XML::Compile::SOAP11::Encoding - SOAP encoding
# see t/13enc11.t in the distribution for complex examples
my $client = XML::Compile::SOAP11::Client->new();
$client->startEncoding(...); # loads this module
# create: <SOAP-ENC:int>41</SOAP-ENC:int>
my $xml = $client->enc(int => 41);
# create: <SOAP-ENC:int id="hhtg">42</SOAP-ENC:int>
my $xml = $client->enc(int => 42, 'hhtg');
# create: <code xsi:type="xsd:int">43</code>
my $int = pack_type SCHEMA2001, 'int';
my $xml = $client->typed($int, code => 43);
# create: <ref href="#id-1"/> (xyz get's id if it hasn't)
my $xml = $client->href('ref', $xyz);
my $xml = $client->href('ref', $xyz, 'id-1'); # explicit label
# create: <number>3</number> (gets validated as well!)
my $xml = $client->element($int, number => 3);
# create one-dimensional array of ints
my $xml = $client->array(undef, $int, \@xml);
my $xml = $client->array('{myns}mylocal', $int, \@xml);
# create multi-dimensional array
my $xml = $client->multidim(undef, $int, $matrix);
my $xml = $client->multidim('{myns}mylocal', $int, $matrix);
# decode an incoming encoded structure (as far as possible)
my $hash = $client->dec($xml);
This module loads extra functionality into the XML::Compile::SOAP namespace: all kinds of methods which are used to SOAP-encode data.
The loading is triggered by calling startEncoding(). In threaded applications, you may wish to call that method once before the fork(), such that not each threads or forked process needs to compile the code again. Of course, you can also use
this package explicitly.
SOAP defines encodings, especially for SOAP-RPC.
$obj->array((NAME|undef), ITEM_TYPE, ARRAY-of-ELEMENTS, OPTIONS)
Arrays can be a mess: a mixture of anything and nothing. Therefore, you have to help the generation more than you may wish for. This method produces an one dimensional array, multidim() is used for multi-dimensional arrays.
The NAME is the packed type of the array itself. When undef, the {soap-enc-ns}Array
will be used (the action soap encoding namespace will be used).
The ITEM_TYPE specifies the type of each element within the array. This type is used to create the arrayType
attribute, however doesn't tell enough about the items themselves: they may be extensions to that type.
Each of the ELEMENTS must be an XML::LibXML::Node, either self-constructed, or produced by one of the builder methods in this class, like enc() or typed().
Returned is the XML::LibXML::Element which represents the array.
Option --Default
array_type <generated>
id <undef>
nested_array ''
offset 0
slice <all remaining>
. array_type => STRING
The arrayType attribute content. When explicitly set to undef, the attribute is not created.
. id => STRING
Assign an id to the array. If not defined, than no id attribute is added.
. nested_array => STRING
The ARRAY type should reflect nested array structures if they are homogeneous. This is a really silly part of the specs, because there is no need for it on any other comparible place in the specs... but ala.
For instance: nested_array => '[,]'
, means that this array contains two-dimensional arrays.
. offset => INTEGER
When a partial array is to be transmitted, the number of the base element.
. slice => INTEGER
When a partial array is to be transmitted, this is the length of the slice to be sent (the number of elements starting with the offset
$obj->element(TYPE, NAME, VALUE)
Create an element. The NAME is for node, where a namespace component is translated into a prefix. When you wish for a type
attribute, use typed().
When the TYPE does not contain a namespace indication, it is taken in the selected schema namespace. If the VALUE already is a XML::LibXML::Element, then that one is used (and the NAME ignored).
$obj->enc(LOCAL, VALUE, [ID])
In the SOAP specification, encoding types are defined: elements which do not have a distinguishable name but use the type of the data as name. Yep, ugly!
my $xml = $soap->enc('int', 43);
my $xml = $soap->enc(int => 43);
print $xml->toString;
# <SOAP-ENC:int>43</SOAP-ENC:int>
my $xml = $soap->enc('int', 42, id => 'me');
my $xml = $soap->enc(int => 42, id => 'me');
print $xml->toString;
# <SOAP-ENC:int id="me">42</SOAP-ENC:int>
Convenience alternative for encAddNamespaces().
Add prefix definitions for this one encoding cyclus. Each time startEncoding() is called, the table is reset. The namespace table is returned.
$obj->href(NAME, ELEMENT, [ID])
Create a reference element with NAME to the existing ELEMENT. When the ELEMENT does not have an "id" attribute yet, then ID will be used. In case not ID was specified, then one is generated.
$obj->multidim((NAME|undef), ITEM_TYPE, ARRAY-of-ELEMENTS, OPTIONS)
A multi-dimensional array, less flexible than a single dimensional array, which can be created with array().
The array must be square: in each of the dimensions, the length of each row must be the same. On the other hand, it may be sparse (contain undefs). The size of each dimension is determined by the length of its first element.
id undef
. id => STRING
$obj->nil([TYPE], NAME)
Create an element with NAME which explicitly has the xsi:nil
attribute. If the NAME is full (has a namespace to it), it will be translated into a QNAME, otherwise, it is considered not namespace qualified.
If a TYPE is given, then an explicit type parameter is added.
Translate a NAMESPACE-LOCAL combination (which may be represented as a packed TYPE) into a prefixed notation.
The complication is that the NAMESPACE may not naturally have a prefixed assigned to it: the produced SOAP message is the result of compilation, and only the namespaces which are registered to be used during compile-time are added to the list on the top-level.
This needs to be called before any encoding routine, because it initializes the internals. Each call will reset all compiled cached translator routines.
When you use the standard RPC-encoded interface, this will be called for you.
Option --Default
doc <required>
namespaces {}
prefixes {}
. doc => XML::LibXML::Document
. namespaces => HASH|ARRAY
Pre release 0.74 name for option prefixes
. prefixes => HASH|ARRAY
Like XML::Compile::Schema::compile(prefixes), this can be a HASH (see example) or an ARRAY with prefix-uri pairs.
my %ns;
$ns{$MYNS} = {uri => $MYNS, prefix => 'm'};
$soap->startEncoding(doc => $doc, prefixes => \%ns);
# or
$soap->startEncoding(doc => $doc, prefixes => [ m => $MYNS ]);
$obj->struct(TYPE, CHILDS)
Create a structure, an element with childs. The CHILDS must be fully prepared XML::LibXML::Element objects.
$obj->typed(TYPE, NAME, VALUE)
A "typed" element shows its type explicitly, via the "xsi:type" attribute. The VALUE will get processed via an auto-generated XML::Compile writer, so validated. The processing is cashed.
When VALUE already is an XML::LibXML::Element, then no processing nor value checking will be performed. The NAME will be ignored.
If the TYPE is not qualified, then it is interpreted as basic type, as defined by the selected schema. If you explicitly need a non-namespace typed item, then use an empty namespace. In any case, the type must be defined and the value is validated.
my $xml = $soap->typed(int => count => 5);
my $xml = $soap->typed(pack_type(SCHEMA1999, 'int'), count => 5);
my $xml = $soap->typed(pack_type('', 'mine'), a => 1);
my $xml = $soap->typed('{}mine'), a => 1); #same
Decode the XMLNODES (list of XML::LibXML::Element objects). Use Data::Dumper to figure-out what the produced output is: it is a guess, so may not be perfect (do not use RPC but document style soap for good results).
The decoded data is returned. When startDecoding(simplify) is true, then the returned data is compact but may be sloppy. Otherwise, a HASH is returned containing as much info as could be extracted from the tree.
$obj->decSimplify(TREE, OPTIONS)
Simplify the TREE of output produced by dec() to contain only data. Of course, this will remove useful information.
From each of the HASHes in the tree, the _NAME
, id
, and any/anyAttribute fields are removed. If only a _
is left over, that related value will replace the HASH as a whole.
Each call to this method will restart the cache of the decoding internals.
Currently not supported, is the automatic decoding of elements which inherit from SOAP-ENC:Array
. If you encounter these, you have to play with hooks.
Option --Default
reader_opts {}
simplify <false>
. reader_opts => HASH
Extend or overrule the default reader options. Available options are shown in XML::Compile::Schema::compile().
. simplify => BOOLEAN
Call decSimplify() automatically at the end of dec(), so producing an easily accessible output tree.
This module is part of XML-Compile-SOAP distribution version 2.04, built on April 13, 2009. Website:
All modules in this suite: XML::Compile, XML::Compile::SOAP, XML::Compile::SOAP12, XML::Compile::SOAP::Daemon, XML::Compile::Tester, XML::Compile::Cache, XML::Compile::Dumper, XML::Rewrite, and XML::LibXML::Simple.
Please post questions or ideas to the mailinglist at For life contact with other developers, visit the #xml-compile
channel on
Copyrights 2007-2009 by Mark Overmeer. For other contributors see ChangeLog.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See