XML::LibXSLT - Interface to the gnome libxslt library
use XML::LibXSLT;
use XML::LibXML;
my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
my $xslt = XML::LibXSLT->new();
my $source = $parser->parse_file('foo.xml');
my $style_doc = $parser->parse_file('bar.xsl');
my $stylesheet = $xslt->parse_stylesheet($style_doc);
my $results = $stylesheet->transform($source);
print $stylesheet->output_string($results);
This module is an interface to the gnome project's libxslt. This is an extremely good XSLT engine, highly compliant and also very fast. I have tests showing this to be more than twice as fast as Sablotron.
When calling new()
, the following options are available (passed in as a hash of key/value pairs):
- error_handler
A subroutine reference or function name that is called whenever an XSLT processsing error occurs. Note that this is not the same as an XML parsing error - for that see XML::LibXSLT.
The following methods are available on the new XML::LibXSLT object:
here is an XML::LibXML::Document object (see XML::LibXML) representing an XSLT file. This method will return a XML::LibXSLT::Stylesheet object, or undef on failure.
The main API is on the stylesheet, though it is fairly minimal.
One of the main advantages of XML::LibXSLT is that you have a generic stylesheet object which you call the transform() method passing in a document to transform. This allows you to have multiple transformations happen with one stylesheet without requiring a reparse.
Transforms the passed in XML::LibXML::Document object, and returns a new XML::LibXML::Document.
Returns a scalar that is the XSLT rendering of the XML::LibXML::Document object using the desired output format (specified in the xsl:output tag in the stylesheet). Note that you can also call $result->toString, but that will *always* output the document in XML format, and in UTF8, which may not be what you asked for in the xsl:output tag.
output_fh($result, $fh)
Outputs the result to the filehandle given in $fh
output_file($result, $filename)
Outputs the result to the file named in $filename
Included in the distribution is a simple benchmark script, which has two drivers - one for LibXSLT and one for Sablotron. The benchmark requires the testcases files from the XSLTMark distribution which you can find at
Put the testcases directory in the directory created by this distribution, and then run:
perl -h
to get a list of options.
The benchmark requires XML::XPath at the moment, but I hope to factor that out of the equation fairly soon. It also requires Time::HiRes, which I could be persuaded to factor out, replacing it with, but I haven't done so yet.
I would love to get drivers for XML::XSLT and XML::Transformiix, if you would like to contribute them. Also if you get this running on Win32, I'd love to get a driver for MSXSLT via OLE, to see what we can do against those Redmond boys!
Matt Sergeant,
Copyright 2001, Ltd. All rights reserved.