Neo4j::Bolt::ResultStream - Iterator on Neo4j Bolt query response
use Neo4j::Bolt;
$cxn = Neo4j::Bolt->connect("bolt://localhost:7687");
$stream = $cxn->run_query(
"MATCH (a) RETURN labels(a) as lbls, count(a) as ct"
while ( my @row = $stream->fetch_next ) {
print "For label set [".join(',',@{$row[0]})."] there are $row[1] nodes.\n";
# check that the stream emptied cleanly...
unless ( $stream->success ) {
print STDERR "Uh oh: ".($stream->client_errmsg || $stream->server_errmsg);
Neo4j::Bolt::ResultStream objects are created by a successful query performed on a Neo4j::Bolt::Cxn. They are iterated to obtain the rows of the response as Perl arrays (not arrayrefs).
- fetch_next()
Obtain the next row of results as an array. Returns false when done.
- update_counts()
If a write query is successful, returns a hashref containing the numbers of items created or removed in the query. The keys indicate the items, as follows:
nodes_created nodes_deleted relationships_created relationships_deleted properties_set labels_added labels_removed indexes_added indexes_removed constraints_added constraints_removed
If query is unsuccessful, or the stream is not completely fetched yet, returns undef (check "server_errmsg()").
- field_names()
Obtain the column names of the response as an array (not arrayref).
- nfields()
Obtain the number of fields in the response row as an integer.
- success(), failure()
Use these to check whether fetch_next() succeeded. They indicate the current error state of the result stream. If
$stream->success == $stream->failure == -1
then the stream has been exhausted.
- client_errnum()
- client_errmsg()
- server_errcode()
- server_errmsg()
is false, these will indicate what happened.If the error occurred within the
will provide theerrno
the associated error message. This is a probably a good time to file a bug report.If the error occurred at the server,
will contain information sent by the server. In particular, Cypher syntax errors will appear here. - result_count_()
- available_after()
- consumed_after()
These are performance numbers that the server provides after the stream has been fetched out. result_count_() is the number of rows returned, available_after() is the time in ms it took the server to provide the stream, and consumed_after() is the time it took the client (you) to pull them all.
Neo4j::Bolt, Neo4j::Bolt::Cxn.
Mark A. Jensen
majensen -at- cpan -dot- org
This software is Copyright (c) 2019-2021 by Mark A. Jensen.
This is free software, licensed under:
The Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004