Log::Report::Dispatcher::Try - capture all reports as exceptions


  is a Log::Report::Dispatcher


try { ... };       # mind the ';' !!
if($@) {           # signals something went wrong

if(try {...}) {    # block ended normally

my $x = try { read_temperature() };
my @x = try { read_lines_from_file() };

try { ... }        # no comma!!
   mode => 'DEBUG', accept => 'ERROR-';

try sub { ... },   # with comma
   mode => 'DEBUG', accept => 'ALL';

try \&myhandler, accept => 'ERROR-';

print ref $@;      # Log::Report::Dispatcher::Try

$@->reportFatal;   # re-dispatch result of try block
$@->reportAll;     # ... also warnings etc
if($@) {...}       # if errors
if($@->failed) {   # same       # }
if($@->success) {  # no errors  # }

try { # something causes an error report, which is caught
      report {to => 'stderr'}, FAILURE => 'no network';
$@->reportFatal(to => 'syslog');  # overrule destination

print $@->exceptions; # no re-cast, just print


The Log::Report::try() catches errors in the block (CODE reference) which is just following the function name. All dispatchers are temporarily disabled by try, and messages which are reported are collected within a temporary dispatcher named try. When the CODE has run, that try dispatcher is returned in $@, and all original dispatchers reinstated.

Then, after the try has finished, the routine which used the "try" should decide what to do with the collected reports. These reports are collected as Log::Report::Exception objects. They can be ignored, or thrown to a higher level try... causing an exit of the program if there is none.

See documentation in the base class.


See documentation in the base class.


See documentation in the base class.


Only when initiated with a FILENAME, the file will be closed. In any other case, nothing will be done.

Log::Report::Dispatcher::Try->new(TYPE, NAME, OPTIONS)
-Option       --Defined in             --Default
 accept         Log::Report::Dispatcher  depend on mode
 charset        Log::Report::Dispatcher  <undef>
 died                                    undef
 exceptions                              []
 format_reason  Log::Report::Dispatcher  'LOWERCASE'
 locale         Log::Report::Dispatcher  <system locale>
 mode           Log::Report::Dispatcher  'NORMAL'
accept => REASONS
charset => CHARSET
died => STRING

The exit string ($@) of the eval'ed block.

exceptions => ARRAY-of-EXCEPTIONS
locale => LOCALE
mode => 'NORMAL'|'VERBOSE'|'ASSERT'|'DEBUG'|0..3


See documentation in the base class.


The message which was reported by eval, which is used internally to catch problems in the try block.


Returns all collected Log::Report::Exceptions. The last of them may be a fatal one. The other are non-fatal.


See "Accessors" in Log::Report::Dispatcher


See "Accessors" in Log::Report::Dispatcher


See "Accessors" in Log::Report::Dispatcher


See "Accessors" in Log::Report::Dispatcher


See "Accessors" in Log::Report::Dispatcher


See documentation in the base class.


See "Logging" in Log::Report::Dispatcher


See "Logging" in Log::Report::Dispatcher


Other dispatchers translate the message here, and make it leave the program. However, messages in a "try" block are only captured in an intermediate layer: they may never be presented to an end-users. And for sure, we do not know the language yet.

The MESSAGE is either a STRING or a Log::Report::Message.


Re-cast the messages in all collect exceptions into the defined dispatchers, which were disabled during the try block. The OPTIONS will end-up as HASH-of-OPTIONS to Log::Report::report(); see Log::Report::Exception::throw() which does the job.


Re-cast only the fatal message to the defined dispatchers. If the block was left without problems, then nothing will be done. The OPTIONS will end-up as HASH-of-OPTIONS to Log::Report::report(); see Log::Report::Exception::throw() which does the job.


See "Logging" in Log::Report::Dispatcher

$obj->translate(HASH-of-OPTIONS, REASON, MESSAGE)

See "Logging" in Log::Report::Dispatcher



Returns true if the block was left with an fatal message.


If this object is kept in $@, and someone uses this as string, we want to show the fatal error message.

The message is not very informative for the good cause: we do not want people to simply print the $@, but wish for a re-cast of the message using reportAll() or reportFatal().


Returns true if the block exited normally.


Returns the Log::Report::Exception which caused the "try" block to die, otherwise an empty LIST (undef).

 class   undef
class => CLASS|REGEX

Only return the exception if it was fatal, and in the same time in the specified CLASS (as string) or matches the REGEX. See Log::Report::Message::inClass()


See documentation in the base class.


overload: boolean()

Returns true if the previous try block did produce a terminal error. This "try" object is assigned to $@, and the usual perl syntax is if($@) {...error-handler...}.

overload: stringify()

When $@ is used the traditional way, it is checked to have a string content. In this case, stringify into the fatal error or nothing.


This module is part of Log-Report distribution version 0.995, built on August 29, 2013. Website:


Copyrights 2007-2013 by [Mark Overmeer]. For other contributors see ChangeLog.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See