App::GitHub::FindRepository - Determine the right case for a GitHub repository
Version 0.04
github-find-repository git://
# git://
github-find-repository robertkrimen,Doc-Simply
# git://
github-find-repository --pinger=./bin/git-ls-remote ...
# ... or ...
use App::GitHub::FindRepository
my $url = App::GitHub::FindRepository->find( robertkrimen/Doc-Simply )
# git://
GitHub recently made a change that now allows mixed-case repository names. Unfortunately, their git daemon will not find the right repository given the wrong case.
App::GitHub::FindRepository (github-find-repository
) will interrogate the repository home page (HTML), looking for the "right" repository name in a case insensitive manner
If LWP is not installed and curl is not available, then the finder will fallback to using the git protocol (via git-ls-remote or git-peek-remote). It will first attempt to ping the mixed-case version, and, failing that, will attempt to ping the lowercase version.
In either case, it will return/print the valid repository url, if any
When finding via the git protocol, the following applies:
Given a mixed-case repository, the find routine will try the mixed-case once, then the lowercase. It will not find anything else
github-find-repository --git-protocol robertkrimen/Doc-Simply
...will work, as long as the real repository is robertkrimen/Doc-Simply.git
or robertkrimen/doc-simply.git
If the real repository is robertkrimen/dOc-sImPlY.git
then the finder will NOT see it
cpan -i App::GitHub::FindRepository
You can also try using the bash script below if you need a quick-fix
A commandline application that will print out the the repository with the right casing
Usage: github-find-repository [--pinger <pinger>] [--getter <getter>] ... <repository>
--pinger The pinger to use (default is either git-ls-remote or git-peek-remote)
--getter The getter to use (default is LWP then curl)
--git-protocol Don't try to determine the repository by sniffing HTML, just use git://
NOTE: This mode will only check the given casing then lowercase
<repository> The repository to test, can be like:
For example:
github-find-repository --getter curl robertkrimen,aPp-giTHuB-findRepOsitory
$repository = AppGitHub::FindRepository->find( <repository> [, pinger => <pinger>, getter => <getter>] )
Given a mixed-case repository URI, it will return the version with the right case
$repository = AppGitHub::FindRepository->find_by_git( <repository> [, pinger => <pinger>] )
Given a mixed-case repository URI, it will return the version with the right case, but only using the git protocol
NOTE: This method will only check the given casing then lowercase. See CAVEAT
A bash function as an alternative
If you do not want to install App::GitHub::FindRepository, here is a bash equivalent (using the git protocol, see CAVEAT):
function github-find-repository() {
local pinger=`which git-ls-remote`
if [ "$pinger" == "" ]; then pinger=`which git-peek-remote`; fi
if [ "$pinger" == "" ]; then echo "Couldn't find pinger (git-ls-remote or git-peek-remote)"; return -1; fi
local repository=$1
if [ "`$pinger $repository 2>/dev/null`" ]; then echo $repository; return 0; fi
repository=`echo $repository | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]" `
if [ "`$pinger $repository 2>/dev/null`" ]; then echo $repository; return 0; fi
return -1
github-find-repository $*
Robert Krimen, <rkrimen at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-app-github-findrepository at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc App::GitHub::FindRepository
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Copyright 2009 Robert Krimen, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.