OODoc::Format::Pod2 - Produce POD pages from the doc tree with a template
is a OODoc::Format::Pod
is a OODoc::Format
is a OODoc::Object
is a OODoc::Format::TemplateMagic
my $doc = OODoc->new(...);
( 'pod2' # or 'OODoc::Format::Pod2'
, format_options => [show_examples => 'NO']
Create manual pages in the POD syntax, using the Template::Magic template system. It may be a bit simpler to configure the outcome using the template, than using OODoc::Format::Pod, however you first need to install Bundle::Template::Magic.
Inheritance knowledge
Page generation
- $obj->cleanup(MANUAL, STRING)
- $obj->cleanupPOD(IN, OUT)
- $obj->createManual(OPTIONS)
-Option --Defined in --Default append OODoc::Format::Pod '' format_options OODoc::Format [] manual OODoc::Format <required> project OODoc::Format <required> template <in code>
- append => STRING|CODE
- format_options => ARRAY
- manual => MANUAL
- project => STRING
- template => FILENAME
The default template is included in the DATA segment of OODoc::Format::Pod2. You may start your own template by copying it to a file.
- $obj->createOtherPages(OPTIONS)
- $obj->formatManual(OPTIONS)
- $obj->link(MANUAL, OBJECT, [TEXT])
- $obj->removeMarkup(STRING)
- $obj->showChapter(OPTIONS)
- $obj->showChapterIndex(FILE, CHAPTER, INDENT)
- $obj->showExamples(OPTIONS)
- $obj->showOptionExpand(OPTIONS)
- $obj->showOptionTable(OPTIONS)
- $obj->showOptionUse(OPTIONS)
- $obj->showOptionalChapter(NAME, OPTIONS)
- $obj->showOptions(OPTIONS)
- $obj->showRequiredChapter(NAME, OPTIONS)
- $obj->showStructureExpanded(OPTIONS)
- $obj->showStructureRefer(OPTIONS)
- $obj->showSubroutine((@))
- $obj->showSubroutineDescription(OPTIONS)
- $obj->showSubroutineName(OPTIONS)
- $obj->showSubroutineUse(OPTIONS)
- $obj->showSubroutines(OPTIONS)
- $obj->writeTable()
Template processing
Commonly used functions
- $obj->filenameToPackage(FILENAME)
- OODoc::Format::Pod2->filenameToPackage(FILENAME)
- $obj->mkdirhier(DIRECTORY)
- OODoc::Format::Pod2->mkdirhier(DIRECTORY)
Manual Repository
- $obj->addManual(MANUAL)
- $obj->mainManual(NAME)
- $obj->manual(NAME)
- $obj->manuals()
- $obj->manualsForPackage(NAME)
- $obj->packageNames()
- Error: cannot read prelimary pod from $infn: $!
- Error: cannot write final pod to $outfn: $!
- Error: chapter without name in template.
In your template file, a {chapter} statement is used, which is erroneous, because it requires a chapter name.
- Error: formatter does not know the version.
- Error: formatter has no project name.
A formatter was created without a name specified for the project at hand. This should be passed with new(project).
- Error: manual definition requires manual object
A call to addManual() expects a new manual object (a OODoc::Manual), however an incompatible thing was passed. Usually, intended was a call to manualsForPackage() or mainManual().
- Warning: missing required chapter $name in $manual
- Error: no directory to put pod manual for $name in
- Warning: no meaning for container $container in chapter block
- Error: no package name for pod production
- Error: no working directory specified.
The formatter has to know where the output can be written. This directory must be provided via new(workdir), but was not specified.
- Warning: unknown subroutine type $type for $name in $manual
This module is part of OODoc distribution version 2.00, built on January 11, 2013. Website:
Copyrights 2003-2013 by [Mark Overmeer]. For other contributors see ChangeLog.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See