DBIx::ThinSQL - A lightweight SQL helper for DBI
0.0.26 (2014-09-10) development release.
use strict;
use warnings;
use DBIx::ThinSQL qw/ bv qv /;
my $db = DBIx::ThinSQL->connect(
# Some basic CrUD statements to show the simple stuff first. Note
# the inline binding of data that you normally have to call
# $dbh->bind_param() on.
my $success = $db->xdo(
insert_into => 'actors',
values => {
id => 1,
name => 'John Smith',
photo => bv( $image, DBI::SQL_BLOB ),
# A "where" with a HASHref "AND"s the elements together
my $count = $db->xdo(
update => 'actors',
set => { name => 'Jack Smith' },
where => { id => 1, name => \'IS NOT NULL' },
# A "where" with an ARRAYref concatenates items together. Note the
# string that is quoted according to the database type.
my $count = $db->xdo(
delete_from => 'actors',
where => [
'actor_id = 1', ' OR ',
'last_name != ', qv("Jones", DBI::SQL_VARCHAR ),
# Methods for reading from the database depend on the type of
# structure you want back: arrayref or hashref references.
my $ref = $db->xhashref(
select => [ 'id', 'name', qv("Some string") ],
from => 'actors',
where => [
'id = ', qv( 1, DBI::SQL_INTEGER ),
' AND photo IS NOT NULL',
limit => 1,
insert_into => [ 'table', 'col1', 'col2', 'col3' ],
select => [ 't1.col3', 't3.col4', bv( 'value', DBI::SQL_VARCHAR ) ],
from => 'table AS t1',
inner_join => 'other_table AS t2',
on => 't1.something = t2.else',
left_join => 'third_table AS t3',
on => [ 't3.dont = AND t1.fob = ', qv( 1, DBI::SQL_INT ) ],
where => [],
order_by => [ 't3.dont', 't1.col4' ],
limit => 2,
$db->txn( sub {
# Anything you like, done inside a BEGIN/COMMIT pair, with
# nested calls to txn() done inside a SAVEPOINT/RELEASE pair.
Sorry, this documentation is invalid or out of date.
DBIx::ThinSQL is an extension to the Perl Database Interface (DBI). It is designed for complicated queries and efficient access to results. With an API that lets you easily write almost-raw SQL, DBIx::ThinSQL gives you unfettered access to the power and flexibility of your underlying database. It aims to be a tool for programmers who want their databases to work just as hard as their Perl scripts.
DBIx::ThinSQL gives you access to aggregate expressions, joins, nested selects, unions and database-side operator invocations. Transactional support is provided via DBIx::Connector. Security conscious coders will be pleased to know that all user-supplied values are bound properly using DBI "bind_param()". Binding binary data is handled transparently across different database types.
DBIx::ThinSQL offers a couple of very simple Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete (CRUD) action methods. These are designed to get you up and running quickly when your query data is already inside a hashref. The methods are abstractions of the real API, but should still read as much as possible like SQL.
Although rows can be retrieved from the database as simple objects, DBIx::ThinSQL does not attempt to be an Object-Relational-Mapper (ORM). There are no auto-inflating columns or automatic joins and the code size and speed reflect the lack of complexity.
DBIx::ThinSQL uses the light-weight Log::Any for logging.
Works like a normal DBI. Can be used with things like DBIx::Connector to get nice transaction support.
- xprepare
Does a prepare but knows about bind values and quoted values.
- xval
Creates a statement handle using xprepare(), executes it, and returns the result of the val() method.
- xlist
Creates a statement handle using xprepare(), executes it, and returns the result of the list() method.
- xarrayref
Does a prepare but knows about bind values and quoted values.
- xarrayrefs
Does a prepare but knows about bind values and quoted values.
- xhashref
Does a prepare but knows about bind values and quoted values.
- xhashrefs
Does a prepare but knows about bind values and quoted values.
- txn( &coderef )
Runs the &coderef subroutine inside an SQL transaction. If &coderef raises an exception then the transaction is rolled back and the error gets re-thrown.
Calls to
can be nested. Savepoints will be used by nestedtxn
calls for databases that support them. - dump( $sql, [ @bind_values ] )
- xdump( @tokens )
Debugging shortcut methods. Take either an SQL string (for
) or a set of tokens (forxdump
), run the query, and then call thedump_results
(which pretty-prints to STDOUT) on the resulting statement handle. - log_debug( $sql, [ @bind_values ] )
but sends the results to Log::Anydebug()
- val -> SCALAR
Return the first value of the first row as a scalar.
- list -> LIST
Return the first row from the query as a list.
- arrayref -> ARRAYREF
Return the first row from the query as an array reference.
- arrayrefs -> ARRAYREF
- arrayrefs -> LIST
Update rows in the database and return the number of rows affected. This method is retricted to the wholesale replacement of column values (no database-side calculations etc). Multiple WHERE key/values are only 'AND'd together. An 'undef' value maps to SQL's NULL value.
- hashref -> HASHREF
Delete rows from the database and return the number of rows affected.
- hashrefs -> ARRAYREF[HASHREF]
- hashrefs -> LIST
Delete rows from the database and return the number of rows affected.
The following functions can be exported individually or all at once using the ':all' tag. They all return an object which can be combined with or used inside other functions.
- bv( $value, [ $bind_type ] ) -> DBIx::ThinSQL::BindValue
This function returns an object which tells DBIx::ThinSQL to bind $value using a placeholder. The optional $bind_type is a database type (integer, varchar, timestamp, bytea, etc) which will be converted to the appropriate bind constant during a prepare() or prepare_cached() call.
- qv( $value )
- OR
sq ( @subquery )
-> DBIx::ThinSQL::_expr-
A function for including a sub query inside another:
$db->xarrayref( select => 'subquery.col', from => sq( select => 'col', from => 'table', where => 'condition IS NOT NULL', )->as('subquery'), );
- sql_and( @args ) -> DBIx::ThinSQL::Expr
Maps to "$arg1 AND $arg2 AND ...".
- sql_case( @stmts ) -> DBIx::ThinSQL::Expr
Wraps @stmts inside a CASE/END pair while converting arguments to expressions where needed.
sql_case( when => $actors->name->is_null, then => 'No Name', else => $actors->name, )->as('name') # CASE WHEN IS NULL # THEN ? ELSE END AS name
- sql_coalesce(@args) -> DBIx::ThinSQL::Expr
Maps to "COALESCE($arg1, $arg2, ...)".
- sql_cast($arg1, as => $arg2) -> DBIx::ThinSQL::Expr
Maps to "CAST( $arg1 AS $arg2 )".
- sql_concat(@args) -> DBIx::ThinSQL::Expr
Maps to "$arg1 || $arg2 || ...".
- sql_count(@args) -> DBIx::ThinSQL::Expr
Maps to "COUNT($arg1, $arg2, ...)".
- sql_exists(@args) -> DBIx::ThinSQL::Expr
Maps to "EXISTS(@args)".
- sql_func('myfunc', @args) -> DBIx::ThinSQL::Expr
Maps to "MYFUNC($arg1, $arg2, ...)".
- sql_hex(@args) -> DBIx::ThinSQL::Expr
Maps to "HEX($arg1, $arg2, ...)".
- sql_length(@args) -> DBIx::ThinSQL::Expr
Maps to "LENGTH(@args)".
- sql_lower(@args) -> DBIx::ThinSQL::Expr
Maps to "LOWER(@args)".
- sql_ltrim(@args) -> DBIx::ThinSQL::Expr
Maps to "LTRIM(@args)".
- sql_max(@args) -> DBIx::ThinSQL::Expr
Maps to "MAX(@args)".
- sql_min(@args) -> DBIx::ThinSQL::Expr
Maps to "MIN(@args)".
- sql_rtrim(@args) -> DBIx::ThinSQL::Expr
Maps to "RTRIM(@args)".
- sql_sum(@args) -> DBIx::ThinSQL::Expr
Maps to "MIN(@args)".
- sql_or(@args) -> DBIx::ThinSQL::Expr
Maps to "$arg1 OR $arg2 OR ...".
- sql_replace(@args) -> DBIx::ThinSQL::Expr
Maps to "REPLACE($arg1,$arg2 [,$arg3])".
- sql_substr(@args) -> DBIx::ThinSQL::Expr
Maps to "SUBSTR($arg1, $arg2, ...)".
- sql_table($name, @columns) -> DBIx::ThinSQL::Expr
Maps to "name(col1,col2,...)".
- sql_upper(@args) -> DBIx::ThinSQL::Expr
Maps to "UPPER(@args)".
- sql_values(@args) -> DBIx::ThinSQL::Expr
Maps to "VALUES($arg1, $arg2, ...)".
DBIx::ThinSQL is managed via Github:
DBIx::ThinSQL follows a semantic versioning scheme:
Mark Lawrence <>
Copyright (C) 2013 Mark Lawrence <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.