [$string];
# "ppzABCzABCz"
$re->replace_g($string_ref, "ABC");
# Replace global with a callback and capture
my $re = Regex->new("a(bc)");
my $string = "ppzabczabcz";
my $string_ref = [$string];
$re->replace_g($string_ref, method : string ($re : Regex, $match : Regex::Match) {
return "ABC" . $match->cap1 . "PQRS";
# . - single line mode
my $re = Regex->new("(.+)", "s");
my $string = "abc\ndef";
my $match = $re->match($string);
unless ($match) {
return 0;
unless ($match->cap1 eq "abc\ndef") {
return 0;
Regular Expression Syntax
See Google RE2 Syntax about the syntax of regular expressions.
More Perlish Pattern Match and Replacement
Use Re class if you want to use more Perlish pattern match and replacement.
Class Methods
static method new : Regex ($pattern : string, $flags : string = undef);
Creates a new Regex object and compiles the regex pattern $pattern with the flags $flags, and retruns the new object.
The regex pattern $pattern must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the regex pattern $pattern can't be compiled, an exception is thrown.
my $re = Regex->new("^ab+c");
my $re = Regex->new("^ab+c", "s");
Instance Methods
method match : Regex::Match ($string_or_buffer : object of string|StringBuffer, $offset_ref : int* = undef, $length : int = -1);
Performs a pattern match on the string or the StringBuffer object $string_or_buffer from the offset $$offset_ref to the length $length.
If the pattern match succeeds, return a new Regex::Match object, otherwise returns undef.
$$offset_ref is updated to the next position if it is specified.
If $length is less than 0, it is set to the length of $string_or_buffer.
$string_or_buffer must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
The type of $string_ref_or_buffer must be string or StringBuffer. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$$offset_ref + $length must be less than or equal to the length of $string_or_buffer. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
method replace : Regex::ReplaceInfo ($string_ref_or_buffer : object of string[]|StringBuffer, $replace : object of string|Regex::Replacer, $offset_ref : int* = undef, $length : int = -1, $options : object[] = undef);
The string to be replaced is either $string_ref_or_buffer->[0] when the type is string or $string_ref_or_buffer when the type is StringBuffer.
Replaces the string from the offset $$offset_ref to the length $length with the replacement string or the callback $replace with the options $options using a regular expression.
$$offset_ref is updated to the next position if it is specified.
If $length is less than 0, it is set to the length of $string_or_buffer.
If the replacement succeeds, returns a new Regex::ReplaceInfo, otherwise retunrs undef.
This option must be a Int object. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the value of the Int object is a true value, the global replacement is performed.
$string_ref_or_buffer must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
The type of $string_ref_or_buffer must be string or StringBuffer. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$replace must be a string or a Regex::Replacer object. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$$offset_ref must be greater than or equal to 0. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$$offset_ref + $length must be less than or equal to the length of $string_ref_or_buffer. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
Exceptions of the match_forward method can be thrown.
method replace_g : Regex::ReplaceInfo ($string_ref_or_buffer : object of string[]|StringBuffer, $replace : object of string|Regex::Replacer, $offset_ref : int* = undef, $length : int = -1, $options : object[] = undef):
Calls "replace" method given the same arguments but with global
option set to 1, and returns its return value.
method split : string[] ($string : string, $limit : int = 0);
The same as Fn#split method, but the regular expression is used as the separator.
See Also
Copyright & License
Copyright (c) 2023 Yuki Kimoto
MIT License