Bif Documentation Table of Contents
Introduction and General Information
bif - the bif manual
bif-doc - bif documentation table of contents (this document)
bif-doc-about - README file and main web page
bif-doc-changelog - what changed in each release
bif-doc-faq - frequently asked questions
bif-doc-intro - a quick hands-on introduction
ub - distributed address book & task manager
bif-init - initialize a new bif repository
Creating Topics - Tasks, Issues, Projects...
bif-new - add a new topic to a project
bif-new-identity - create a new identity in the repository
bif-new-project - create a new project
bif-new-topic - add a new topic to a project
Listing Topics
bif-list-entities - list entities present in repository
bif-list-hubs - list hubs registered with current repository
bif-list-project-status - list valid project status/status values
bif-list-projects - list projects with topic count & progress
bif-list-topic-types - list valid topic status values
bif-list-topics - list projects' tasks and issues
Displaying Current Status
bif-show - display a node's current status
bif-show-change - show change information
bif-show-entity - display a entity's current status
bif-show-hub - display a hub's current status
bif-show-identity - display a identity's current status
bif-show-project - display a project's current status
bif-show-topic - display an topic's current status
bif-show-version - display bif version information
Retrieving Historical Information
bif-log - review the repository or node history
bif-log-hub - review the history of a hub
bif-log-identity - review the history of a identity
bif-log-project - review a project history
bif-log-topic - review a topic history
Commenting On Topics Or Modifying Their Status
bif-push - link a topic or project with another object
bif-update - change or comment a node
bif-update-hub - update or comment a hub
bif-update-identity - update or comment an identity
bif-update-project - update a project
bif-update-topic - update a topic
Time Tracking and Reporting
bif-show-timesheet - display time billed per project
bif-wlog - review work buffer entries
bif-work - track your work on a node
Removing Topics and Changes
bif-drop - delete a node or node change
bif-drop-change - remove an change from the repository
bif-drop-hub - remove an hub from the repository
bif-drop-project - remove an project from the repository
bif-drop-topic - remove an topic from the repository
Collaborating With Others
bif-pull-hub - import project lists from a remote repository
bif-pull-identity - import an identity from a repository
bif-pull-project - import projects from a remote hub
bif-push-project - export a project to a remote hub
bif-push-topic - push an topic to another project
bif-sync - exchange changes with hubs
bifsync - synchronization server for bif hubs
Local Repository Management
bif-upgrade - upgrade a repository
Remote Hub Management
bif-list-hosts - list hosts present in repository
bif-list-plans - list plans present in repository
bif-list-providers - list providers present in repository
bif-new-hub - create a new hub in the repository
bif-show-plan - display a plan's current status
Developer Documentation
Developer Introduction
bif-doc-design - how and why bif does what it does
bif-doc-dev - how to hack on bif source files
bif-doc-roadmap - where development is focused
Development or Rarely Used Commands
bif-check - check all changeset UUIDs
bif-list-functions - list functions present in database
bif-list-tables - list tables present in database
bif-new-repo - create an empty repository
bif-show-table - display a table's SQL schema
bif-sql - run an SQL command against the database
Perl Module Reference Documentation
App::bif - A base class for App::bif::* commands
App::bif::Editor - run a system (text) editor
App::bif::LAA - Simple adapter for logging to current filehandle
App::bif::OptArgs - bif command argument & option definitions
App::bif::Pager - pipe output to a system (text) pager
Bif::DB - helper methods for a read-only bif database
Bif::DB::Plugin::ChangeIDv1 - read-write helper methods for a bif
Bif::DB::Plugin::ChangeUUIDv1 - read-write helper methods for a bif
Bif::DBW - read-write helper methods for a bif database
Bif::Mo - mini object-oriented module
Bif::Sync - synchronisation role
Bif::Sync::Client - client for communication with a bif hub
Bif::Sync::Plugin::Identity - synchronisation plugin for identities
Bif::Sync::Plugin::Project - synchronisation plugin for projects
Bif::Sync::Plugin::Repo - synchronisation plugin for hubs
Bif::Sync::Server - server for communication with a client