AnyEvent::Radius::Client - module to implement AnyEvent based RADIUS client
use AnyEvent;
use AnyEvent::Radius::Client;
my $dict = AnyEvent::Radius::Client->load_dictionary('path-to-radius-dictionary');
sub read_reply_callback {
# $h is HASH-REF {type, request_id, av_list, from, authenticator}
my ($self, $h) = @_;
my $client = AnyEvent::Radius::Client->new(
ip => $ip,
port => $port,
on_read => \&read_reply_callback,
dictionary => $dict,
secret => $secret,
The AnyEvent::Radius::Client module allows to send multiple RADIUS requests in non-blocking way, and then wait for responses.
- new ( ..options hash )
- ip
- port - where to connect
- secret - RADIUS secret string for remote server
- dictionary - optional, dictionary loaded by load_dictionary() method
- read_timeout
- write_timeout - network I/O timeouts (default is 5 second)
- Callbacks:
- on_read - called when reply received, arguments is hash-ref with {request_id, type, av_list, authenticator} keys
- on_read_raw - called when reply received, raw data packet is provided as argument
- on_read_timeout - timeout waiting for reply from server. Aborts the waiting state
- on_write_timeout - timeout sending request
- on_error - invalid packet received, or low-level socket error
- load_dictionary ($dictionary-file)
Class method to load dictionary - returns the object to be passed to constructor
- send_packet ( $type, $av_list )
Builds RADIUS packet using Data::Radius::Packet and store it to outgoing queue. Returns request id. Note that it's not possible to schedule more than 255 requests - trying to add more will return undef
- send_auth ($av_list)
- send_acct ($av_list)
- send_pod ($av_list)
- send_coa ($av_list)
Helper methods to send RADIUS request of required type by send_request()
- wait()
Blocks until all requests are received or read timeout reached
- on_ready ( $cond_var )
Used to coordinate multiple clients instead of wait()
my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar; $client1->on_ready($cv); $client2->on_ready($cv); $client3->on_ready($cv); $cv->recv;
Will be blocked until all clients finish their queue.
- destroy()
Destroy the internal socket handle. Must be called when object is no longer required. When called from callback, it is recommended to wrap this call into AnyEvent::postpone { ... } block.
Authen::Radius, AnyEvent::Radius::Server, Data::Radius
Sergey Leschenko < at>
PortaOne Development Team <perl-radius at> is the current module's maintainer at CPAN.