DBIx::Class::Schema - composable schemas
package Library::Schema;
use base qw/DBIx::Class::Schema/;
# load Library::Schema::CD, Library::Schema::Book, Library::Schema::DVD
__PACKAGE__->load_classes(qw/CD Book DVD/);
package Library::Schema::CD;
use base qw/DBIx::Class/;
__PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/PK::Auto Core/); # for example
# Elsewhere in your code:
my $schema1 = Library::Schema->connect(
{ AutoCommit => 0 },
my $schema2 = Library::Schema->connect($coderef_returning_dbh);
# fetch objects using Library::Schema::DVD
my $resultset = $schema1->resultset('DVD')->search( ... );
my @dvd_objects = $schema2->resultset('DVD')->search( ... );
Creates database classes based on a schema. This is the recommended way to use DBIx::Class and allows you to use more than one concurrent connection with your classes.
NB: If you're used to Class::DBI it's worth reading the "SYNOPSIS" carefully as DBIx::Class does things a little differently. Note in particular which module inherits off which.
Registers a class which isa DBIx::Class::ResultSourceProxy. Equivalent to calling
$schema->register_source($moniker, $component_class->result_source_instance);
Registers the DBIx::Class::ResultSource in the schema with the given moniker.
Retrieves the result class name for the given moniker.
my $class = $schema->class('CD');
my $source = $schema->source('Book');
Returns the DBIx::Class::ResultSource object for the registered moniker.
Returns the source monikers of all source registrations on this schema.
my @source_monikers = $schema->sources;
my $rs = $schema->resultset('DVD');
Returns the DBIx::Class::ResultSet object for the registered moniker.
With no arguments, this method uses Module::Find to find all classes under the schema's namespace. Otherwise, this method loads the classes you specify (using use), and registers them (using "register_class").
It is possible to comment out classes with a leading '#', but note that perl will think it's a mistake (trying to use a comment in a qw list) so you'll need to add "no warnings 'qw';" before your load_classes call.
My::Schema->load_classes(); # loads My::Schema::CD, My::Schema::Artist,
# etc. (anything under the My::Schema namespace)
# loads My::Schema::CD, My::Schema::Artist, Other::Namespace::Producer but
# not Other::Namespace::LinerNotes nor My::Schema::Track
My::Schema->load_classes(qw/ CD Artist #Track /, {
Other::Namespace => [qw/ Producer #LinerNotes /],
Calls "compose_namespace" in DBIx::Class::schema to the target namespace, calls "connection" in DBIx::Class::Schema(@db_info) on the new schema, then injects the DBix::Class::ResultSetProxy component and a resultset_instance classdata entry on all the new classes in order to support $target_namespaces::$class->search(...) method calls.
This is primarily useful when you have a specific need for class method access to a connection. In normal usage it is preferred to call "connect" in DBIx::Class::Schema and use the resulting schema object to operate on DBIx::Class::ResultSet objects with "resultset" in DBIx::Class::Schema for more information.
For each DBIx::Class::ResultSource in the schema, this method creates a class in the target namespace (e.g. $target_namespace::CD, $target_namespace::Artist) that inherits from the corresponding classes attached to the current schema.
It also attaches a corresponding DBIx::Class::ResultSource object to the new $schema object. If $additional_base_class
is given, the new composed classes will inherit from first the corresponding classe from the current schema then the base class.
e.g. (for a schema with My::Schema::CD and My::Schema::Artist classes),
$schema->compose_namespace('My::DB', 'Base::Class');
print join (', ', @My::DB::CD::ISA) . "\n";
print join (', ', @My::DB::Artist::ISA) ."\n";
Will produce the output
My::Schema::CD, Base::Class
My::Schema::Artist, Base::Class
Sets up a database connection class to inject between the schema and the subclasses that the schema creates.
Instantiates a new Storage object of type "storage_type" in DBIx::Class::Schema and passes the arguments to $storage->connect_info. Sets the connection in-place on the schema. See "connect_info" in DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI for more information.
This is a convenience method. It is equivalent to calling $schema->clone->connection(@info). See "connection" and "clone" for more information.
Begins a transaction (does nothing if AutoCommit is off). Equivalent to calling $schema->storage->txn_begin. See "txn_begin" in DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI for more information.
Commits the current transaction. Equivalent to calling $schema->storage->txn_commit. See "txn_commit" in DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI for more information.
Rolls back the current transaction. Equivalent to calling $schema->storage->txn_rollback. See "txn_rollback" in DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI for more information.
Executes $coderef
with (optional) arguments @coderef_args
atomically, returning its result (if any). If an exception is caught, a rollback is issued and the exception is rethrown. If the rollback fails, (i.e. throws an exception) an exception is thrown that includes a "Rollback failed" message.
For example,
my $author_rs = $schema->resultset('Author')->find(1);
my $coderef = sub {
my ($author, @titles) = @_;
# If any one of these fails, the entire transaction fails
$author->create_related('books', {
title => $_
}) foreach (@titles);
return $author->books;
my $rs;
eval {
$rs = $schema->txn_do($coderef, $author_rs, qw/Night Day It/);
if ($@) {
my $error = $@;
if ($error =~ /Rollback failed/) {
die "something terrible has happened!";
} else {
In a nested transaction (calling txn_do() from within a txn_do() coderef) only the outermost transaction will issue a "txn_commit" in DBIx::Class::Schema on the Schema's storage, and txn_do() can be called in void, scalar and list context and it will behave as expected.
Clones the schema and its associated result_source objects and returns the copy.
Populates the source registered with the given moniker with the supplied data. @data should be a list of listrefs -- the first containing column names, the second matching values.
$schema->populate('Artist', [
[ qw/artistid name/ ],
[ 1, 'Popular Band' ],
[ 2, 'Indie Band' ],
Throws an exception. Defaults to using Carp::Clan to report errors from user's perspective.
Attempts to deploy the schema to the current storage using SQL::Translator.
Note that this feature is currently EXPERIMENTAL and may not work correctly across all databases, or fully handle complex relationships.
Matt S. Trout <>
You may distribute this code under the same terms as Perl itself.