Nile - Android Like Visual Web App Framework Separating Code From Design Multi Lingual And Multi Theme.
use Nile;
my $app = Nile->new();
# initialize the application with the shared and safe sessions settings
# base application path, auto detected if not set
path => dirname(File::Spec->rel2abs(__FILE__)),
# load config files, default extension is xml
config => [ qw(config) ],
# force run mode if not auto detected by default. modes: "psgi", "fcgi" (direct), "cgi" (direct)
#mode => "fcgi", # psgi, cgi, fcgi
# inline actions, return content. url: /forum/home
$app->action("get", "/forum/home", sub {
my ($self) = @_;
# $self is set to the application context object same as $self->app in plugins
my $content = "Host: " . ($self->request->virtual_host || "") ."<br>\n";
$content .= "Request method: " . ($self->request->request_method || "") . "<br>\n";
$content .= "App Mode: " . $self->mode . "<br>\n";
$content .= "Time: ". time . "<br>\n";
$content .= "Hello world from inline action /forum/home" ."<br>\n";
$content .= "أحمد الششتاوى" ."<br>\n";
$self->response->encoded(0); # encode content
return $content;
# inline actions, capture print statements, no returns. url: /accounts/login
$app->capture("get", "/accounts/login", sub {
my ($self) = @_;
# $self is set to the application context object same as $self->app in plugins
say "Host: " . ($self->request->virtual_host || "") . "<br>\n";
say "Request method: " . ($self->request->request_method || "") . "<br>\n";
say "App Mode: " . $self->mode . "<br>\n";
say "Time: ". time . "<br>\n";
say "Hello world from inline action with capture /accounts/login", "<br>\n";
say $self->encode("أحمد الششتاوى ") ."<br>\n";
$self->response->encoded(1); # content already encoded
# run the application and return the PSGI response or print to the output
# the run process will also run plugins with matched routes files loaded
Nile - Android Like Visual Web App Framework Separating Code From Design Multi Lingual And Multi Theme.
Beta version, API may change. The project's homepage
The main idea in this framework is to separate all the html design and layout from programming. The framework uses html templates for the design with special xml tags for inserting the dynamic output into the templates. All the application text is separated in langauge files in xml format supporting multi lingual applications with easy translating and modifying all the text. The framework supports PSGI and also direct CGI and direct FCGI without any modifications to your applications.
Download and uncompress the module file. You will find an example application folder named app.
This framework support SEO friendly url's, routing specific urls and short urls to actions.
The url routing system works in the following formats: # mapped from route file or to Module/Controller/action # mapped from route file or to Module/Module/action or Module/Module/index # mapped from route file or to Module/Module/module or Module/Module/index # route mapped from route file and args passed as request params
The following urls formats are all the same and all are mapped to the route /Home/Home/index or /Home/Home/home (/Module/Controller/Action):
# direct cgi call, you can use action=home, route=home, or cmd=home
# using .htaccess to redirect to index.cgi
# SEO url using with .htaccess. route is auto detected from url.
Applications built with this framework must have basic folder structure. Applications may have any additional directories.
The following is the basic application folder tree that must be created manually before runing:
│ ├───ar
│ └───en-US
│ └───Nile
│ ├───Module
│ │ └───Home
│ └───Plugin
│ └───default
│ ├───css
│ ├───icon
│ ├───image
│ ├───js
│ ├───view
│ └───widget
To create your first module called Home for your site home page, create a folder called Home in your application path /path/lib/Nile/Module/Home
, then create the module Controller file say and put the following code:
package Nile::Module::Home::Home;
our $VERSION = '0.42';
use Nile::Module; # automatically extends Nile::Module
use DateTime qw();
# plugin action, return content. url is routed direct or from routes files. url: /home
sub home : GET Action {
my ($self, $app) = @_;
# $app is set to the application context object, same as $self->app inside any method
#my $app = $self->app;
my $view = $app->view("home");
fname => 'Ahmed',
lname => 'Elsheshtawy',
email => '',
website => '',
singleline => 'Single line variable <b>Good</b>',
multiline => 'Multi line variable <b>Nice</b>',
#my $var = $view->block();
#say "block: " . $app->dump($view->block("first/second/third/fourth/fifth"));
#$view->block("first/second/third/fourth/fifth", "Block Modified ");
#say "block: " . $app->dump($view->block("first/second/third/fourth/fifth"));
$view->block("first", "1st Block New Content ");
$view->block("six", "6th Block New Content ");
#say "dump: " . $app->dump($view->block->{first}->{second}->{third}->{fourth}->{fifth});
# module settings from config files
my $setting = $self->setting();
# plugin session must be enabled in config.xml
if (!$app->session->{first_visit}) {
$app->session->{first_visit} = time;
my $dt = DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => $app->session->{first_visit});
$view->set("first_visit", $dt->strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S"));
return $view->out();
# run action and capture print statements, no returns. url: /home/news
sub news: GET Capture {
my ($self, $app) = @_;
say qq{Hello world. This content is captured from print statements.
The action must be marked by 'Capture' attribute. No returns.};
# regular method, can be invoked by views:
# <vars type="module" method="Home::Home->welcome" message="Welcome back!" />
sub welcome {
my ($self, %args) = @_;
my $app = $self->app();
return "Nice to see you, " . $args{message};
Create an html file name it as home.html, put it in the default theme folder /path/theme/default/views and put in this file the following code:
<vars type="widget" name="header" charset_name="UTF-8" lang_name="en" />
{first_name} <vars name="fname" /><br>
{last_name} <vars name="lname" /><br>
{email} <vars type="var" name='email' /><br>
{website} <vars type="var" name="website" /><br>
global variables:<br>
language: <vars name='lang' /><br>
theme: <vars name="theme" /><br>
base url: <vars name="base_url" /><br>
image url: <vars name="image_url" /><br>
css url: <vars name="css_url" /><br>
new url: <a href="<vars name="base_url" />comments" >comments</a><br>
image: <img src="<vars name="image_url" />logo.png" /><br>
first visit: <vars name="first_visit" /><br>
{date_now} <vars type="plugin" method="Date->date" format="%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S" /><br>
{time_now} <vars type="plugin" method="Date->time" format="%A %d, %B %Y %T %p" /><br>
{date_time} <vars type="plugin" method="Date::now" capture="1" format="%B %d, %Y %r" /><br>
<vars type="module" method="Home::Home->welcome" message="Welcome back!" /><br>
Our Version: <vars type="perl"><![CDATA[print $self->app->VERSION; return;]]></vars><br>
<vars type="perl">system ('dir *.cgi');</vars>
<vars type="var" name="singleline" width="400px" height="300px" content="ahmed<b>class/subclass">
cdata start here is may have html tags and 'single' and "double" qoutes
<vars type="var" name="multiline" width="400px" height="300px"><![CDATA[
cdata start here is may have html tags <b>hello</b> and 'single' and "double" qoutes
another cdata line
<vars type="perl"><![CDATA[
say "";
say "<br>active language: " . $self->app->var->get("lang");
say "<br>active theme: " . $self->app->var->get("theme");
say "<br>app path: " . $self->app->var->get("path");
say "<br>";
html content 1-5 top
<table border="1" style="color:red;">
<tr class="lines">
<td align="left" valign="<--valign-->">
<b>bold</b><a href="">mewsoft</a>
<!--hello--> <--again--><!--world-->
some html content here 1 top
some html content here 2 top
some html content here 3 top
some html content here 4 top
some html content here 5a
some html content here 5b
some html content here 3a
some html content here 3b
some html content here 2 bottom
some html content here 1 bottom
html content 1-5 bottom
html content 6-8 top
some html content here 6 top
some html content here 7 top
some html content here 8a
some html content here 8b
some html content here 7 bottom
some html content here 6 bottom
html content 6-8 bottom
<vars type="widget" name="footer" title="cairo" lang="ar" />
YOUR FIRST WIDGETS 'header' AND 'footer'
The framework supports widgets, widgets are small views that can be repeated in many views for easy layout and design. For example, you could make the site header template as a widget called header and the site footer template as a widget called footer and just put the required xml special tag for these widgets in all the Views you want. Widgets files are html files located in the theme 'widget' folder
Example widget header.html
<!doctype html>
<html lang="{lang_code}">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=[:charset_name:]" />
<meta name="Keywords" content="{meta_keywords}" />
<meta name="Description" content="{meta_description}" />
Example widget footer.html
then all you need to include the widget in the view is to insert these tags:
<vars type="widget" name="header" charset_name="UTF-8" />
<vars type="widget" name="footer" />
You can pass args to the widget like charset_name to the widget above and will be replaced with their values.
All application text is located in text files in xml format. Each language supported should be put under a folder named with the iso name of the langauge under the folder path/lang.
Example langauge file 'general.xml':
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<site_name>Site Name</site_name>
<page_title>Create New Account</page_title>
<first_name>First name:</first_name>
<middle_name>Middle name:</middle_name>
<last_name>Last name:</last_name>
<full_name>Full name:</full_name>
<job>Job title:</job>
<date_now>Date: </date_now>
<time_now>Time: </time_now>
<date_time>Now: </date_time>
The framework supports url routing, route specific short name actions like 'register' to specific plugins like Accounts/Register/create.
Below is route.xml file example should be created under the path/route folder.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<home route="/home" action="/Home/Home/home" method="get" />
<register route="/register" action="/Accounts/Register/register" method="get" defaults="year=1900|month=1|day=23" />
<post route="/blog/post/{cid:\d+}/{id:\d+}" action="/Blog/Article/Post" method="post" />
<browse route="/blog/{id:\d+}" action="/Blog/Article/Browse" method="get" />
<view route="/blog/view/{id:\d+}" action="/Blog/Article/View" method="get" />
<edit route="/blog/edit/{id:\d+}" action="/Blog/Article/Edit" method="get" />
The framework supports loading and working with config files in xml formate located in the folder 'config'.
Example config file path/config/config.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<expire>1 year</expire>
The framework is fully Object-oriented to allow multiple separate instances. Inside any module or plugin you will be able to access the application instance by calling the method $self-
app> which is automatically injected into all modules with the application instance.
The plugins and modules files will have the following features.
Moose enabled Strict and Warnings enabled. a Moose attribute called app
injected holds the application singleton instance to access all the data and methods.
Inside your modules and plugins, you will be able to access the application instance by:
my $app = $self->app;
Then you can access the application methods and objects like:
# same as
$app->var->set("name", "value");
URL REWRITE .htaccess for CGI and FCGI
To hide the script name index.cgi from the url and allow nice SEO url routing, you need to turn on url rewrite on your web server and have .htaccess file in the application folder with the index.cgi.
Below is a sample .htaccess which redirects all requests to index.cgi file and hides index.cgi from the url, so instead of calling the application as:
using the .htaccess you will be able to call it as:
without any changes in the code.
For direct FCGI, just replace .cgi with .fcgi in the .htaccess and rename index.cgi to index.fcgi.
# Don't show directory listings for URLs which map to a directory.
Options -Indexes -MultiViews
# Follow symbolic links in this directory.
Options +FollowSymLinks
#Note that AllowOverride Options and AllowOverride FileInfo must both be in effect for these directives to have any effect,
#i.e. AllowOverride All in httpd.conf
Options +ExecCGI
AddHandler cgi-script cgi pl
# Set the default handler.
DirectoryIndex index.cgi index.html index.shtml
# save this file as UTF-8 and enable the next line for utf contents
#AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
# REQUIRED: requires mod_rewrite to be enabled in Apache.
# Please check that, if you get an "Internal Server Error".
RewriteEngine On
# force use www with http and https so redirect to
#add www with https support - you have to put this in .htaccess file in the site root folder
# skip local host
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^localhost
# skip IP addresses
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^([a-z.]+)$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.
RewriteCond %{HTTPS}s ^on(s)|''
RewriteRule ^ http%1://www.%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !=/favicon.ico
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.cgi [L,QSA]
The http request is available as a shared object extending the CGI::Simple module. This means that all methods supported by CGI::Simple is available with the additions of these few methods:
You access the request object by $self->app->request.
To abort the application at anytime with optional message and stacktrace, call the method:
$self->app->abort("application error, can not find file required");
For fatal errors with custom error message
$self->app->error("error message");
For fatal errors with custom error message and full starcktrace
$self->app->errors("error message");
For displaying warning message
$self->app->warning("warning message");
The framework supports a log object which is a Log::Tiny object which supports unlimited log categories, so simply you can do this:
$app->log->info("application run start");
$app->log->DEBUG("application run start");
$app->log->ERROR("application run start");
$app->log->INFO("application run start");
$app->log->ANYTHING("application run start");
The file object provides tools for reading files, folders, and most of the functions in the modules File::Spec and File::Basename.
to get file content as single string or array of strings:
$content = $app->file->get($file);
@lines = $app->file->get($file);
supports options same as File::Slurp.
To get list of files in a specific folder:
#files($dir, $match, $relative)
@files = $app->file->files("c:/apache/htdocs/nile/", "*.pm, *.cgi");
#files_tree($dir, $match, $relative, $depth)
@files = $app->file->files_tree("c:/apache/htdocs/nile/", "*.pm, *.cgi");
#folders($dir, $match, $relative)
@folders = $app->file->folders("c:/apache/htdocs/nile/", "", 1);
#folders_tree($dir, $match, $relative, $depth)
@folders = $app->file->folders_tree("c:/apache/htdocs/nile/", "", 1);
Loads xml files into hash tree using XML::TreePP
$xml = $app->xml->load("configs.xml");
See Nile::Database
The database class provides methods for connecting to the sql database and easy methods for sql operations.
use Nile;
my $app = Nile->new();
# base application path, auto detected if not set
path => dirname(File::Spec->rel2abs(__FILE__)),
# load config files, default extension is xml
config => [ qw(config) ],
# force run mode if not auto detected by default. modes: "psgi", "fcgi" (direct), "cgi" (direct)
#mode => "fcgi", # psgi, cgi, fcgi
Initialize the application with the shared and safe sessions settings.
See Nile::Var.
See Nile::Config.
Run the application and dispatch the command.
# inline actions, return content. url: /forum/home
$app->action("get", "/forum/home", sub {
my ($self) = @_;
# $self is set to the application context object same as $self->app in plugins
my $content = "Host: " . ($self->request->virtual_host || "") ."<br>\n";
$content .= "Request method: " . ($self->request->request_method || "") . "<br>\n";
$content .= "App Mode: " . $self->mode . "<br>\n";
$content .= "Time: ". time . "<br>\n";
$content .= "Hello world from inline action /forum/home" ."<br>\n";
$content .= "أحمد الششتاوى" ."<br>\n";
$self->response->encoded(0); # encode content
return $content;
Add inline action, return content to the dispatcher.
# inline actions, capture print statements, no returns. url: /accounts/login
$app->capture("get", "/accounts/login", sub {
my ($self) = @_;
# $self is set to the application context object same as $self->app in plugins
say "Host: " . ($self->request->virtual_host || "") . "<br>\n";
say "Request method: " . ($self->request->request_method || "") . "<br>\n";
say "App Mode: " . $self->mode . "<br>\n";
say "Time: ". time . "<br>\n";
say "Hello world from inline action with capture /accounts/login", "<br>\n";
say $self->encode("أحمد الششتاوى ") ."<br>\n";
$self->response->encoded(1); # content already encoded
Add inline action, capture print statements, no returns to the dispatcher.
See Nile::Router.
See Nile::Filter.
See Nile::File.
See Nile::XML.
my $mode = $app->mode;
Returns the current application mode PSGI, FCGI or CGI.
See Nile::Lang.
$obj = $app->object("Nile::MyClass", @args);
$obj = $app->object("Nile::Plugin::MyClass", @args);
$obj = $app->object("Nile::Module::MyClass", @args);
$me = $obj->me;
Creates and returns an object. This automatically adds the method me to the object and sets it to the current context so your object or class can access the current instance.
Print object to the STDOUT. Same as say Dumper (@_);
if ($app->is_loaded("Nile::SomeModule")) {
if ($app->is_loaded("Nile/")) {
Returns true if module is loaded, false otherwise.
if ($app->cli_mode) {
say "Running from the command line";
else {
say "Running from web server";
Returns true if running from the command line interface, false if called from web server.
$app->error("error message");
Fatal errors with custom error message. This is the same as croak
in CGI::Carp.
$app->errors("error message");
Fatal errors with custom error message and full starcktrace. This is the same as confess
in CGI::Carp.
$app->warn("warning message");
Display warning message. This is the same as carp
in CGI::Carp.
To view warnings in the browser, switch to the view source mode since warnings appear as a comment at the top of the page.
$app->warns("warning message");
Display warning message and full starcktrace. This is the same as cluck
in CGI::Carp.
To view warnings in the browser, switch to the view source mode since warnings appear as a comment at the top of the page.
$app->abort("error message");
$app->abort("error title", "error message");
Stop and quit the application and display message to the user. See Nile::Abort module.
Sub Modules
App Nile::App.
Views Nile::View.
Shared Vars Nile::Var.
Langauge Nile::Lang.
Request Nile::HTTP::Request.
PSGI Request Nile::HTTP::Request::PSGI.
PSGI Request Base Nile::HTTP::PSGI.
Response Nile::HTTP::Response.
PSGI Handler Nile::Handler::PSGI.
FCGI Handler Nile::Handler::FCGI.
CGI Handler Nile::Handler::CGI.
Dispatcher Nile::Dispatcher.
Router Nile::Router.
File Utils Nile::File.
Database Nile::Database.
XML Nile::XML.
Settings Nile::Setting.
Serializer Nile::Serializer.
Deserializer Nile::Deserializer.
Serialization Base Nile::Serialization.
Filter Nile::Filter.
Timer Nile::Timer.
Plugin Nile::Plugin.
Email Nile::Plugin::Email.
Paginatation Nile::Plugin::Paginate.
Module Nile::Module.
Hook Nile::Hook.
Base Nile::Base.
Abort Nile::Abort.
This project is available on github at
Please visit the project's homepage at
Source repository is at
Ahmed Amin Elsheshtawy, احمد امين الششتاوى <> Website:
Copyright (C) 2014-2015 by Dr. Ahmed Amin Elsheshtawy,,,
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.