Nile::View - The template processing system.


# get view home.html in current active theme
my $view = $self->app->view("home");
# get view home.html in specific arabic theme
my $view = $app->view("home", "arabic");

# set view variables
	fname		=>	'Ahmed',
	lname		=>	'Elsheshtawy',
	email		=>	'',
	website		=>	'',
	singleline	=>	'Single line variable <b>Good</b>',
	multiline	=>	'Multi line variable <b>Nice</b>',

# set variable
$view->set('email', '');

# get variable
$email = $view->get('email');

# automatic getter/setter for variables
$email = $view->email;
$website = $view->website;

# replace marked blocks or iterators
$view->block("first", "1st Block New Content ");
$view->block("six", "6th Block New Content ");

# process variables and blocks and text language variables

# get the output
$content = $view->out;


Nile::View - The template processing system.

Templates or views are pure html files with special xml tags which can be used to insert the application dynamic output. These xml sepcial tags also can be used to pass parameters to the plugins.

Templates also has special comment tags to mark blocks and iterators.

Since the framework supports multi lingual, the template can contain the language variables names instead of the actual text surrounded by the Curly braces { and }. Templates also allow embedded Perl code.


The template can contain the language variables names instead of the actual text surrounded by the Curly braces { and }.

{first_name} <input type="text" name="fname" id="fname" value="" />
{last_name} <input type="text" name="lname" id="lname" value="" />
{phone} <input type="text" name="phone" id="phone" value="" />

The language variables {first_name}, {last_name}, and {phone} will be replaced by their actual text from the loaded langauge file. So after processing the template, this code will look like this:

Your first name: <input type="text" name="fname" id="fname" value="" />
Your second name: <input type="text" name="lname" id="lname" value="" />
Your phone numger: <input type="text" name="phone" id="phone" value="" />

If the language variables is not found in the loaded language files, it will not be processed so you can add it to the correct language file.


The template xml tag used to insert dynamic output and to pass parameters to the plugin or module has the following format:

<vars type="plugin" method="Plugin->method" arg1="value_1" arg2="value_2" argxx="value_xx" />
<vars type="module" method="Module->method" arg1="value_1" arg2="value_2" argxx="value_xx" />

The xml tag name is fixed `vars`. The attribute type defines the type of the action to be called to handle this tag.

The rest of the attributes is optional parameters which will be passed to the action called.

The first type or the vars tags is the var in the form type="var". These var tags are used to insert dynamic variables when processing the view:

<vars name="website"/>
<vars type="var" name='email' />

If the vars tag type attribute is empty or omitted, it means this tag is a type var, type="var", so the following are the same:

<vars name="email"/>
<vars type="var" name='email' />

To replace these variables when working with the view, just do it like this:

$view = $self->app->view("home");
$view->set("email", '');
$view->set("website", '');

Then when processing the template, these variables will replace the vars xml tags.

The second type or the vars tags is the plugin and module in the form type="plugin" and <type="module">.

Use these tags to call plugins and modules methods and insert their output to the template. You can also pass any number of optional parameters to the plugin and module method through these tags

Example to insert dynamic plugins and modules output when processing the view:

<vars type="plugin" method="Date->date" format="%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S" /><br>
<vars type="plugin" method="Date->time" format="%A %d, %B %Y  %T %p" /><br>
<vars type="plugin" method="Date::now" capture="1" format="%B %d, %Y  %r" /><br>

<vars type="module" method="Home::Home->welcome" message="Welcome back!" />

These vars tags of type plugin is used to call the plugins in the method attribute and will pass the parameter format to the plugin method, the vars of the type module will pass the parameter c<message> to the module c<Home::Home> method c<welcome>.

If the attribute capture is set to any value, the output of the print statements of the method will be captured and will ignore any returns.

The third type or the vars tags is the Perl tags which is used to execute Perl code and capture the output and insert it in the template.

Example to insert embedded Perl code output when processing the view:

<vars type="perl">print $self->app->VERSION; return;</vars>

You can run any Perl code in this tag, here is example to call a system function and display its results:

<vars type="perl">system ('dir c:\\*.bat');</vars>

You can also include your Perl code in an CDATA like this:

<vars type="perl"><![CDATA[ 
	say "";
	say "<br>active language: " . $self->app->var->get("lang");
	say "<br>active theme: " . $self->app->var->get("theme");
	say "<br>app path: " . $self->app->var->get("path");
	say "<br>";

The fourth type or the vars tags is the widget tags which is used to include small templates or widgets in the template. Widgets are small templates and have the same structure as the templates. Widgets are used for the repeated template blocks like dividing your template to sections say header, footer, top_navigation, bottom_navigation, left, right, top_banner, etc. Then you just insert the widget tag inside the templates you want to use these widgets instead of repeating the same code in every template.

Widgets templates files should be located in the theme widget folder with the default .html extension.

You can pass any number of parameters to the widgets and it will be replaced when processed.

Example to insert the widget header in your templates:

<vars type="widget" name="header" charset_name="UTF-8" lang_name="en" />

If you insert the above tag in your template, it will load the contents of the widget file "header.html" and insert it to the template and will replace the variables passed charset_name and lang_name by their values. Variables can be of different values from call to call based on your need.


Sometimes you need to replace a block of code in your templates by some other contents. For example you may want to show a block of template code if user if logged in and another block of template code if the user is not logged in.

In this case use the block comment tag in the following form to handle this:

	<span style="color: green;">

	<span style="color: red;">

Inside the plugin code, you can access these blocks simply like this

# get the block user_login hash ref
$login_block = $view->block("user_login");
say $login_block->{content};
say $login_block->{match};

# set the block user_login new content
$view->block("user_login", "Login Block New Content ");

# set the block user_logout new content
$view->block("user_logout", "Logout Block New Content ");

# or 
if (user_is_loggedin()) {
	# hide or clear the logout block
	$view->block("user_logout", "");
else {
	# hide or clear the login block
	$view->block("user_login", "");

Calling $view->block() method without any block name will return the entire hash tree of all the template blocks.

Blocks can be nested to any levels, for example:

html content 1-5 top
	<table border="1" style="color:red;">
	<tr class="lines">
		<td align="left" valign="<--valign-->">
			<b>bold</b><a href="">mewsoft</a>
			<!--hello--> <--again--><!--world-->
			some html content here 1 top
				some html content here 2 top
					some html content here 3 top
					some html content here 4 top
							some html content here 5a
							some html content here 5b
					some html content here 3a
				some html content here 3b
		some html content here 2 bottom
	some html content here 1 bottom
html content 1-5 bottom

html content 6-8 top
	some html content here 6 top
		some html content here 7 top
			some html content here 8a
			some html content here 8b
		some html content here 7 bottom
	some html content here 6 bottom
html content 6-8 bottom

You can get and access these nested blocks in many ways:

$fifth = $view->block("first/second/third/fourth/fifth");
$fifth = $view->block->{first}->{second}->{third}->{fourth}->{fifth};
$all = $view->block;
$fifth = $all->{first}->{second}->{third}->{fourth}->{fifth};

Blocks also used for iterators, if you want to build a table or data for example, then you get the bock of the repeated table row and process it then replace the entire data with the block in the view.


my $view =  $self->app->view([$view, $theme]);

Creates new view object or returns the current view name. The first option is the view name with or without file extension $view, the default view extension is html. The second optional argument is the theme name, if not supplied the current default theme will be used.


my $lang = $view->lang();

Sets or returns the language for processing the template text. Language must be already installed in the lang folder.


my $theme = $view->theme();

Sets or returns the theme for loading template file. Theme must be already installed in the theme folder.

var() and set()


		fname			=>	'Ahmed',
		lname			=>	'Elsheshtawy',
		email			=>	'',
		website		=>	'',
		htmlnode		=>	'html code variable <b>Nile</b>',

Sets one of more template variables. This method can be chained.



Same as method var() above.


$email = $view->get("email");
@user = $view->get(qw(fname lname email website));

Returns one or more template variables values.


# get current template content
$content = $view->content;

# set current template content direct

Get or set current template content.


# get all blocks as a hashref
$blocks = $view->block;

# get one block as a hashref
$block = $view->block("first");

# set a block new content
$view->block("first", "1st Block New Content ");

Get and set blocks. Blocks or iterators are a block of the template code marked or processing and replacing with dynamic content. For example you can use blocks to show or hide a part of the template based on conditions. Another example is using nested blocks as iterators for displaying lists or tables of repeated rows.


$view->replace('find text' => 'replaced text');

Replace some template text or code with another one. This method will replace all instances of the found text. This method can be chained.


$view->replace_once('find text' => 'replaced text');

Replace some template text or code with another one. This method will replace only one instance of the found text. This method can be chained.


# scan and replace the template language variables for the default 2 times

# scan and replace the template language variables for 3 times

This method normally used internally when processing the template. It scans the template for the langauge variables surrounded by the curly braces {var_name} and replaces them with their values from the loaded language files. This method can be chained.



This method normally used internally when processing the template. This method can be chained.



This method normally used internally when processing the template. This method can be chained.


$result = $view->capture($perl_code);

This method normally used internally when processing the template.


$view->get_widget($widget, $theme);

This method normally used internally when processing the template. Returns the widget file content.



This method normally used internally when processing the template. This method can be chained.


$view->process_plugins ;

This method normally used internally when processing the template. This method can be chained.



This method normally used internally when processing the template. This method can be chained.



This method normally used internally when processing the template. This method can be chained.



Process the template. This method can be chained.



Process the template and return the content.


# get a new view object
#my $view1 = $view->object;

Returns a new view object.


This project is available on github at


Please visit the project's homepage at


Source repository is at


See Nile for details about the complete framework.


Ahmed Amin Elsheshtawy, احمد امين الششتاوى <> Website:


Copyright (C) 2014-2015 by Dr. Ahmed Amin Elsheshtawy احمد امين الششتاوى,,,

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.